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vim plugin which formated javascript files by js-beautify

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vim-jsbeautify - v1.1.1 - 2012-12-27

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This extension allows you to use the [jsbeautifier] ( inside vim-and that will allow you to quickly format javascript, html and css files. And with version 1.0 has support [editorconfig] ( file.

Any comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome.



To use this extension you need will install one of the javascript interpreter [nodejs] ( or [v8] (

Installing without plugin-manager

Download zip [file] ( or clone project. Then copy plugin folder from plugin's directory to your dot vim (.vim) folder.

cd vim-jsbeautify-master
cp -r plugin ~/.vim/

Installing using pathogen

  cd ~/.vim/bundle
  git clone
  cd vim-jsbeautify && git submodule update --init --recursive

Installing using vundle

Simply add a line to your .vimrc.

  Bundle 'maksimr/vim-jsbeautify'

You'd better add another line in your .vimrc to use js-beautify.

    Bundle 'einars/js-beautify'

call BundleInstall()


Also need to be installed after the expansion, go to its folder and perform git submodule update --init --recursive or specify when you set up the path to the external file format (shown below).


In version 1.0, all configuration is done through a file .editorconfig. This file can be located either in the root folder for the user ~ / .editorconfig , or in a folder. vim ~ / .vim / .editorconfig .

To define custom path to .editorconfig file you should define variable g:editorconfig_Beautifier

Settings are taken from sections [**. js], [**. css] and [**. html]. within these sections can use a special comment ; vim:, but this comment can be used only for the global settings.

You can also configure a variable g: config_Beautifier(g:config_Beautifier has type dict), but it is better to use. Editorconfig file.


A simple example of .editorconfig file:

  ; .editorconfig

  root = true

  indent_style = space
  indent_size = 4

  indent_style = space
  indent_size = 4

  indent_style = space
  indent_size = 4
  max_char = 78
  brace_style = expand

.editorconfig file which use special comments (;vim:) and special properties for jsbeautify plugin like path, bin

  ; .editorconfig

  root = true

  ; Path to the external file format
  ; The default is taken from the lib folder inside the folder extension.
  ; Javascript interpreter to be invoked by default 'node'
  indent_style = space
  indent_size = 4

  indent_style = space
  indent_size = 4

  ; Using special comments
  ; And such comments or apply only in global configuration
  ; So it's best to avoid them
  indent_style = space
  indent_size = 4



  map <c-f> :call JsBeautify()<cr>
  " or
  autocmd FileType javascript noremap <buffer>  <c-f> :call JsBeautify()<cr>
  " for html
  autocmd FileType html noremap <buffer> <c-f> :call HtmlBeautify()<cr>
  " for css or scss
  autocmd FileType css noremap <buffer> <c-f> :call CSSBeautify()<cr>

JsBeautify function takes two parameters, this number of start and end lines by default they are stet to 0 and $.

If you want beautify only selected lines you should use functions RangeJsBeautify, RangeCSSBeautify, RangeHtmlBeautify.

Example of binding function for js, html and css in visual mode on

  autocmd FileType javascript vnoremap <buffer>  <c-f> :call RangeJsBeautify()<cr>
  autocmd FileType html vnoremap <buffer> <c-f> :call RangeHtmlBeautify()<cr>
  autocmd FileType css vnoremap <buffer> <c-f> :call RangeCSSBeautify()<cr>

Running tests

Tests are written in Urchin for vim files and build in Grunt test runer for javascript files. Note all commands bellow you should run from plugin directory.

Run vim tests with urchin.

./urchin test/vim

(Or put it some other place in your PATH.)

How run vim and javascript tests with grunt.

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install

grunt test

Run only javascript tests.

grunt nodeunit

Thanks for assistance:



  • Add support js-beautify v1.3.1


Licensed MIT Copyright (c) 2012 Maksim Ryzhikov;


vim plugin which formated javascript files by js-beautify






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