A helper library for getting information (including an assert and print macros) from Arduino including the Esp32 via the usual serial port
"What sort of debuggery is this...?"
~ someone in Dr Dobbs Journal many decades ago.
Debuggery is not Debug or Debugging! Meaning, this is not 'real' debugging using jtag (or any thing else super duper fancy with the ability to stop code, check registers amd variables and resume). What it is, is a set of C++ low impact print utilities (with colour), along with a macro implementation that allows you to have asserts and debug prints that can be defined out for a final release version, without necessarily having to wrap code in '#if' and '#endif' preprocessor statements. And, when you do not define DEBUG_ON takes up no EPROM or RAM at all.
- Why?
- How to use it
- How to disable debugging for a release version
- Initialisation
- Printing to the Serial port
- Colour support
- Assert
- Macros instead
- Spelling
- Debuggery Public Members
- Coding Style
- Language
It extends the Print amd Printable classes, also used by Arduino Serial, LiquidCrystal, Ethernet and WifI, and so prints in exactly the same way with out adding much overhead to your code (about 1k). Implemented correctly, a 'release version' of your code (debug statements defined out) should have zero extra bytes of both program and volatile memory from this utility. Unlike some other debug utilities library this will print floating point numbers (in the same way as the Arduino Serial library). In addition Debuggery includes a speed test (showing loops per second), and a program announce that also shows the selected MCU or board being used.
So why? I had collected various bits and pieces that I was using as a irregular and sometimes random scaffolding code, but generally in every project while I was developing it, some of which I thought might be useful to others. Sometimes I even forgot about things I had, or had learnt before. Putting it together in a Library made the most sense. And when actually putting this together, I discovered even more (like Variadic Macros). Since the boiler plate was mostly used for Serial Out at the start of a project only when I was debugging (yes I know...) - tying it together with Debugging macros seemed like the best idea.
Note, that in debuggery.h
you get way of identifying the type of MCU or board being used, see 'src\board_name.h' inspired by this answer on Arduino Stack Exchange by @Elmue. While it looks like it might take a lot of memory, in reality only one entry for "BOARD_NAME" is created and used taking a handful of bytes.
Install the library code in the normal way. Currently that means using the 'add zip method' in arduino IDE 2.0 onwards. Alternatively, download the current release zip file, and copy the folder inside to where the arduino libraries are stored on your system. On windows, by default, this is in your documents folder, under 'Arduino\libraries'.
Once installed, copy the contents of examples/debug_assert
to a working folder to create as a sketch. (Do NOT use the arduino 'include library' method from the sketch menu as that will add all the header files to your sketch INO file, when all we want is to include the 'debug_conditionals.h' header file that we will have copied or created in the local sketch folder.)
The debug_assert.ino
is just a modified 'blink' sketch. To Debug or not is a question we decide (are building a debug or a release build?) in the 'debug_conditionals.h' header file.
Why a separate header file, and not just in the sketch.INO? Basically, because of the scope limitations of pre-processing in C++ it is not possible to have something defined in one C++ file and have it also show up in another '.cpp' file, even if they are in the same folder. Now while this isn't actually true of '.ino' files since all the INO files in the Arduino project folder are concatenated together before pre-processing to act as one big INO file, it is true if you have other '.cpp' files present.
So if you only use '.ino' files you can get away with including the contents of 'debug_conditionals.h' in your main '.ino' file, if you really insisted. However, I wouldn't recommend it - because if you ever add a '.cpp' file to your project you don't want to be taken by surprise the hard way (you know, after hours of work tracking down a non-existent bug). If this surprises you, you are not alone. For a while I naturally assumed that Arduino treated '.ino' files and '.cpp' file exactly the same way, and couldn't understand where (and why) variable that should have been module specific were turning up as globals. Problems with the way Arduino does its pre-processing have been discussed for a long time now, even if some of the fixes proposed no longer seem to work. See How to disable debugging for a release version for more on this.
For this reason you should include 'debug_conditionals.h' (or another file like it) in every file that you are going to use the assert macro or use Debuggery or the macros to print out some information from the Serial port.
To disable debugging just comment out the DEBUG_ON define in the include 'debug_conditionals.h' that you have added to your project.
// ************************* here **************************
# define DEBUG_ON true // comment this out to remove debuggery altogether.
is not defined you will save program storage and dynamic memory. With the example code it will be about 1k of program storage and over 100 bytes of dynamic memory, and your 'release' version will likely run faster too, since it won't have extra, or maybe any, print statements going out to the Serial port. Unfortunately, if you include a reference to the header file 'debuggery.h' in an INO file even if #defined out (as in "debug_conditionals.h"), Arduino seems to find a way of including the associated cpp file. This is true of all library headers that you might add, not just Debuggery! See this answer from Nick Gammon on StackExchange for an hint about why.
and not DEBUG
? It is to avoid potential collisions with an IDE environment that uses debug builds versus releases (now or in the future) since they will certainly use DEBUG. This is really up to you, as DEBUG will probably work now, though I would recommend using DEBUG_ON as it is distinct. All of the defines I use for various aspects of 'print-out' debugging for various parts of the program I always start with DEBUG_, so I know at a glance what they are doing there. These have a home in debug_conditionals.h
where they are define (true or false) only where DEBUG_ON is defined true.
Surround every Debuggery use (or group, or even a whole function) with #if DEBUG_ON ... #endif
or another DEBUG_XXX macro, so that when DEBUG_ON is not defined (or it is defined to be false) the code runs without any issues, OR use the Macros instead as shown below if you just have isolated print statements.
If you are convinced that using DEBUG (or even NDEBUG) will not result in any present or future collisions or issues, go ahead and use it. You'll probably want assert() as well (again not recommended). (UPDATE: After going back to do more work on the Esp32, I've found that it includes variations on the assert macros, so you really really don't want to an yet another one to the mix.) Note that as of v1.1.7 'assert()' has been commented out, so you will need to un-comment that in debuggery.h and not_debuggery.h, while debug_assert remain unaffected.
Debuggery must be initialised using Debuggery.initialise(true)
(or false for no colour). VScode will handle colour. You won't want colour if just using the Arduino IDE, as that doesn't handle colour and you'll see extra junk characters instead.
If you have a Serial port open already, 'initialise' will flush the Serial port and re-open it at the default speed of 115200, or at the speed your specify.
Debuggery implements all of the Serial ports print and println commands, so for example Debuggery.print(127, BIN)
will print "01111111" to the serial port, in exactly the same way as Serial. You can find details of Arduino Serial here Serial.print and here Serial.println.
You can set the colour to print, or use some overloads of Debuggery.print to print text in colour. To change the colour of text can use setColour(ForegroundColour)
(note the Commonwealth spelling) or setColour(ForegroundColour, BackgroundColour)
to turn of a colour, and resetColour()
to change it back to default. The colours to be used can be found on the ANSI escape code wikipedia page. See spelling below if you want to use color instead of colour (basically you can).
These colours are allowed:
FG | BG | Colour |
30 | 40 | Black |
31 | 41 | Red |
32 | 42 | Green |
33 | 43 | Yellow |
34 | 44 | Blue |
35 | 45 | Magenta |
36 | 46 | Cyan |
37 | 47 | White |
90 | 100 | Bright Black (Gray) |
91 | 101 | Bright Red |
92 | 102 | Bright Green |
93 | 103 | Bright Yellow |
94 | 104 | Bright Blue |
95 | 105 | Bright Magenta |
96 | 106 | Bright Cyan |
97 | 107 | Bright White |
An assert macro is provided that uses Debuggery to print to the serial port. When DEBUG_ON
is undefined (see: How to use it above) the debug_assert()
macro is replaced by ((void)0)
which tells the compiler to do nothing, and not emit any code for the statement. When DEBUG_ON
is defined debug_assert(some_boolean_test_condition)
will call Debuggery.__assert(...)
passing the detail of the error and the location. If the condition is false, Debuggery.__assert
will print 'assertion failed' follow by the condition that caused it, the function (if present), the file, and the line number. And then the application will be aborted (terminated), or in the case of the Esp32 put into an infinite loop, since the Esp32 will reboot after an abort making it harder to read the error.
So our example code 'debug_macros.ino' when asserting the evidently false assertion debug_assert(true == false)
the following will be printed on the serial monitor:
Assertion failed: (true == false), function:loop, file:C:\Home\Github\Debuggery\examples\debug_assert\debug_assert.ino, line:32.
If DEBUG_ON is undefined in 'debug_conditionals.h', (just comment it out) this macro wil be removed from the code when complied (though it is still present in the source code), and the loop will continue as expected.
You might want to remove the need for #if DEBUG_ON
or #ifndef DEBUG_ON
from your code for single line prints, too make the code easier to manage especially if you don't want Macro conditions littered everywhere.
So for all of Debuggery you can substitute a macro in the form DEBUG_'some debuggery function'.
Some examples here:
instead of Debuggery.initialise(true);
DEBUG_PROGANNOUNCE("Name of prog", "some greeting or detail");
instead of Debuggery.progAnnounce("Name of prog", "some greeting or detail");
instead of Debuggery.print(127, HEX);
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Some text");
instead of Debuggery.println("Some text");
instead of Debuggery.setColour(91);
So this section of code...
Debuggery.println("Some text");
# endif
can be replaced with:
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Some text");
...which is probably easier and neater.
Note that each of these macro substitutions requires a semi colon at the end to complete the statement. Easy to forget.
With one exception all of these macros when DEBUG_ON
is not defined will be replaced in the code with (void(0)) which means they will be ignored by the compiler.
The exception is the boolean 'Overloaded operator' call to Debuggery, which will be replaced with (true)
, so that if(DEBUG_DEBUGGERY)
will not result in a syntax error. This replicates the behaviour of the default if(Serial)
statement. See Arduino if(Serial). If you do use this it would be best to wrap the use of it in an #if DEBUG_ON ... #endif
preprocessor conditional, so the if or while statement is not unnecessarily included in the release code.
I can't. As I discovered when I found how to get spell check for Readme.md files.
But more importantly... since I expect someone will want to spell colour as color, there are macros that will do with auto-magically, so using Debuggery.setColor(91)
is the same as using Debuggery.setColour(91)
is the same as using DEBUG_SETCOLOUR(91)
Overloaded operator to test if the serial port has started.
Overloaded functions to initialise Debuggery.
Overloaded functions to display the Board name and program and a greeting (or 'hello') usually used in setup when establishing the app as a start up message.
void speedTest(const uint8_t reportEvery, const char* extraText, const char* moreExtraText, const bool bAverage, const bool bAverageReset)
Overloaded functions when inserted (once only) in a loop as the last item, will report the number of loops per second displaying every 'reportEvery' number of seconds, with additional text depending on the overload. If bAverage is true, it will also report a cumulative average. If bAverageReset is true (need be only for one loop), then the cumulative average is reset for the next report period.
See Serial.print() and Serial.println().
Write a byte to the the serial port.
Changes the serial monitor display colour.
Changes the serial monitor foreground and background display colour.
Resets the colour to the default value.
Used in conjunction with the debug_assert macro.
I prefer one idea per line, full and redundant use of brackets and braces, and I avoid terse expression like x =+ 2
in favour of x = x + 2
, making an exception for for the obvious x++
. (Terse code is only useful, in my view, for those having a crack at the International Obfuscated C Code Contest!) None of this makes a bit of difference to the compiled result, of course.
The brace format is called whitesmiths, though I hadn't heard of that before using '.editorconfig'. Using whitesmiths may show my age, but really it is just that I have read Steve McConnell's 'Code Complete' which explains why the braces are like 'begin' and 'end' (with some evidence has to how to place them for clarity and why 'Allman' and 'Whitesmiths' are superior), and Charles Petzold in general who used Whitesmiths. Beyond that, this is the style I find is the cleanest and clearest (for the least Cognitive load), and is the preferred coding style in my repositories.
Somewhere, somehow, someone will be offended by the name of this project. And I will probably have to change it.
Where I grew up in Western Australia the use of the word 'bugger' was considered inoffensive slang. My favourite aunt used it, it was used in front of children, and in front of your mother. It was even in a Toyota television add back a few decades ago. This is by way of contrast with the F-Bomb which was never used in polite company ever. But like a lot of language Australian expressions like 'bugger' and 'crikey' have fallen into less common use. The more woke amongst us would suggest that these words had derivations respectively from homophobic or blasphemous roots, and that culture, rightfully, moves with the times.
That language changes is demonstrated by that last sentence which would not have been parsed at all well in the last century! Of course, even roots is sort of rude in Australia. And internationalisation has meant many words from my childhood in the 60's and 70's have vanished. Locally, we used ging (for sling shot or child's catapult) and broggie (for skidding your bicycle sideway especially on a sandy track or road) which I haven't heard in decades. Though 'gidgee' for fishing spear seems to have escaped its local confines (Perth Noongar aboriginal word) and is apparently now used world wide.
Perhaps by using Debuggery I am just inviting a pull request...
...OK, I really should stop now.