By adding the thunkMiddleware to any of your built_redux stores, any action dispatched
that's payload meets the typedef signature dynamic thunk(MiddlewareApi api)
will be called.
Create a function that returns a thunk configured with an url,
that dispatches an action (onRequestResolved
) in async code:
// api's type is inferred
Thunk<TestCounter, TestCounterBuilder, TestCounterActions> httpRequestThunk(String url) => (api) {
// call the web server asynchronously.
Add an thunk dispatcher to your ReduxActions:
abstract class CounterActions extends ReduxActions {
ActionDispatcher<Thunk<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions>> thunkDispatcher;
ActionDispatcher<String> onRequestResolved;
// factory to create on instance of the generated implementation of CounterActions
factory CounterActions() => new _$CounterActions();
The action with Thunk
isn't mapped to a reducer.
Register the Thunk
var store = new Store<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions>(
new Counter(),
new CounterActions(),
middleware: <Middleware<TestCounter, TestCounterBuilder, TestCounterActions>>[
Dispatch the thunk