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StorEvil Command Line

davidmfoley edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 6 revisions

StorEvil has a fairly simple command line.

It is recommended you put storevil.exe in your path.

Common command-line switches.

These are switches that are used in both modes.

--story-path, -p

Sets the path to your story files (if different than the PWD).

--assemblies, -a

Sets the path to your context assemblies that are used to interpret the specifications.

(todo: add a switch for specifying story file extensions)

Executing specifications

storevil execute

Executes specifications in place and outputs to the console.

storevil debug

Executes specifications in place with debugging support. See Debugging for more information.

Generating NUnit test fixtures

storevil nunit

Generates a .cs file with NUnit test fixtures created for each scenario.

The output file defaults to PWD\Generated.cs or you can specify the destination with the -d, --destination switch:

storevil nunit --destination C:\MyTestProject\GeneratedStorEvilTests.cs

Note that this mode does not have all of the flexibility of in-place execution, and is under less active development.

Getting help

storevil help {command}

Displays the command-line arguments for the given command (available commands are “execute” or “nunit”).