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davidmfoley edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 13 revisions

Reflection-based pattern matching

Other similar tools use regular expressions.

In StorEvil, although Regular-Expression matching is supported, matching based on the names of functions is the preferred method:

For example, in order to match the following:

Given I have a savings account with $100

In SpecFlow, and similarly in Cucumber (ignoring the language differences between C# & Ruby), you would write something like this:

 [Given("I have a (\\w+) account with $(.*)")]
 public void GivenIHaveAccount(string type, decimal amount) { ... }

In StorEvil, you could use similar syntax to the above, OR, you can write it as follows:

  public void Given_I_Have_A_accountType_Account_with_amount(string accountType, decimal amount) { ... }