Alpha software. Use at your own risk.
allows you to share ALSA sequencer devices on the network using RTP
MIDI, and import other network shared RTP MIDI devices.
is an user daemon, and when a RTP MIDI device is announced using mDNS
(also known as Zeroconf, Avahi, and multicast DNS) it exposes this ALSA
sequencer port.
For information about librtpmidid and how to use it, read
There is many hardware with RTP MIDI support, normally controllers, but for example Behringer DeepMind12 Synthesizer has support over Wifi.
- raveloxmidi - Intended to be used directly with hardware devices or emulate midi over FIFO.
- rtpmidi from McLaren Labs. It is a feature complete, GUI driven, Comercial implementation. Very similar to Tobias Erichsen's rtpmidi.
On MacOS there is support included in the OS.
To test I used MIDI Network
and MIDI Wrench
. The first to manage
connections, the second to test.
I was able to communicate exporting at rtpmidid side connecting my gadget to the
port. Then use the MIDI Network
on the iPad to make the connection.
- rtpmidi by Tobias Erichsen.
There are also many Apple iPad / iPhone and Android programs with rtp midi support. I will try to list them as I find them:
- [MIDI Hub] (
- [MIDI Connector] (
- TouchDAW.
Recomended use is via debian packages, at
Real Time Protocol Music Instrument Digital Interface Daemon v23.10b1~12~g3495e
(C) 2019-2023 David Moreno Montero <>
Share ALSA sequencer MIDI ports using rtpmidi, and viceversa.
rtpmidi allows to use rtpmidi protocol to communicate with MIDI equipement
using network equipiment. Recomended use is via ethernet cabling as with WiFi
there is a lot more latency. Internet use has not been tested, but may also
deliver high latency.
--ini Loads an INI file as default configuration. Depending on order may overwrite other arguments
--port Opens local port as server. Default 5004.
--name Forces the alsa and rtpmidi name
--alsa-name Forces the alsa name
--rtpmidid-name Forces the rtpmidi name
--control Creates a control socket. Check Default `/var/run/rtpmidid/control.sock`
--version Show version
--help Show this help
By default it only exports all network discovered rtpmidi network ports into ALSA ports.
On installation from .deb it uses a default /etc/rtpmidid/default.ini
file that sets some sensible defaults:
- Export as ALSA a "Network" port to which any ALSA connected device is exported to the network.
- Export as ALSA ports any rtpmidi announced on the network.
- Export a Network rtpmidi port at 5004, to which external devices can connect to and will be shown as ALSA ports.
If there is no ini file, must use --alsa-name
, --rtpmidid-name
or --name
to create the ALSA Network port, the rtpmidi host port, or both.
Normal rule is just connect with normal ALSA commands and UIs, and the communication will be transparent.
Announced an rtpmidi service using mDNS (avahi / zeroconf) with the name of the current host.
Other services can connect to this rtpmidi port and ALSA ports will be created for this connection.
To export a local alsa sequencer port, connect it to the "Network" port.
It will create the server, announce the mDNS service so other endpoints know it exist, and accept connections.
MIDI data is rerouted to the proper endpoint by checking the source port.
When connecting the Network port to an input, it merges all the midi events from all exported services. Normally this is not the desired behaviour, so it is recomended to export output ports, not input ones. This will be fixed in the future.
Any port announced on the network will be available at the ALSA port always.
For mDNS discovered endpoints, the connection is delayed until the alsa seq connection.
Also it can connect to other endpoints by ip and port. It's possible to create
new connection via command line with rtpmidid-cli connect NAME IP PORT
. There
are variations to connect that skip the name and port.
Ini files can be loaded to set up initial status as described above. This the default, here as reference:
# example ini file for rtpmidid
## All announce sections and connect_to can appear several times.
# RTPMIDI announcement requires a firewall rule to allow incoming
# connections on port 5004. If you want to not have an rtpmidi_announce
# section, comment it out or delete it.
# This creates an announced rtpmidi endpoint, and any connection
# will create a new ALSA port.
# Alsa announcement requires no firewall as it creates random
# ports for each connection. If you want to not have an alsa_announce
# section, comment it out or delete it.
# Name for the ALSA connection so that when a conneciton is made, an rtpmidi
# is announced.
name=Network Export
# and now some fixed connections
# [connect_to]
# hostname=
# port=5004
# name=DeepMind12D
# [connect_to]
# hostname=
# # default port is 5004
# name=midid
There are Debian packages at .
They are available for Ubuntu 18.04 x64 and Raspbian 32bits, but may work
also on other systems. Only the rtpmidid_[version]_[arch].deb
file is needed.
Install with:
dpkg -i rtpmidid.deb
apt -f install
Replace the rtpmidid.deb file with the name of the downloaded file.
apt -f install
ensure that all dependencies are installed.
To easy build there is a simple makefile, which can be invoked to compile with
make build
. Use make
or make help
to get help on commands.
Its possible to create a debian / ubuntu package with make deb
Requires C++20 (Ubuntu 22.04+), libasound2-dev, libavahi-client-dev.
If you find any bug, please report it to
It is very usefull if you can accompany it with the resulting capture file from
executing make capture
make capture
is tuned to capture the network packets at ports 10000
, but can be tuned to other ports with make capture PORT=5004
The port 10000
is the one used for developing. To run a development version of
the rtpmidid server, execute make run
. There are more options at make help
This captures packets for connections TO rtpmidid, not connecitons FROM rtpmidid. For those connecitons another port may need to be set.
- Daemon, no need for UI
- ALSA MIDI -- Inputs as ALSA MIDI inputs, outputs a ALSA MIDI outputs
- Autoconfigurable for mDNS Endpoints
Development status / plan:
mDNS client/server
Async framework (epoll with callbacks based code)
mDNS publish and learn when there are rtpmidi running on the network
Create the alsa ports for found rtpmidi servers in the network
When there is any connection to the alsa sequencer port
creates the rtpmidi connection -
Any message from alsa seq is sent to the MIDI rtp extreme
Any message from rtpmidi is replayed on the alsa seq
Can export local ports, with user deciding which ones to export.
Server mode at a known port, when remote side request connections, create the alsa seq virtual port for that connection and connect both ports.
Allow several connections on the server port. Each its own aseq port.
Send all MIDI events to rtpmidi
Receive all MIDI events from rtpmidi
Periodic check all peers are still on, no new peers
Remove ports when peer dissapears
Client send CK every minute
Can be controlled via Unix socket, but not required.
Jack MIDI support instead of ALSA seq
Use rtp midi timestamps
Journal support for note off
Journal support for CC
Journal support for Program Change
Journal support for Pitch Bend
Currently there is no journal. This is normally not a problem on local networks, as the thernet protocol already has packet error and detection, but packets may arrive out of order. Anyway its not production ready just for this missing feature.
There is a basic CLI that used the Unix socket control.
Use as:
cli/ help
RtpMidid is GPLv3 licensed. This basically means that you are free to use, modify and share it, given that you share your modifications with your users.
This includes embeded software uses (anti tivoization clause of the GPLv3).
The librtpmidid library is LGPL 2.1 license, so it can be embedded freely on free and commercial software.
If you think the license does not fit your use case, please contact me at for alternative licensing options. I'm a freelancer looking for new projects.