- cd bell
- pip install -r requirements.txt (delete some requirements that aren't needed!)
- on the command line, run "python manage.py makemigrations"
- on the command line, run "python manage.py migrate"
- on the command line, run "python manage.py runserver"
- should be on localhost:8000 -- enjoy
- /admin | django admin portal
- / | splash page, explanation of product
- /login | login, signup page
- /profile/< username > | username's profile page with their bells and rings
- /bell | page with all the posted srervices
- /ring | page with all the requested services
- /random | random fact and random post
- created two different types of Posts: Bells and Rings
- allowed users to delete their own posts when they feel they no longer need it
- users can comment on every post and work things out