This is a JAX transform which implements LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models. LoRA replaces operations like Wx
with (W + BA)x
where A
and B
are skinny rectangular matrices. You can then train only A
and B
, and leave W
frozen, which dramatically reduces the amount of memory needed for things like optimizer states.
Lorax should work on most JAX models. I did my testing with my models which use Haiku, and you can find an example of applying it to a HuggingFace Flax model in the [examples directory(examples/).
pip install jax-lorax
- Replaced backend with Qax
- Overhauled API to simplify usage (No more need to separately handle frozen/tunable params)
Install dev dependencies:
git clone
cd lorax
pip install poetry
poetry install
Run tests:
Lorax makes it so you can take model code which wasn't written with LoRA in mind, and transform it so that it does! For example, consider the following MLP code:
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import optax
def model(params, x):
"""My model, written in the dark ages before LoRA, using gratuitous amounts of VRAM when trained"""
for massive_w in params:
x = jax.nn.relu(x @ massive_w)
return jnp.sum(x)
dim = 5000
# Initialize about 3 GB of params
params = [jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(i), (dim, dim)) / (dim ** 0.5) for i in range(30)]
optimizer = optax.adam(learning_rate=3e-4)
# OOM on 7GB GPU :(
opt_state = optimizer.init(params)
The optimizer states are way too expensive, but applying Lorax lets you just train two 5000 x 64
matrices for each original weight.
First import lorax and transform your model:
import lorax
# Transform the model code
lora_model = lorax.lora(model)
Next initialize the new LoRA parameters:
# Tell LoRA what to use as the small dimension of B and A
rank_constraint = 64
lora_spec = [rank_constraint for param in params]
# Initialize a set of LoRA factors for each parameter
lora_params = lorax.init_lora(param_tree=params, spec=lora_spec, rng=jax.random.PRNGKey(0))
# The transformed model has the same call signature, but it can now handle parameters
# of type lorax.LoraWeight
lora_model(lora_params, jnp.ones((dim,)))
# Wrap the optimizer so it will freeze parameters not marked as trainable by the spec
optimizer = lorax.wrap_optimizer(optimizer, lora_spec)
# Now the optimizer can be used just like normal
opt_state = optimizer.init(lora_params)
That's it for the Lorax specific stuff. The wrapped lora_model
function is just an ordinary
JAX function, and the LoraWeight instances a pytrees.
# Normal update function:
def update_fn(lora_params, opt_state, x):
grad_fn = jax.value_and_grad(lora_model)
loss, grad = grad_fn(lora_params, x)
updates, new_opt_state = optimizer.update(grad, opt_state, params=lora_params)
updated_params = optax.apply_updates(lora_params, updates)
return loss, new_opt_state, updated_params
Now for some dummy data and the training loop:
x = jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), (dim,))
for i in range(10):
loss, opt_state, lora_params = update_fn(lora_params, opt_state, x)
print(f'Step: {i} loss: {loss:.4e}') # Number goes down!
# Step: 0 loss: 6.6614e-02
# Step: 1 loss: 4.4402e-02
# Step: 2 loss: 3.0241e-02
# Step: 3 loss: 1.8457e-02
# Step: 4 loss: 1.2326e-02
# Step: 5 loss: 8.8878e-03
# Step: 6 loss: 6.0599e-03
# Step: 7 loss: 4.3899e-03
# Step: 8 loss: 3.0839e-03
# Step: 9 loss: 2.2423e-03
Number goes down! We can now merge the trained LoRA params with the frozen params, and use them with the unmodified model:
lora_output = lora_model((frozen_params, tunable_params), x)
# Now we merge the params to get params usable in the original model
merged_params = lorax.merge_params(lora_params)
orig_model_output = model(merged_params, x)
# Verify that the model outputs are the same
print(f'Difference between split and merged outputs: {orig_model_output - lora_output:.3e}')
# Difference between split and merged params: 1.164e-10
See examples/ for an example applying Lorax to a realistic model.