A .Net Library that makes it simple to deploy plugins (and maybe one day workflows?) to Dynamics CRM programmatically. This is useful for when a manual process such as using the Plugin Registration Tool is not desirable.
CrmDeploy is available as a NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CrmDeploy/ so it's recommended that you use NuGet to add it to your solution.
The following demonstrates how to deploy a plugin to Dynamics Crm using the fluent API.
using CrmDeploy;
using CrmDeploy.Enums;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var crmConnectionString =
@"Url=https://myorg.crm4.dynamics.com/; Username=user@domain.onmicrosoft.com; Password=password; DeviceID=mydevice-dd9f6b7b2e6d; DevicePassword=password";
var deployer = DeploymentBuilder.CreateDeployment()
.ForTheAssemblyContainingThisPlugin<TestPlugin>("Test plugin assembly")
.WhichExecutesOn(SdkMessageNames.Create, "contact")
var registrationInfo = deployer.Deploy();
if (!RegistrationInfo.Success)
var reason = registrationInfo.Error.Message;
Console.WriteLine("Registration failed because: {0}. Rolling deployment back.", reason);
Console.WriteLine("Deployment was rolled back..");
If for any reason the deployment fails, the registrationInfo.Undeploy() method will attempt to roll back the changes that were made.
You can chain the .AndExecutesOn() method to register multiple steps for a plugin.
For example, if you want to register your plugin on Create, Update and Delete of a contact you could use the following syntax:
var deployer = DeploymentBuilder.CreateDeployment()
.ForTheAssemblyContainingThisPlugin<TestPlugin>("Test plugin assembly")
.WhichExecutesOn(SdkMessageNames.Create, "contact")
.AndExecutesOn(SdkMessageNames.Update, "contact")
.AndExecutesOn(SdkMessageNames.Delete, "contact")
You can chain the .AndHasPlugin() method to register multiple plugins. For example:-
var deployer = DeploymentBuilder.CreateDeployment()
.ForTheAssemblyContainingThisPlugin<TestPlugin>("Test plugin assembly")
.WhichExecutesOn(SdkMessageNames.Create, "contact")
.WhichExecutesOn(SdkMessageNames.Update, "account")
.WhichExecutesOn(SdkMessageNames.Associate, "my_custent", "my_otherent")
I will add support for workflows as the need arises (or if its in demand - raise an issue and let me know!)
I will add support for Images as the need arises (or the demand - raise an issue and let me know!)