⚠️ This repo might not be up-to-date as I'm now mainly using NixOS (see my config here: nixos-config)
Wanna get started with stow? Check out my blog post about it!
Some config files might need my own scripts repo in the home directory.
To create symbolic links:
git clone https://github.com/dbeley/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
stow nvim sway bash_wayland
- Hyprland (with waybar): Extensive configuration.
- sway (with waybar): Extensive configuration without XWayland. Mostly the same as i3 configuration.
- i3/i3-gaps (with polybar): Extensive configuration. Several modes for gaps presets or resizing/moving containers.
- dwm: Extensive configuration (available on my fork).
- xmonad (with xmobar): Extensive configuration. Named scratchpads, several layouts.
- bspwm (with polybar): Simple configuration.
- exwm: Simple configuration.
- doom-emacs: Main editor.
- neovim (with vim-plug): Extensive configuration, mainly for python and go.
- vim: Very simple configuration.
- ideavim
- emacs (deprecated): Extensive configuration, including exwm (needs to uncomment stuff).
- firefox: Extensive user.js configuration, privacy-focused.
- qutebrowser: Extensive configuration, with some userscripts.
- alacritty
- foot
- kitty
- st (available on my fork)
- termite (deprecated)
- urxvt
- terminator
- fish (with oh-my-fish)
- zsh (with oh-my-zsh)
- tmux: Keybindings, powerline theme.
- pywal / wpgtk: GTK/QT theme, colors for i3, sway, bspwm, dwm.
- picom
- dunst / mako
- feh / imv
- ledger
- ranger / nnn
- redshift / gammastep
- wofi /rofi / dmenu / bemenu
- mpv: Automatic subtitles fetching with subliminal.
- mpd
- ncmpcpp
- beets
The following config folders need to have a different root than ~
. You can create symbolic links to a specific folder with the stow -t
- NetworkManager:
stow -t /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ NetworkManager
- dracut:
stow -t /etc/dracut.conf.d/ dracut
- xorg:
stow -t /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ xorg
- collatz:
stow -t /var/lib/boinc/projects/boinc.thesonntags.com_collatz/ collatz
- reflector:
stow -t /etc/xdg/reflector/ reflector