Starter kit for modern web applications!
This project (a GitHub template) is an opinionated setup for modern web applications. It's a combination of essential (and minimal) libraries/components/utils/etc., which developers usually need during the process of making modern React applications.
Almost all projects need to have a router, a UI framework, store integration, theming, error handling, base file/folder structure, a builder, some developer tools (eslint, prettier, etc), and many more. In this starter kit, we tried to put together the best options available from the above-mentioned fields. Out of the box, it provides a modern production-ready setup created by developers for developers π
- β Vite
- β
- β TypeScript
- β
React Router v6
- β
MUI v5
- β
- β Notifications
- β Theme
- β Base file/folder structure
- β PWA
- β Performance
- β Hotkeys
- β Error Handling
- β Pages
- β
Dev tools
- β eslint
- β prettier
- β husky
- β lint-staged
- β https localhost
Vite is a blazingly fast build tool based on native ES modules, rollup, and esbuild. React-PWA
v1 was based on CRA. We still love CRA
and really think it's a great tool, but Vite
provides a much better developer experience and it's unconditionally faster (maybe, we will also create a CRA
version of React-PWA
v2 in near future).
The latest version (v18) is used here. All dependencies support React v18 and the v2
is refactored according to the latest changes and requirements of React
"Not using TypeScript is like driving without a seatbelt" - Matt Howard.
For those who are not familiar with TypeScript
- don't worry, you will love it, as we all did. TypeScript
is a superset of JavaScript
; it should be very easy to work with if you know JavaScript
React Router v6 is used here. You can find routing in the src/routes folder.
MUI v5 is used here. MUI
is a fully-loaded component library, super customizable, and easy to use.
As a store management tool Recoil is used. Check the src/store folder for more information.
Out of the box you have a notification system. To show a simple notification you can use useNotification
import { useNotifications } from '@/store/notifications';
function MyCoolComponent() {
const [notifications, actions] = useNotification();
function showNotification() {
actions.push({ message: 'Τ²Υ‘ΦΦ, Υ―Υ‘ΦΥ΄Υ«ΥΦ Υ‘ΦΦ' });
return (
The theme system is based on MUI Theme. To get the current theme mode or to change it you can use useTheme
import { useTheme } from '@/store/theme';
function MyCoolComponent() {
const [theme, actions] = useTheme();
// check the current theme mode
// if you want to change the theme, call an appropriate action
function toggleTheme() {
You have access to theme
object via sx
prop and styled-components
import Box from '@mui/material/Box';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
import { styled } from '@mui/system';
// styled-components
const MyCoolButton = styled(Button)(({ theme }) => ({
marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
color: theme.palette.text.disabled,
// sx prop
function MyCoolComponent() {
return <Box sx={{ borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius }}>...</Box>;
Also, you can redefine the theme in the theme configuration file. Check the src/theme/themes.ts file for more information.
Here how the base file/folder structure looks like:
TBD: more information about the file/folder structure will be added soon.
Out of the box, it's a Progressive Web Application
. It can be installed on mobile and desktop devices π, it can work offline, and many more. Check more about PWAs here
Your users will also be informed about the new version of your app:
After all these integrations the biggest bundle size is ~79KB
. It means even the first load will be pretty fast (in my case it's 1.1s
), further loads (already cached by service worker
and workbox
) will take ~0.25s
NOTE: The performance is not 100 because it's running on demo server.
A basic implementation of hotkeys is demonstrated here. Check the src/sections/HotKeys for more information.
Currently, you can use the following hotkeys:
- to toggle the theme mode
- to toggle the sidebar
- to open the hotkeys dialog
Nobody likes white screens and crashes without any notes. In src/error-handling you can find the error handling implementation. Here you can find withErrorHandler
high order component. You can wrap any component by this HOC and it will catch all errors and show a default or your custom fallback. Currently, the main APP component is wrapped by withErrorHandler
From a layout point of view the application consists of 3 main parts:
- Header
- Sidebar
- Pages
The last one is a router-based switcher. All routes are defined in src/routes. By default, pages are being loaded asynchronously via asyncComponentLoader. You can use it to asynchronously load any React
component you want. It uses React.Suspense
and React.lazy
with some magic π§ββοΈ
The latest version of
with the latest recommended collection ofeslint
rules is available out of the box. It contains:- eslint:recommended
- react/recommended
- @typescript-eslint/recommended
Check the .eslintrc.json file for more information.
Stop fighting about styling in code reviews; save your time and energy - configure it once and let the machine format/correct your code.
Check the .prettierrc.json file for more information.
There is an additional configuration for your import statements. They will be automatically ordered and grouped by the given rules (check the
) - one more topic for debates in code reviews :) -
You can use it to lint your commit messages, run tests, lint code, etc.
Currently, only
hook is set up. Every time you try to do a commit it will runprettier
to be sure that everything is according to the rules. -
helps to runeslint
only on staged files - it makes the linting process super fast and sensible. -
It's a simple way to run your application on localhost with https.
Just run:
npm run https-preview # or yarn https-preview
npm run build # or yarn build
and check
in your browser.NOTE: first time it will ask you about installing localhost certificate. For more info check this
You can use this template by just pressing Use this temaplte
Or you can fork/clone it.
Install dependencies:
npm install # or yarn
In order to run it in development, run:
npm run dev # or yarn dev
In order to do a production build, run:
npm run build # yarn build
There are two more scripts:
and https-preview
command will boot up local static web server that serves the files fromdist
folder. It's an easy way to check if the production build looks OK in your local environment.https-preview
is the same, but with HTTPS. It's handy for testing your PWA capabilities in your local environment.