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[INFO] Config.js file

Ismael Rodríguez edited this page Aug 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

The config.js file contains important configuration of the Mappings UI. Here, there is a description of the fields that have to be filled, excluding those that are configured using environment variables.

config variable mandatory description
projectName YES Name of the project.
port Only in dev/test mode Port where server should run.
tempDirectory YES Directory of system used to store temporary files.
run.server YES Whether to run the web server or not.
run.githubUpdater.mappings YES Whether to sync mappings with github repository or not.
run.githubUpdater.ontology YES Whether to push ontology from webprotege to github repository or not.
baseUrl YES URL where the system will be running.
authAttempts.forIp YES How many failed auth attempts to block an IP address.
authAttempts.forIpAndUser YES How many failed auth attempts to block an IP with same user.
posts.charLimit YES Limit of characters of a help post.
mappings.charLimit YES Limit of characters of a mapping.
mappings.statsUpdateFrequencyMinutes YES How often, in minutes, mappings stats will be updated from Extraction Framework.
hapiMongoModels.mongodb.uri Only in dev/test/mode mongodb:// uri of Mappings UI database
github.username Only in github sync Username of github account that will push data
github.password Only in github sync Password of github account that will push data Only in github sync Complete name of github account that will push data Only in github sync Email of github account that will push data
github.repositoryFolder Only if github sync Folder where github repository local copy will be stored.
github.repositoryMappingsFolder Only if github sync Folder inside github repository that contains mappings.
github.repositoryOntologyFolder Only if github sync Folder inside github repository that contains ontology files.
github.updateFrequencyMinutes Only if github sync How often, in minutes, github mappings sync and ontology push are performed.
webProtegeIntegration.mongodb.uri Only if WP integration mongodb:// URI of Webprotege DB.
webProtegeIntegration.projectID Only if WP integration ID of WebProtege project the ontology is obtained from.
webProtegeIntegration.webProtegeURL Only if WP integration URL where WebProtege instance can be accessed. If empty, button 'Edit ontology' disappears from navbar.
webProtegeIntegration.ontologyFileBaseName Only if WP integration Name of ontology file to be pushed to repository, without extension.
webProtegeIntegration.ontologyFormats Only if WP integration Formats, separated by comma, the ontology will be exported. Possible formats are owx,owl,ttl,omx,ofn. Only if mail SMTP host of email
nodemailer.port Only if mail SMTP port of email Only if mail Whether SMTP server uses security