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Daniel J. Breton edited this page Jan 20, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Junior Scientist League (jrscilg) wiki!


  • Introduction to CPX
  • Introduction to Python
  • What does any of this have to do with science?
  • On-the-fly data collection and visualization with Mu
  • Data storage onboard CPX
  • Data visualization with Python


  • Project 1: Basics of Measurement
    • We use the on-board sensors of the CPX to make measurements of voltage and light intensity.
    • Discuss Ohm's law, measurement accuracy, precision and uncertainty in our results.
  • Project 2: Logging (recording) and visualizing measurements
    • We use the on-board sensors and on-board storage capability of the CPX to record data in a file.
    • We use Python to help visualize our recorded recorded data.
  • Project 3: Temperature, Pressure and Altitude
    • We build an instrument to log temperature, pressure and altitude once per minute using the CPX, a sensor called the BMP280, a yardstick, and some tape.
    • Discuss our results and connection to barometric law, adiabatic lapse rate in the atmosphere, temperature inversions.
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