No-code Calculation Tool App
This application is about creating a tool for admin users and let them create their own apps with their self defined pages and calculations. The admins will be able to create their own applications thanks to the calculation tool. The calculation tool will allow the admin to create an app in which they can decide how many pages they want to present to their users and what kind of calculations will take place as the users navigate through pages in the app and reach the output page.
Frontend: React, Redux Toolkit along with Redux Thunk, Material UI, CSS
Backend: NodeJS, Express, MongoDB & Mongoose, JWT
Deployment:, MongoDB Atlas
Live on: HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: No Auth
} HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: No Auth
} HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: No Auth
Since there will always be only one record in the database, there is no need to use both the POST and PUT methods here.
If there are no records, the PUT method performs a creation; if a record exists, it performs an update.
Therefore, we can use the PUT method to both create and update purpose.
Request: HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data Authorization: Bearer Token Response: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json { "outputPage": { "title": "Evinizin yaklaşık satış fiyatı ve kira değeri", "description": "Evinizin yaklaşık satış fiyatı ve kira değeri aşağıda hesaplanmıştır.", "image": "", "outputValues": [ { "placeholder": "Satış Fiyatı", "variable": "A", }, { "placeholder": "Kira Değeri", "variable": "B", } ], "outputUnit": "TL" }, "inputPages": [ { "title": "Eviniz kaç yıllık ?", "description": "Evinizin kaç yıllık olduğunu girin.", "image": "", "inputValues": [ { "placeholder": "Evinizin Yaşı", "variable": "X", } ], }, { "title": "Evinizde kaç oda ve banyo var ?", "description": "Eviniz hakkında aşağıdaki detayları doldurun.", "image": "", "inputValues": [ { "placeholder": "Oda Sayısı", "variable": "Y", "_id": "64dec000aba97ff11a169bc0" }, { "placeholder": "Banyo Sayısı", "variable": "Z", } ], } ], "formulaList": [ "A = (Y * 100.000 + Z * 50.000 ) - ( X * 10.000 )", "B = A / 200" ], }
Since there will always be only one record in the database, there is no need to provide an id parametre here. HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer Token HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: No Auth
"formulaList": [
"A = (Y * 100.000 + Z * 50.000 ) - ( X * 10.000 )",
"B = A / 200"
"inputValues": {
"X": "3",
"Y": "4",
"Z": "5"