(C) 2019 Damir Cavar, Umang Mehta, Aarushi Bisht, Jagpreet Chawla, Oren Baldinger, ...
Java JSON-NLP Maven module and validator.
Brought to you by the NLP-Lab.org.
There is a growing number of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, modules, pipelines. There does not seem to be any standard for the output format. Here we are focusing on a standard for the output format syntax. Some future version of JSON-NLP might address the output semantics as well.
JSON-NLP is a standard for the most important outputs NLP pipelines and components can generate. The relevant documentation can be found in the JSON-NLP GitHub repo and on its website at the NLP-Lab.
The Java JSON-NLP module is a representation class for the JSON-NLP standard implemented as a JSON Schema, available from the:
There is a corresponding Python module for JSON-NLP:
JSON-NLP wrappers are available for numerous Python and Java based NLP components.
To include JSON-NLP in your Java project:
pom.xml code...