A simple example of a custom command-line tool built in PHP.
The application can be run in project form or build a stand-alone PHAR file.
The application requirements specify only three basic geometric functions:
- Confirm a specific point is contained within a circle
- Detect if two line segments intersect
- Detect if two circles intersect
Requires PHP 7.1+ and Composer. Built with Laravel Zero.
Supports PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4, and PSR-12.
composer install
php-cli-example <command> [options] [arguments]
Running the tool without a command will print the commands list.
Use help <command>
to see more details about a command.
composer build
Runs app:build
, which generates a stand-alone PHAR executable of the app.
The PHAR can be run in place of the main root executable.
Check if a point @ [3,3]
is within a circle centered at [0,0]
w/ a radius of 8
php php-cli-example circle:contains [[0,0],8] [3,3]
Check if 5-radius circle centered at [0,0]
intersects with one centered at [2,2]
php php-cli-example circle:intersects [[0,0],5] [[2,2],5]
Check if a line from [0,0]
to [5,5]
intersects with a line from [0,5]
to [5,0]
php php-cli-example line:intersects [[0,0],[5,5]] [[0,5],[5,0]]
Note that spaces can be used but the arguments must be quoted properly:
php php-cli-example line:intersects "[[0, 0], [5, 5]]" "[[0, 5], [5, 0]]"
- Additional command tests, and bad input tests
- Unit tests for the math functions/algorithms
- Commit to some strict typing (requires some AbstractCommand cleanup)
- More flexible geometric functions
- e.g. allow intersects() to take any Geometry object
- Further improve help and error documentation
- Possibly even consider a refactor of how geo data is passed in
- Add interactive menus for better UX