Flask app that creates a form to input values like login, password, report page, date range, and cpt codes
Script to manually run code without having to use a Flask app
Used to log a user in
Functions include:
- enter_username(username)
- enter_password(password)
- click_login(): Clicks the login button
Used to navigate between report pages, patient demographic data, and iframes in eMed
Used to stage report pages and submit data requests. For example, it will run a report based on a date range and then save those reports to a certain save file.
Used to scrape data from the eMed Report page "Services Reports -> CPTs Report"
Functions include:
make_soup(): Pulls the HTML data from the current webpage
enter_cpt_code(cpt_code): Used to enter a string of CPT codes into the proper text box. enter_cpt_code("12345", "54321")
pull(savefile): Pulls the data currently on the webpage and saves it to a location. pull("C:\Code\data")
Used to scrape data from the eMed Report page "Encounter Provider Reports -> Detailed Report"
Functions include:
make_soup(): Pulls the HTML data from the current webpage
deselect_ep(): Unchecks the Encounter Provider checkbox
select_ep(name): Selects a certain Provider by name