Lottery numbers in Austria from 1986 til 2023
Demo project for dcupl, App Development Platform for Data-Intensive Web Applications.
This Project was generated using the @dcupl/cli
. More information can be found on and especially in the dcupl Docs.
The initial dataset is published by win2day - - the online gaming platform of the Austrian Lotteries. The formatting of the original data has been revised and redundancies have been reduced. The data respectively the whole project is also published on kaggle.
Be aware that winning totals up to 2001 are in ATS - Austria's currency Schilling - and in EUR starting with 2001 up to 2023. Therefore three applications have been defined and the resources have been tagged with ATS and EUR.
The model description includes two expressions, which concatenate the drawn numbers - on the one hand sorted in ascending order and on the other hand sorted as drawn.
npm install
- Go to and create your free account.
- Set your
in the dcupl.config.json - Set your
in the dcupl.secrets.json - Push your local workspace to the dcupl Console using the CLI
dcupl files:push --name my-first-push
dcupl serve
Switch to "Local Dev Server" and open one of the predefined applications. View your data in the Data Explorer Tab in the dcupl Console.