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Book as Code: Template for treating the development of a written book as software


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Book-As-Code, First Edition

This is a template repository which may be used to start the development of a written book.

We should "develop" books like we develop any software project. Book-as-code is no different. Book development should be tracked in a git repo. Changes to the book should be proposed via Pull Request. Changes to the book should only be merged after a review resulting in a +1. After merge, continuous integration should compile the book and output a PDF as well as other formats. When a new git tag is created, continuous deployment should publish the versioned artifacts to a location (e.g. Github Releases).

This repository originates from the [Pro Git Book]( repository. The resulting hard fork has had all content replaced with example content. It has been enhanced with the ability to add inline text-based diagram sources such as GraphViz and PlantUml.

We are using the AsciiDoc format for the text of the book; here’s an AsciiDoc quick reference.

How To Generate the Book

The tools required for generating the book assume OSX and the bash shell.

Ensure you are using bash, because newer OSX versions default to zsh.

chsh -s /bin/bash

Then restart your shell by exiting the terminal and restarting it.

Install tools dependencies

# Install the Brew package manager for OSX (
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Install tools necessary for compiling the docs
brew install docker-desktop
brew install make

# If you're not a hardcore vi or emacs user, install atom or vscode
brew cask install atom

Configure your ~/.bash_profile, by appending the following using your favorite editor

# Ensure your git settings are customized
git config --global "First Last"
git config --global

# Don't forget to add your personal ssh key to the github server to enable SSH git cloning.
# If you don't already have an ssh keypair in `~/.ssh`
#   Then generate one with `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096`
#   And then add the `~/.ssh/` key to your github profile's ssh keys

Activate your new bash settings

source ~/.bash_profile

Clone the repo

git clone

Generate all output formats of this book

cd book-as-code
make all

This will create the following output documents in various formats

├── book-as-code-kf8.epub
├── book-as-code.docx
├── book-as-code.epub
├── book-as-code.html
├── book-as-code.pdf

You may view the Sample PDF Output here.

How To Develop the Book with Live Rendering

The best way to develop the book is to edit the book’s asciidoc source files in an editor window, while a live preview is automatically reloaded in a web browser window.

To start the web browser with live preview, run this command:

make develop

This will build the html version of the book in a loop, as well as open a browser to the automatically-reloading html book.