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A clean setup of Mac OS X 10.15 for [Python] development and more: [ Tech Stack -- Mac Look and Feel -- Terminal Look and Feel -- Git with 2FA -- Preferences -- Backups -- Dotfiles ]


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gitmoji pre-commit

A clean setup of Mac OS X 10.15 for Python development and more

For personal & professional use.


  • Avoid committing secrets into this repo by running pre-commit install in this dir.
  • Want to copy a big dir from an old Mac? Below is brew install rsync! It's much faster than Finder's copying util.
    # boot old Mac while holding `T` to go in Target Disk Mode
    # password prompt should pop up
    rsync -au --progress <drag src folder> ~/backup
  • Don't forget to take with your whole .gnupg folder, .gitconfig, .envrc etc!
  • Chrome settings/bookmarks are not backed up and are assumed to come from its builtin Sync.

Tech Stack

Mac Look and Feel

# Do you understand zsh internals? I don't.
chsh -s /bin/bash && reset
# show hidden files (finder restart needed)
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
# disable google chrome dark mode when Mojave dark mode is enabled
defaults write NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
Apple look & feel optimisations

  • System Preferences/Appearance/
    • Show scroll bars: Always
    • Click in the scroll bar to: Jump to the spot that's clicked
  • System Preferences/Keyboard/
    • Slide Key Repeat to Fast
    • Slide Delay Until Repeat to tick one before Short
    • Enable Keyboard navigation
    • Under Text Input, untick/remove all Text Replacements...
  • System Preferences/Security & Privacy/
    • Under FileVault, turn on FileVault
  • System Preferences/Accessibility/
    • Under Zoom, tick Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom:
    • Under Display, untick Shake mouse pointer to locate
    • Under Pointer Control/Trackpad Options..., tick Enable dragging/three finger drag
  • System Preferences/Trackpad/
    • Under Point & Click, set Click Medium, enable Tap to click
    • Under Scroll & Zoom, ticks 0, 1, 0, 1
    • Under More Gestures, set everything to four fingers, disable Swipe between pages, disable Launchpad, enable Show Desktop
  • System Preferences/Desktop & Dock/
    • Tick Automatically hide and show the Dock
    • Untick Show suggested and recent apps in Dock
  • System Preferences/Language & Region/
    • Set Number Format to 1 234 567.89
    • Untick Show suggested and recent apps in Dock
  • Finder preferences
    • General
      • New Finder windows show: home
    • Advanced
      • Tick Show all filename extensions
      • When performing a search: Search the Current Folder
  • Finder View Options (go home: ⌘⇧H, then ⌘J)
    • Change to list view
    • Tick Always open in List View
      • Tick Browse in List View
    • Group by: None
    • Sort by: Name
    • Tick Calculate all sizes
    • Tick Show Library Folder
    • Click Use as Defaults
  • Finder View menu item
    • Show Tab Bar
    • Show Path Bar
    • Show Status Bar
  • TextEdit preferences
    • New Document
      • Format: Plain text
      • Untick Check spelling as you type
    • Open and Save
      • Untick Add ".txt" extension to plain text files
      • Under Plain Text File Encoding, select two times UTF-8
  • Screenshot Options (to open: ⌘⇧5)
    • Save to Clipboard
    • Untick Show Floating Thumbnail

Terminal Look and Feel

Homebrew and its essentials

# install homebrew (which installs command-line tools)
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap buo/cask-upgrade  # `brew cu -a docker` -
# check whether all is good
brew doctor

# and some essentials
# - ruby, gcc-8 are linked in `.bash_profile`
# - node@14 (LTS at time of writing) installs npm
brew install \
  git gitmoji bash-completion rsync curl openssl readline automake xz zlib sshfs htop ncdu direnv pwgen gcc rust sqlite3

iTerm nerd font

brew install --cask iterm2 font-inconsolata-lgc-nerd-font

# some blazing fast rust
cargo install ripgrep  # rg (search for regex occurrences in directory, fastest regex implementation in the world)
cargo install zoxide  # z (cd with auto-complete) - echo 'eval "$(zoxide init bash)"' > ~.bash_profile
brew install zenith # fancy htop with persistent network and disk I/O history graphs
cargo install --git  # is heavily outdated at time of writing
cargo install tealdeer  # rust implementation of tldr (man for lazy people)
tldr --update  # populate cache
# use exa with icons and git status instead of builtin ls
# this is in .bash_profile already
alias ls="exa --all --group-directories-first --icons --level=2"  # default level for --tree
alias ll="ls --long --sort=age --git --time=modified --time-style=iso"


# Docker CE - - Open manually to install helper and to enable CLI
brew install --cask docker
# Sublime Text -
brew install --cask sublime-text
# Sublime Merge -
brew install --cask sublime-merge
# Google Chrome -
brew install --cask google-chrome
# PIA VPN - - Requires manual install from ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads
brew install --cask private-internet-access
# Tunnelblick OpenVPN -
# brew install --cask tunnelblick
# The Unarchiver -
brew install --cask the-unarchiver
# f.lux - - In Preferences/Sessions, tick 'Allow Display Sleep'
# brew install --cask flux
# VLC -
brew install --cask vlc
# Slack -
# brew install --cask slack
# -
brew install --cask zoom
# Whatsapp -
# brew install --cask whatsapp
# Dropbox -
# brew install --cask dropbox
# Authy - - Set Master Password in preferences after init
# brew install --cask authy
# Jitsi Meet -
# brew install --cask jitsi-meet
# Maccy -
brew install --cask maccy
# pdflatex -
brew install --cask mactex-no-gui
# stats in menu bar
brew install --cask stats
# rectangle window resizer
brew install --cask rectangle

Mac App Store (MAS)

When launching apps for the first time, you might have to accept the dev under System Preferences/Security & Privacy/General

Note: mas will not allow you to install (or even purchase) an app for the first time: it must already be in the Purchased tab of the App Store.

brew install mas
# DaisyDisk -
# give full disk access under sysprefs security tab
mas install 411643860
# Amphetamine -
mas install 937984704
# Telegram - - set password and enter behaviour after init
mas install 747648890


Note: first open Chrome for the first time

  • Clone (a fork of) this repo and set things up
    mkdir ~/git
    git clone ~/git/new-mac-setup
    ln -s ~/git/new-mac-setup/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
    ln -s ~/git/.envrc ~/.envrc # tell direnv to look for env vars when entering/leaving ~ (same file works for nested directories in a cumulative fashion)
    touch ~/.env # fill this one with your secrets/env vars like `export PYENV_VERSION=vv`
    mkdir -p ~/.config/htop && ln -s ~/git/new-mac-setup/htoprc ~/.config/htop/htoprc
    # Sublime Text 3 backup
    # restore
    mkdir -p "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User" && \
        rsync -a "${HOME}/git/new-mac-setup/sublime_text_user_settings/" "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User"
    # create
    rsync -a "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/" "${HOME}/git/new-mac-setup/sublime_text_user_settings"
    # Chrome search engines backup
    # restore
    sqlite3 "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data" < "${HOME}/git/new-mac-setup/search-engine-export.sql"
    # create
    (printf 'begin transaction;\n'; sqlite3 "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data" 'select short_name,keyword,url,favicon_url from keywords' | awk -F\| '{ printf "REPLACE INTO keywords (short_name, keyword, url, favicon_url) values ('"'"%s"'"', '"'"%s"'"', '"'"%s"'"', '"'"%s"'"');\n", $1, $2, $3, $4 }'; printf 'end transaction;\n') > ./search-engine-export.sql
  • iTerm2 preferences: under General/Preferences, tick Load preferences from a custom folder or URL and paste ~/git/new-mac-setup. Quit iTerm
  • Stats preferences: in General/Import Settings..., select Stats settings.plist. Drag & drop menu bar items with ⌘+drag
  • iStat Menus preferences: in File/Import Settings..., select iStat Menus Settings.ismp. Drag & drop menu bar items with ⌘+drag
  • Quickly download audio & video with yt
    brew install ddelange/brewformulae/yt
  • Note: pyvenv-virtualenv needs to be initialised in ~/.bash_profile (already present there in the right order to cooperate with direnv), or in ~/.bashrc if both files are maintained separately:
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"
    if which pyenv-virtualenv-init > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"; fi
  • Set up latest Python versions (this needs the LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS in .bash_profile):
    brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
    # get your favourite python versions -
    git clone "$(pyenv root)"/plugins/pyenv-install-latest
    git clone "$(pyenv root)"/plugins/pyenv-implict
    pyenv install -l | grep '^\s*[0-9]' # list all available python versions
    pyenv install-latest 2
    pyenv install-latest 3.12
    pyenv versions  # see currently installed versions
    pyenv global $(pyenv install-latest --print 3.12) $(pyenv install-latest --print 2.7)  # set default versions: prefer py3 over py2
    # install virtualenv 'vv' based latest pyenv Python version 3.x, inheriting installed packages
    pyenv virtualenv $(pyenv install-latest --print 3.12) --system-site-packages vv312
    # same for 'vv27' with python 2.7.x
    pyenv virtualenv $(pyenv install-latest --print 2.7) --system-site-packages vv27
  • Auto-activate venv using direnv when cd'ing into a folder containing an .envrc and .env:
    echo 'export PYENV_VERSION=vv312' >> ~/.env
    ln -s ~/git/.envrc ~/.envrc  # if it wasn't done already
  • Manage envs
    pyenvls # alias in .bash_profile
    pyenv virtualenvs
    pyenv virtualenv --system-site-packages <venv-name>
    pyenv activate <venv-name>
    pyenv deactivate
    pyenv uninstall <venv-name>
  • Add an env var like export PYENV_VERSION=vv to your direnv .env file to automatically activate and deactivate when entering and leaving directories. Works as long as you don't put a dash (-) in your venv name.


brew install tfenv tflint
tfenv install
tfenv use

Git with 2FA

Enable and set up 2FA. It's recommended to first delete any git configurations locally after enabling 2FA.

  • Use built-in keychain and app password from above, and add a Mac specific global gitignore:
    git config --global "ddelange"
    git config --global ""  # fetch this from
    git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
    # EITHER
    curl -sLw "\n" ",python,django,sublimetext" >> ~/.gitignore  # for all possibilities see
    # OR
    cp ~/.gitignore  # can no longer be a symlink on git version 2.32+
    git config --global core.excludesfile "~/.gitignore"
  • Note: it's advised to add commit signature verification to Git.
  • EITHER get the existing ~/.gnupg/ from your old machine
  • OR Generate a GPG key and tell Git to use it:
    brew install gpg
    gpg --full-generate-key  # recommended settings: enter, ed25519, enter
    gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG  # copy the signing key after 'sec  ed25519/'
    gpg --armor --export <key-here>  # paste this key at
    git config --global user.signingkey <key-here>
    git config --global commit.gpgsign true
    git config --global gpg.program "$(which gpg)"
    # sign tags using git tag -s
  • To enable password caching for 1 week:
    echo "default-cache-ttl 604800" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
    echo "max-cache-ttl 604800" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
    echo "log-file /var/log/gpg-agent.log" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
Mac OSX specifics
git config --global pull.rebase false
git config --global core.trustctime false  #
git config --global core.precomposeunicode false  #
git config --global core.untrackedCache true  #
git config --global merge.log true  # Include summaries of merged commits in newly created merge commit messages
git config --global push.default "simple" #
git config --global push.followTags true #
git config --global init.defaultBranch master

Some of these aliases depend on one another, in which case it's noted in the comments.

git config --global "branch"
git config --global "commit -am"
git config --global "commit"
git config --global "checkout"
git config --global "mergetool"
git config --global "status"
# split diff - needs icdiff (see below) - use `git icdiff` to keep output in terminal after less quits
git config --global alias.df '! f() { diff=$(git difft "$@") && test "$diff" && echo "$diff" | less -eR; }; f'
# who needs the default verbose git log? - also try `git lg --all`
git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --oneline"
# tested with GitHub remote - ref
git config --global alias.defaultbranch '! f() { echo $(git remote show origin | grep "HEAD branch" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | xargs); }; f'
# summary of all configured aliases
git config --global alias.alias "! git config --get-regexp '^alias\.' | sed -e s/^alias\.// | grep -v ^'alias ' | sed 's/ /#/' | column -ts#"
# "commit all & push" - needs ca,pr - usage `git cap 'Fix bug'` - runs autoformatting pre-commit hooks, commits all modified tracked files with message, and push
git config --global alias.cap '! f() { git ca "$@" && git pr; }; f'
# "pull request" - push new or existing branch skipping the usual --set-upstream error - alias will be overwritten when git-extras is installed
git config --global '! git push --set-upstream origin "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"'
# "delete merged" - delete all local branches (-D) that have been deleted (merged) on remote
git config --global '! git fetch -p && for branch in `git branch -vv | grep '"': gone] ' | awk '"'{print $1}'"'"'`; do git branch -D $branch; done'
# "fetch purge" - before fetching, remove any remote-tracking references that no longer exist on the remote
git config --global alias.fp "fetch -p --all"
# "rinse & repeat" - needs defaultbranch,dm - usage `git gg [develop]` - return to default branch (or specified branch), delete merged and pull
git config --global '! f() { git checkout "${1:-$(git defaultbranch)}" && git dm && git pull; }; f'
# "pull all" - pull all local branches and return to original branch
git config --global alias.pall '! f() { \
START=$(git branch | grep "\*" | sed "s/^.//"); \
for i in $(git branch | sed "s/^.//"); do \
  git checkout $i; \
  git pull || break; \
done; \
git checkout $START; \
}; f'
Rewriting history
# "commit all amend" last commit, adding all modified tracked files to the it without editing the commit message
git config --global alias.amend "commit --amend --reset-author --no-edit -a"
# "commit all amend with message" - add all modified tracked files to the last commit with a new commit message
git config --global alias.camend "commit --amend --reset-author -am"
# "squash last" X commits - allowing to edit a pre-generated commit message before committing - known caveat: when trying to squash into an initial commit, the reset fails
git config --global alias.squashlast '!f(){ TEMP_MSG="$(mktemp)" && git log --format=%B HEAD...HEAD~${1} > "${TEMP_MSG}" && git reset --soft HEAD~${1} && git commit -n --edit --file "${TEMP_MSG}"; rm "${TEMP_MSG}"; }; f'
# "undo" whatever you did last, for instance an erroneous squashlast - ref
git config --global alias.undo '! f() { git reset --hard $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)@{${1-1}}; }; f'
Split diff
  • git df (above) uses less that keeps a clean terminal
  • git icdiff and git difft (below) uses new core.pager that leaves less output in terminal after exiting
git config --global --replace-all core.pager 'less -+$LESS -eFRSX'  # with double quotes, $ will be evaluated

# with diff highlighting
pip install git+  # installs git-icdiff for `git icdiff``
git config --global icdiff.options "--highlight --line-numbers --numlines=3 --color=always"
git config --global difftool.icdiff.cmd 'icdiff --highlight --line-numbers --numlines=3 --color=always $LOCAL $REMOTE'

# with syntax & diff highlighting
brew install difftastic
git config --global difftool.difft.cmd 'difft --display=side-by-side-show-both --color=always --background=light "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"'
git config --global alias.difft 'difftool --tool difft --no-prompt'

On failed automatic merge, use Sublime Merge GUI for conflict resolution using git mergetool or git mt (see above).

git config --global mergetool.smerge.cmd 'smerge mergetool "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -o "$MERGED"'
git config --global mergetool.smerge.trustExitCode true
git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false
git config --global merge.tool smerge
brew cleanup --prune=0  # delete cache older than 0 days

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Sublime
    • s, smerge
    • line selctors: ⌘L, ⌘⇧L
    • swap lines: ⌃⌘↑/↓
    • swap selection shortcut TODO
  • forward delete (): fn⌫ or ^D
  • cutpaste files: ⌘⌥V
  • lock machine: ⌘⇧Q
  • spotlight: ⌘␣
  • screenshots: ⌘⇧3/4/5 and one window: ⌘⇧4, then
  • restore tab: ⌘⇧T
  • ^↑/↓
  • ⌘~ or ⌘` to switch windows
  • ~. to stop ssh
  • emoji chooser: ⌘^␣
  • the shortcut-changing prefpane
Full Keyboard Symbol List

  • ⌘ is command

  • ⌥ is option

  • ⌃ is control

  • ⇧ is shift

  • ⇪ is caps lock

  • ← is left arrow

  • → is right arrow

  • ↑ is up arrow

  • ↓ is down arrow

  • ⇥ is tab

  • ⇤ is backtab

  • ↩ is return

  • ⌤ is enter

  • ⌫ is delete
  • ⌦ is forward delete

  • ⇞ is page up

  • ⇟ is page down

  • ↖ is home

  • ↘ is end

  • ⌧ is clear

  • ␣ is space

  • ⎋ is escape

  • ⏏ is eject


  • To revert to the classic iTunes playlist view from before v12.6:
  • Scroll horizontally using , then mouse wheel

Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)

Kubectl is a command line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters (like viewing logs or executing commands on pods). See kubebash kubelogs kubebranch for plug & play kubectl extensions (they are already in ~/.bash_profile).

AppleScript to shorten links using the bitly API in a smart way directly with a keyboard shortcut

Not needed for 10.15, it is now built-in.

For almost any Gigabit Ethernet USB hub



A clean setup of Mac OS X 10.15 for [Python] development and more: [ Tech Stack -- Mac Look and Feel -- Terminal Look and Feel -- Git with 2FA -- Preferences -- Backups -- Dotfiles ]






