Working with sensors creates quite a few libraries. Some are written by me, others are adapted and even more are just used.
Here is an overview of the libraries I collected for various sensors and actuators. For my own libraries I use the git - subtree module.
- LIS3DHTR Driver for the Grove - 3-Axis acceleromter for the Rasbperry Pi Pico.
- MSA301 Library for the Adafruit MSA301 accelerometer. I had to change the device address (from 0x26 into 0x62, else it did not work).
- SPS30 Driver for the SPS30 for the Raspberry Pi Pico.
- TLV493D Driver for the TLV493D, based on the work from Adafruit and Maarten Doves.
- CutebotPro MicroPython library for the CutebotPro with a Micro:bit running MicroPython.