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gtsummary 1.5.0

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@ddsjoberg ddsjoberg released this 16 Oct 14:39

New Functions

  • Added new function tbl_continuous() to summarize a continuous variable by 1 or more categorical variables.

  • Added new function add_ci() that adds a new column with the confidence interval for proportions/means reported in tbl_summary(). (#868)

  • Migrated a new function tbl_split() from the {bstfun} package. Function allows users to split a {gtsummary} table into multiple tables.

  • Migrated a new function separate_p_footnotes() from the {bstfun} package. Function allows users to separate the composite footnote listing the tests performed in add_p(), and replaces it with individual footnotes for each test name.

  • New function tbl_custom_summary() allowing to create a table of summary statistics using a custom summary function (#973, #976)

    • Set of helpers to be used with tbl_custom_summary(): continuous_summary(), proportion_summary(), ratio_summary()
  • New function modify_cols_merge() that can merge two or more columns in a {gtsummary} table. (#939)

  • Added function tbl_butcher() to reduce the size of a {gtsummary} table. After an object has been butchered, other {gtsummary} functions may not be able to execute on the object.

  • Added new function tidy_robust() that will add robust standard errors, confidence intervals, and p-values with tbl_regression() and tbl_uvregression(). The function is a wrapper for parameters::model_paramters(). (#979)

New Functionality

  • Added a CITATION file so users can now cite the R Journal manuscript using citation("gtsummary").

  • Added Standardized Mean Difference method to add_difference(), wrapping the {smd} package's calculations. (#966)

  • Extended add_difference() to accept tbl_svysummary() objects in addition to tbl_summary() objects.

  • Added a standardized mean difference method for tbl_svysummary() tables.

  • Added tbl_strata(.stack_group_header=) argument to include/exclude the headers when tables are combined with tbl_stack()

  • Added tbl_strata(.quiet=) argument.

  • Allow add_p() and add_difference() to be run on the same table. (#959)

  • Updated add_overall() to include the overall statistics in the df_stats tibbles saved in .$meta_data. This makes it possible to report any of the overall statistics using the inline_text(pattern=) argument.

Other Updates

  • Added a help file detailing the formula list notation used throughout the {gtsummary} package. (#981)

  • Updates to tbl_regression() documentation. The model N is no longer reported by default, and removed that section from the help file. (#998)

  • Updates to make the internal df_stats objects consistent across various {gtsummary} objects. Added internal function df_stats_to_table_body that adds the numeric df_stats tibble to .$table_body. The formatting functions are also added for the new columns to .$table_styling$fmt_fun. This function is now used in inline_text.gtsummary() to prepare the returned statistics (#921)

  • Now using broom::tidy() to prepare the car::Anova() results. This will be more stable than the version originally written. (#898)

  • The function assert_package() now takes the minimum required version of the package from the DESCRIPTION file, and the function is now exported.

  • Now using broom::tidy() to prepare aov() test results in add_p.tbl_summary(), which adds additional columns to .$table_body() (#956)

  • Updated the README to include links to a recording of a gtsummary presentation and to the RStudio Education blog post.

  • Removed maturing lifecycle tag from README.

  • Updated deprecated function workflows::pull_workflow_fit(x) to workflows::extract_fit_parsnip(x).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix in tbl_summary() when a factor variable is passed that is all NA with no specified levels. (#977)

  • Fix in add_p.tbl_summary() when a factor variable with all NA values is passed. (#977)

  • Bug fix for the add_difference(estimate_fun=) argument.

Breaking Changes

  • Updated add_p.tbl_summary(test = . ~ "mcnemar.test", group = id) syntax to require the group= argument to align with the paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test and paired t-test syntax.

  • Deleted deprecated functions add_comparison(), add_global(), tab_style_bold_p(), tab_style_bold_labels(), tab_style_italicize_levels(), tab_style_italicize_labels(), tab_style_bold_levels().

  • The following deprecated arguments have been removed: tbl_summary(group=), as_gt(omit=).

  • The survival package has been moved from Imports to Suggests, and will no longer automatically be installed when {gtsummary} is installed. Additionally, survival::Surv() is no longer re-exported with the package.