git clone
- Minimum SDK level 21
- Kotlin based, Coroutines for asynchronous.
- Exoplayer: Application level media player for Android.
- Jetpack
- Lifecycle: Observe Android lifecycles and handle UI states upon the lifecycle changes.
- ViewModel: Manages UI-related data holder and lifecycle aware. Allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.
- LiveData: An observable data holder class which ensures updates on app component observers which are in an active lifecycle state.
- Room: Constructs Database by providing an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access.
- Dagger Hilt: for dependency injection.
- Architecture
- MVVM Architecture (Model - View - ViewModel)
- Repository Pattern
- Firebase: Firebase Storage and Firestore Database as backend
- Material-Components: Material design components.
- Glide: Fast and efficient open source image loading framework for Android.
- ViewPager2: For smooth swiping of Songs.
- Timber: A logger with a small, extensible API.
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