This is a tool for basic analysis in Potassium Channel MD simulation.
conda create -n Name_of_Env \
python=3.11 MDAnalysis numpy pandas scipy networkx matplotlib pyemma \
-c conda-forge -y # or consider using mamba
conda activate Name_of_Env
git clone
cd Sfilter_Cylinder
pip install .
conda activate Name_of_Env
conda install ipykernel ipywidgets -c conda-forge -y
python -m ipykernel install --user --name Name_of_ipykernel
cd XXX/Sfilter_Cylinder
git pull
conda activate Name_of_Env
pip install . # this will remove the old version and reinstall the new version -h # check version
pip uninstall Sfilter
jupyter kernelspec uninstall unwanted-kernel # replace this with the name of your kernel
conda remove -n Name_of_Env --all # You need to deactivate the env before this removing
cd test
cd $base/01-NaK2K/1-Charmm/with_water -pdb ../em.gro \
-xtc fix_atom_c_100ps.xtc -K POT \
-SF_seq THR VAL GLY TYR GLY > k_cylinder.out -pdb ../em.gro \
-xtc fix_atom_c_100ps.xtc -K POT \
-n_water 400 -reduced_xtc fix_400wat.xtc -non_wat nWat
# You can get the water-reduced file fix_400wat_nWat.pdb and fix_400wat.xtc
cd ../dry/ -pdb em_dry.gro \
-xtc fix_atom_c_100ps_dry.xtc -K K \
-SF_seq THR VAL GLY TYR GLY > k_cylinder.out
# There are two permeation events in this example
cd $base/03-longest_common_sequence/ \
-cylinderS 03-state-code/POT_perm_event.out \
-perm_up 01-xtck/perm_up.dat \
-perm_down 01-xtck/perm_down.dat
# match result with xtck
cd $base/01-NaK2K/1-Charmm/dry/count_nojump -i in.json
# new script that runs on nojump xtc
The potassium permeation will be saved in POT_perm_event.out
. Please take a look at the resident time.
this is the time that the atom stays in the cylinder. This time should be safely smaller than the trajectory time step.
cd $base/05-HRE/01-charmm-charge/distribution/ -i NaK2K_C_HRE.json
# analyse the distribution of SF state
cd $base/06-multi_rep/01-charmm-charge/distribution
cat NaK2K_C.json
# file too large
An ion permeation event is defined by sequentially passing though 4,1,3 compartment.
We provide a command line tool to run this counting.
will print what atom (index) is in each binding site.
You can use this to load the std_out of
. This includes the ion occupancy.
You can use this to load the POT_perm_event.out. This includes the permeation event.
is provided to do further analysis on the std_out from
. It can compute the proportion of each state and estimate the error using bootstrap.
module provides function for running Langevin dynamics. You can provide you own topology. See tutorial/02-Langevin-dynamic.ipynb
Mechanism analysis, Under development.
(a)(b) The mechanism graph was built on the trajectory of MthK Charmm36m with 0.78 scaling under -150 mV or +150 mV. 515 or 970 permeation events were observed in 500 ns x 10 replica simulations. The normal numbers on the edges are the net flux. The thickness of the edge (arrow) corresponds to the rate, and the rate is defined as the inverse of the mean first passage time. The node's size corresponds to the overall population of all the nodes' states. Nodes with 4 K+ ions in SF are in orange and nodes with 3 K+ ions in SF are in blue. In panel (a), states A and B are lumped together when rate_AB * rate_BA exceeds 125.0 ns-1, similarly, in panel (b), they are lumped when this product exceeds 180.0 ns-1.