Automate GitHub Projects Kanban board using GitHub API's based on Issue Labels This is a fairly simple and extensible kanban power-up for GitHub Projects that automates the triaging of new issues to project boards and to track issue statuses automatically
Big thanks to Paul Dariye for creating the base of this project.
- Move a project card along the board automatically.
- Triage issues to different project boards automatically.
Read more about it in this blog post.
Install it and run:
git clone
cp .env.example .env # TODO: Add all env variables here
cd serverless-kanbanization && yarn
yarn dev
Visit https://localhost:3000 or https://[NGROK_SUBDOMAIN]
Deploy it to the AWS Lambda with serverless (download)
Make changed to the mentioned file
vi serverless.yml
yarn deploy
- Open repository Settings -> Webhooks
- Set URL to the deployment response API Gateway url
- Add the following parameter ?user=&repo=
- Set Webhook secret.
- Choose "Let me select individual event".
- Check only "Issues" and uncheck all others.