For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the:
$ npm install decimal-js-sdk
You can provide your own Decimal node address to send transactions to the network, or you can use our gateways to do this and much more. Gateway URLs are provided below.
Depending on what you wish to use provide either gateUrl or restURL (your node rest service url) in config object passed to the Decimal instance
const decimalOptions = {
gateUrl: '',
// restURL: '' if you want to use your own Decimal node instance
// baseURL option used in old versions is now deprecated
const decimal = new Decimal(decimalOptions);
The following code can be used to generate mnemonic or use your mnemonic
const bip39 = require("bip39");
const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
// add oprions to wallet object and call method synchronize
const options = {
gateUrl: '',
const wallet = new Wallet(/*your mnemonic*/, options)
// get saved wallet ids from DB
// save new generated wallet in DB
// before save it, use method wallet.getAndUseGeneratedWallets()
const { Wallet, Decimal } = require('decimal-js-sdk'); // For server use 'decimal-js-sdk/dist/decimal-sdk-node'
const wallet = new Wallet( /*your mnemonic*/);
const decimalOptions = {
restURL: '' if you want to use your own Decimal node instance
// baseURL option used in old versions is now deprecated
const decimal = new Decimal(decimalOptions);
const data = {
to: 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
coin: 'tdel',
amount: '1',
const txResult = await decimal.sendCoins(data, [options]); // see options for details
// => {hash: '4C0A408B6EBC33AD...', success: true, error: null}
import { Wallet, Decimal } from 'decimal-js-sdk';
const wallet = new Wallet(/*your mnemonic*/);
const decimal = new Decimal({gateUrl: '', wallet})
const data = {
to: 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
coin: 'tdel',
amount: '1',
const txResult = await decimal.sendCoins(data); // see sendCoins for details
// => {hash: '4C0A408B6EBC33AD...', success: true, error: null}
import { Wallet } from 'decimal-js-sdk';
const wallet = new Wallet();
import { Wallet } from 'decimal-js-sdk';
const wallet = new Wallet('erase august mask elevator sand picture north there apple equal anchor target');
import { Wallet } from 'decimal-js-sdk';
// you can use one of three mods: emulator, usb, bluetooth
const wallet = await Wallet.initLedger('emulator');
Return the private key string of 64 hex characters
// 8f7370936a728ff3d2306cbf2422382a4297f9059aecb5703fe83eef49d3e828
Return the public key string of 64 hex characters
// 02f85bb9b5d87cda4197b09d0cd0ef5a1fb97f74f261f508f48a26d7dba2d0ed12
Switches to wallet from list of wallets, generated with Master key, updates wallet to picked, wallet id picked, private key, public key, address. Only to generated wallets.
// switched to another early generated wallet.privateKey, wallet.publicKey, wallet.address
Generates new wallet with Master key, updates wallet to new generated, account's depth, wallet id to new generated, list of wallets, private key, public key, address. Maximum to 20 wallets with current Master key.
// new wallet.privateKey, wallet.publicKey, wallet.address
Generates new wallets with Master key and switches to wallet with provided id or the last wallet. Maximum to 20 wallets with current Master key.
wallet.generateAndSwitchAccount(depth, id);
// new wallets to depth, switched to wallet with provided id
Additionally, you can pass network parameter to enable network specific features:
const decimal = new Decimal({
gateUrl: '',
network: 'testnet', // Enable testnet only txs types
Available networks: ['mainnet', 'testnet', 'devnet'] If omitted defaults to 'mainnet', which is fine in most cases.
decimal.verifyAddress(address, prefix = 'dx')
- examples:
const decimal = new Decimal(...)
const isValid = await decimal.verifyAddress('dx13wv0w5w6uzkqceevtcefgc3sk0gg33vjuew2wy') // true
const isValidatorAddress = await decimal.verifyAddress('dxvaloper13wv0w5w6uzkqceevtcefgc3sk0gg33vjuew2wy', 'dxvaloper') // true
import {TX_TYPE} from 'decimal-js-sdk'
Used for generating offline transactions. This is an optional parameter!
const meta = {
account_number: "10",
chain_id: "decimal-testnet-06-30-15-30",
sequence: "198"
Each transaction method consists of input data (data) and options. This is an optional parameter!
const options = {
gasLimit: '9000000000000000000', // The maximum amount of gas you are willing to pay for a transaction
feeCoin: 'BTC', // The coin that pays commission
feeAmount: '4000', // Fee pay amount
message: 'my message', // Any additional information about the transaction
txBroadcastMode: 'sync', // Broadcast tx mode {sync | async | block}
accountInfoMode: 'blockchain-with-mempool', // Method of obtaining nonce, receive nonce with unconfirmed transactions in a mempool or not {blockchain | blockchain-with-mempool}
setNonceAutomatically: true, // Automatically calculate nonce within a small transaction pool, after getting the first one from blockchain {true | false}
nonce: '100', // Custom nonce for the transaction {valid number string}
import {TX_TYPE} from 'decimal-js-sdk';
const broadcastTx = await decimal.getTransaction(TX_TYPE.COIN_SEND, data, options);
txBroadcastMode: "sync"
tx: {
fee: {amount: Array(0), gas: "9000000000000000000"},
memo: "sdk test",
msg: [{…}],
signatures: [{…}]
import {TX_TYPE} from 'decimal-js-sdk';
const broadcastTx = await decimal.getTransaction(TX_TYPE.COIN_SEND, data, options);
const result = await decimal.postTx(broadcastTx);
error: null
hash: "244AA816B881BDA43704867574114D905631EFA3B6AFD0E401C7B603D8264DF8"
success: true
const fee = await decimal.estimateTxFee(TX_TYPE.COIN_SEND, data, options);
console.log(fee); // 0.44
await decimal.getTransactionByHash(hash);
Please note, that these methods require gateUrl to be provided
const limit = 10;
const offset = 0;
const query = ''; // search
await decimal.getCoinsList(limit, offset, query);
"count": 5,
"coins": [
"symbol": "mycoin",
"title": "MYCOIN",
"volume": "1023454326378015905553",
"reserve": "12609116636032889229477",
"crr": 10,
"limitVolume": "2000000000000000000000",
"creator": "dx1vkn4lje42gjmyghc3vneg0yqa39wfgqvh4f8zg",
"txHash": "93AC6D86FF12BD9594889FEF4092542CBA6FEFA09F5E4A710D9E6CF12C1006A7",
"blockId": 1529,
"avatar": "data:image/png;base64...",
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T14:09:38.852Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T12:25:56.512Z"
// ...
const coinTicker = 'MYCOIN'
await decimal.getCoin(coinTicker);
"symbol": "mycoin",
"title": "MYCOIN",
"volume": "1022451550064246238748",
"reserve": "12486116326032889229477",
"crr": 10,
"limitVolume": "2000000000000000000000",
"creator": "dx1vkn4lje42gjmyghc3vneg0yqa39wfgqvh4f8zg",
"txHash": "93AC6D86FF12BD9594889FEF4092542CBA6FEFA09F5E4A710D9E6CF12C1006A7",
"blockId": 1529,
"avatar": "data:image/png;base64..."
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T14:09:38.852Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T08:09:44.203Z"
const address = 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g' // address of requested user, required property
const txLimit = 10; // optional property
await decimal.getAddress(address, txLimit);
"address": {
"id": 31,
"address": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"type": "single",
"balance": {
"tdel": "14999120000000000000000"
"balanceNft": [
amount: "1"
collection: "testovaya"
// if user's address then original cover of nft
// else a placeholder image used for common display
cover: "
nftId: "4a482a53b16345bb625a214b2f9c3f2968461cd0"
nftReserve: [{...}]
nftStake: [{...}]
"nonce": 2,
"txes": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T07:48:15.089Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T08:07:36.086Z",
"totalStake": null,
"txs": [
// ...
"coins": [
// ...
await decimal.getMeta();
"account_number": "33",
"sequence": "2",
"chain_id": "decimal-testnet-07-28-18-30"
const address = 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g'
await decimal.getMultisigsByAddress(address, txLimit);
"count": 4,
"wallets": [
"id": 1,
"address": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"multisig": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"weight": 1,
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.842Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.842Z",
"wallet": {
"address": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"threshold": 2,
"creator": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.839Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.839Z"
// ...
const multisigAddress = 'dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw';
await decimal.getMultisig(multisigAddress);
"address": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"threshold": 2,
"creator": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.839Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.839Z",
"owners": [
"id": 1,
"address": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"multisig": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"weight": 1,
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.842Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.842Z"
"id": 2,
"address": "dx1tnqtm4kr9r2584wehzvtvvycq3zvm9s3tp6rdw",
"multisig": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"weight": 1,
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.846Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.846Z"
"txs": [
"transaction": "dxmstx1mxpwmc7skej00chq4ryzfs3rysz980wtnsdfws",
"hashTx": "D6F7DAC81F52D9FEE522582D0E77D2F75C4737B3D313B343F01132399F5CDD93",
"hashSign": null,
"confirmed": false,
"confirmations": 1,
"data": {
"dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g": {
"timestamp": "2020-07-29T10:34:37.925Z",
"signer_weight": 1
"dx1tnqtm4kr9r2584wehzvtvvycq3zvm9s3tp6rdw": {
"timestamp": null,
"signer_weight": null
"coin": [
"coin": "tdel",
"amount": "4000000000000000000"
"address": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"to": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T10:34:37.926Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T10:34:37.926Z"
"account": {
"id": 33,
"address": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"type": "multisig",
"balance": {
"tdel": "14892500000000000000000"
"nonce": null,
"txes": 2,
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T09:50:47.836Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T11:43:52.372Z"
const multisigAddress = 'dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw';
const limit = 10;
const offset = 0;
await decimal.getMultisigTxs(multisigAddress, limit, offset);
"count": 1,
"txs": [
"transaction": "dxmstx1mxpwmc7skej00chq4ryzfs3rysz980wtnsdfws",
"hashTx": "D6F7DAC81F52D9FEE522582D0E77D2F75C4737B3D313B343F01132399F5CDD93",
"hashSign": null,
"confirmed": false,
"confirmations": 1,
"data": {
"dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g": {
"timestamp": "2020-07-29T10:34:37.925Z",
"signer_weight": 1
"dx1tnqtm4kr9r2584wehzvtvvycq3zvm9s3tp6rdw": {
"timestamp": null,
"signer_weight": null
"coin": [
"coin": "tdel",
"amount": "4000000000000000000"
"address": "dx1q8957kzw3dxvc2gndc0cwqq3v35xfrrl76tdsw",
"to": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T10:34:37.926Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T10:34:37.926Z"
const id = '2ff8d64694c057777707739910f83f8bda53aa37'; // id of requested nft
await decimal.getNft(id);
common fields for all users
allowMint: false
blockId: 17187
cover: "..."
createdAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:48.378Z"
creator: "dx1wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8"
description: "token"
headline: "tok"
id: 422
misc: {coverHash: '307a3e7ccac8dfbd522805d980e199e5e5dc1541', coverPath: 'cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo_cover_93b28.png', coverExtension: 'png'}
nftCollection: "tok"
nftId: "2ff8d64694c057777707739910f83f8bda53aa37"
nftReserve: (10) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
nonFungible: false
owners: (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]
quantity: "10"
slug: "cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo"
startReserve: "100000000000000000000"
status: "active"
tokenUri: ""
totalReserve: "1000000000000000000000"
txHash: "33A41B8C910F7BCB03958448F9F59401EC9D3089F5CF7C621248F2CE2E168063"
updatedAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:58.071Z
if user is owner of requested nft then response is
asset: 'assets/JeqShgz5ySuYgrDr2f5Cz8MrKTSP2pyk_0299a.png',
if user is not owner of requested nft then response is
asset: null,
const address = 'dx1wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8'; // address of requested user with nfts, required property
const limit = 10; // optional property
const offset = 0; // optional property
const query = '2ff8d64694c05777770'; // nft id or nft collection to search, optional property
await decimal.getNfts(address, limit, offset, query);
common fields for all users
count: 1,
tokens: [{
asset: null
isPrivate: true
allowMint: false
blockId: 17187
createdAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:48.378Z"
creator: "dx1wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8"
description: "token"
headline: "tok"
id: 422
nftCollection: "tok"
nftId: "2ff8d64694c057777707739910f83f8bda53aa37"
nftReserve: (10) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
nonFungible: false
owners: (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]
quantity: "10"
slug: "cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo"
startReserve: "100000000000000000000"
status: "active"
tokenUri: ""
totalReserve: "1000000000000000000000"
txHash: "33A41B8C910F7BCB03958448F9F59401EC9D3089F5CF7C621248F2CE2E168063"
updatedAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:58.071Z
if user's address
cover: "...", // original cover of nft
misc: {coverHash: '307a3e7ccac8dfbd522805d980e199e5e5dc1541', coverPath: 'cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo_cover_93b28.png', coverExtension: 'png'}
if not user's address
// predefined data
cover: "...", // a placeholder image used for common display
misc: null,
const id = '1b2a71cfc20aabab7e9d0151b963732828e155ec'; // nft id of requested nft txes, required property
const limit = 10; // optional property
const offset = 0; // optional property
const order = 'order[createdAt]=DESC'; // sort field and direction in format order[FIELD]=DIRECTION where DIRECTION in (DISC, ASC), optional property
await decimal.getNftTxes(id, limit, offset, order);
common fields for all users
count: 1,
txs: [{
blockId: 648044
code: 0
cover: "
createdAt: "2021-10-15T04:53:40.411Z"
creator: "dx1zenxxwspj8rnjstqyst9qvwaptq7jwwjnzul04"
data: {log: "",…}
description: "DAY"
fee: {gas_coin: null, gas_used: "430000000000000000", gas_amount: null, gas_used_number: 430000000000000000}
from: "dx1wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8"
hash: "7F3BFBBAB54373E7E83EA7ECAF32CB1C42BC5ED4CD37AE3ECBF984D3058E8F00"
headline: "DAY"
id: 528
isPrivate: false
message: ""
misc: {coverHash: "6c37327f0e961595787924a89944894cd62d2a83",…}
nonce: 119
slug: "ndFK0PT2V1VmrEvd7F9jhzZLbG3b8cfI"
status: "active"
timestamp: "2021-11-15T10:15:52.669Z"
to: null
type: "delegate_nft"
updatedAt: "2021-10-15T04:53:48.550Z"
if user's nft
cover: "...", // original cover of nft
misc: {coverHash: '307a3e7ccac8dfbd522805d980e199e5e5dc1541', coverPath: 'cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo_cover_93b28.png', coverExtension: 'png'}
if not user's nft
// predefined data
cover: "...", // a placeholder image used for common display
misc: null,
const address = 'dx1wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8'; // address of requested user with nfts, required property
const limit = 10; // optional property
const offset = 0; // optional property
const order = 'order[createdAt]=DESC'; // sort field and direction in format order[FIELD]=DIRECTION where DIRECTION in (DISC, ASC), optional property
await decimal.getNftsTxes(address, limit, offset, order);
common fields for all users
count: 1,
txs: [{
blockId: 648044
code: 0
cover: "
createdAt: "2021-10-15T04:53:40.411Z"
creator: "dx1zenxxwspj8rnjstqyst9qvwaptq7jwwjnzul04"
data: {log: "",…}
description: "DAY"
fee: {gas_coin: null, gas_used: "430000000000000000", gas_amount: null, gas_used_number: 430000000000000000}
from: "dx1wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8"
hash: "7F3BFBBAB54373E7E83EA7ECAF32CB1C42BC5ED4CD37AE3ECBF984D3058E8F00"
headline: "DAY"
id: 528
isPrivate: false
message: ""
misc: {coverHash: "6c37327f0e961595787924a89944894cd62d2a83",…}
nonce: 119
slug: "ndFK0PT2V1VmrEvd7F9jhzZLbG3b8cfI"
status: "active"
timestamp: "2021-11-15T10:15:52.669Z"
to: null
type: "delegate_nft"
updatedAt: "2021-10-15T04:53:48.550Z"
if user's address
cover: "...", // original cover of nft
misc: {coverHash: '307a3e7ccac8dfbd522805d980e199e5e5dc1541', coverPath: 'cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo_cover_93b28.png', coverExtension: 'png'}
if not user's address
// predefined data
cover: "...", // a placeholder image used for common display
misc: null,
const address = 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g';
await decimal.getStakesByAddress(address);
"validators": [
"validatorId": "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"stakesNfts": [
"baseQuantity": "1000",
"nftCollection": "denom1",
"quantity": "10",
"unbondQuantity": "10"
"totalStake": "500000000000000000000",
"validator": {
"address": "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"consensusAddress": "dxvalcons17ntss5hyuutk5w4a4upptz3xc9f3f0tgwwmfw8",
"rewardAddress": "dx1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga43jd3ry",
"moniker": "test-node-fra1-02",
"website": "",
"details": "Declaring validator on test-node-fra1-02",
"identity": null,
"security_contact": null,
"blockId": 0,
"skippedBlocks": 0,
"delegators": 2,
"fee": "0.100000000000000000",
"slots": 2,
"mins": "0",
"stake": "40000500000000000000000000",
"power": "40000500",
"rating": null,
"status": "online",
"kind": "Validator",
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T11:48:06.658Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T12:51:33.002Z"
"total": "1000"
const address = 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g';
await decimal.getNftStakesByAddress(address);
"validators": [
"validatorId": "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"stakes": [
"coin": "tdel",
"amount": "500000000000000000000",
"baseAmount": "500000000000000000000",
"unbondAmount": null
"totalStake": "500000000000000000000",
"validator": {
"address": "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"consensusAddress": "dxvalcons17ntss5hyuutk5w4a4upptz3xc9f3f0tgwwmfw8",
"rewardAddress": "dx1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga43jd3ry",
"moniker": "test-node-fra1-02",
"website": "",
"details": "Declaring validator on test-node-fra1-02",
"identity": null,
"security_contact": null,
"blockId": 0,
"skippedBlocks": 0,
"delegators": 2,
"fee": "0.100000000000000000",
"slots": 2,
"mins": "0",
"stake": "40000500000000000000000000",
"power": "40000500",
"rating": null,
"status": "online",
"kind": "Validator",
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T11:48:06.658Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T12:51:33.002Z"
"total": "500000000000000000000"
const validatorAddress = 'dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0';
await decimal.getValidator(validatorAddress);
"address": "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"consensusAddress": "dxvalcons17ntss5hyuutk5w4a4upptz3xc9f3f0tgwwmfw8",
"rewardAddress": "dx1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga43jd3ry",
"moniker": "test-node-fra1-02",
"website": "",
"details": "Declaring validator on test-node-fra1-02",
"identity": null,
"security_contact": null,
"blockId": 0,
"skippedBlocks": 0,
"delegators": 2,
"fee": "0.100000000000000000",
"slots": 2,
"mins": "0",
"stake": "40000500000000000000000000",
"power": "40000500",
"rating": null,
"status": "online",
"kind": "Validator",
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T11:48:06.658Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T12:51:33.002Z"
const limit = 10;
const offset = 0;
const types = '';
await decimal.getMyTransactions(limit, offset, types);
"count": 27,
"txs": [
"id": 101,
"hash": "E248CD76554521D0FB021E9AC666CC4B3511F974992771CD2AB7904F8ABE608C",
"timestamp": "2020-07-29T13:26:35.194Z",
"status": "Success",
"type": "set_offline",
"fee": {
"gas_coin": null,
"gas_used": "408000000000000000",
"gas_amount": null,
"gas_used_number": 408000000000000000
"data": {
"log": "",
"coin": "",
"check": "",
"coins": "",
"proof": "",
"title": "",
"amount": "",
"issuer": "",
"owners": "",
"sender": "",
"symbol": "",
"wallet": "",
"weights": "",
"coin_base": "",
"confirmed": null,
"due_block": "",
"recipient": "",
"threshold": "",
"coin_check": "",
"commission": "",
"amount_base": "",
"coin_to_buy": "",
"nonce_check": null,
"transaction": "",
"amount_check": "",
"coin_to_sell": "",
"limit_volume": "",
"amount_to_buy": "",
"confirmations": null,
"signer_weight": null,
"amount_to_sell": "",
"initial_volume": "",
"reward_address": "",
"validator_desc": {
"details": "",
"moniker": "",
"website": "",
"identity": "",
"security_contact": ""
"completion_time": "",
"initial_reserve": "",
"delegator_address": "",
"min_amount_to_buy": "",
"validator_address": "dxvaloper13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn32jrhsr",
"max_amount_to_sell": "",
"multisend_receivers": "",
"constant_reserve_ratio": null
"nonce": 23,
"code": 0,
"message": "",
"blockId": 16607,
"from": "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"to": null,
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T13:26:41.244Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T13:26:41.244Z"
// ....
const data = {
to: 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
coin: 'tDEL',
amount: '100', // 100 tDEL
await decimal.sendCoins(data, options);
const data = {
coin: 'tDEL',
amount: '100', // 100 tDEL
await decimal.burnCoins(data, options);
const data = [
to: 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
coin: 'tDEL',
amount: '100'
to: 'dx13m9gxeru45wxlcqk9dxf4vlewslauwr8try0tl',
coin: 'tDEL',
amount: '50'
await decimal.multisendCoins(data, options);
const data = {
buyCoin: 'BTC',
amount: '10',
spendCoin: 'DEL',
maxSpendLimit: '20', // Optionally
await decimal.buyCoins(data, options);
const data = {
sellCoin: 'DEL',
amount: '10',
getCoin: 'ETH',
minBuyLimit: '2', // Optionally
await decimal.sellCoins(data, options);
const data = {
sellCoin: 'BTC',
getCoin: 'DEL',
minBuyLimit: '10', // Optionally
await decimal.sellAllCoins(data, options);
const data = {
title: 'Test coin',
ticker: 'TESTTT',
initSupply: '50000',
maxSupply: '100000',
reserve: '12000',
crr: '45',
await decimal.createCoin(data, options);
const data = {
address: 'dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0',
coin: 'tdel',
stake: '10',
await decimal.validatorDelegate(data, options);
const data = {
address: 'dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0',
coin: 'tdel',
stake: '10',
await decimal.validatorUnbond(data, options);
const data = {
rewardAddress: 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
coin: 'tdel',
stake: '10',
pubKey: 'JRlv38BXuD1TvWQJ9ic1KHr8PzuOITZH3rD8Zm0Vj3Y=',
commission: '10',
description: {
moniker: 'my-node-123',
identity: '',
website: '',
securityContact: '',
details: 'details node',
await decimal.validatorDeclare(data, options);
const data = {
rewardAddress: 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
description: {
moniker: 'my-node-123-edit',
identity: '321',
website: '',
securityContact: '',
details: 'details node',
await decimal.validatorEdit(data, options);
await decimal.validatorOn(options);
await decimal.validatorOff(options);
const data = {
nonce: '34',
coin: 'tdel',
amount: '100',
password: '123',
dueBlock: '999999999',
await decimal.issueCheck(data, options);
const data = {
check: 'ERp9FR24Vz19XG....',
password: '123',
await decimal.redeemCheck(data, options);
import generateNftId from './utils';
const id = generateNftId(
'asdfg', // nft name string
'asdfgasdfg', // nft description string
'CadgWIHKcOkPzn5X0Eji96F7RLiLAxPQ', // nft slug
'7446c6522319e02ca5552c257d0c01faa89c41a9', // cover file SHA-1 hash or null
'7446c6522319e02ca5552c257d0c01faa89c41a9' // asset file SHA-1 hash or null
const data = {
id, // hash string
denom: 'phone', // nft collection string
recipient: 'dx1lx4lvt8sjuxj8vw5dcf6knnq0pacre4w6hdh2v',
token_uri: '',
quantity: '1',
reserve: '1',
allow_mint: true,
await decimal.nftMint(data, options);
const data = {
denom: 'phone',
id: 'd6ebb0c3-f075-43f2-ac60-ac0d02858154',
sub_token_ids: ['1', '2']
await decimal.nftBurn(data, options);
const data = {
denom: 'phone',
id: 'd6ebb0c3-f075-43f2-ac60-ac0d02858154',
token_uri: '',
await decimal.nftEditMetadata(data, options);
const data = {
recipient: 'dx1lx4lvt8sjuxj8vw5dcf6knnq0pacre4w6hdh2v',
denom: 'phone',
id: 'd6ebb0c3-f075-43f2-ac60-ac0d02858154',
sub_token_ids: ['1', '2']
await decimal.nftTransfer(data, options);
const data = {
denom: 'phone',
id: 'd6ebb0c3-f075-43f2-ac60-ac0d02858154',
validator_address: 'dxvaloper1mvqrrrlcd0gdt256jxg7n68e4neppu5tk872z3',
sub_token_ids: ['1', '2']
await decimal.nftDelegate(data, options);
const data = {
denom: 'phone',
id: 'd6ebb0c3-f075-43f2-ac60-ac0d02858154',
validator_address: 'dxvaloper1mvqrrrlcd0gdt256jxg7n68e4neppu5tk872z3',
sub_token_ids: ['1', '2']
await decimal.nftUnbond(data, options);
const data = {
denom: 'phone', // nft collection name
id: 'd6ebb0c3-f075-43f2-ac60-ac0d02858154', // nft id
sub_token_ids: ['1', '2'], // sub token ids which need to be updated
reserve: '3' // new nft sub tokens reserve in DELs
// must be greater than the current nft sub token reserve
// have to consider user's account balance in DEL, total reserve differences must be less than balance
await decimal.nftUpdateReserve(data, options);
const data = {
recipient: '0x45376AD024c767577714C7B92882578aE8B7f98C',
amount: '1',
tokenName: 'decimal',
tokenSymbol: 'DEL',
destChain: '2',
await decimal.msgSwapInit(data, options)
const data = {
from: '0x856F08B12cB844fa05CDF1eBfFd303B091D34d09',
amount: '2',
recipient: 'dx1twj64nphm8zl98uxv7gnt6xg4tpkk4gyr3tux9',
tokenName: 'muh coin',
transactionNumber: 'qqqqqqqq',
tokenSymbol: 'coin',
fromChain: '2',
v: 0x1c,
r: '0xb8b3eb4980e649a65b7e136fbcafda4d12e3b11a40d8aaa7d951e13fbe483579',
s: '0x74de77f4a9f4045992cf6f220cff9be67a2c0332124e60af0a6791c9b0a64c36',
await decimal.msgSwapRedeem(data, options)
const data = {
owners: ['dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g', 'dx1v9macmluxh7rk3zsd69v7dwv9fsjhctn2jfhz9'],
weights: ['1', '1'],
threshold: '2',
await decimal.multisigCreateWallet(data, options);
const data = {
from: 'dx1am6ke3l79kjzdqhwgx37em04mzg686ekf9p3pq',
to: 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
coin: 'tdel',
amount: '10',
await decimal.multisigCreateTx(data, options);
const data = {
txId: 'dxmstx1tqmjch2x5uk9wgnu8zl88rj6h4hy8rm8mtqfft'
await decimal.multisigSignTx(data, options);