You can provide your own Decimal node address to send transactions to the network, or you can use our gateways to do this and much more. Gateway URLs are provided below.
The following code can be used to generate mnemonic or use your mnemonic
const bip39 = require("bip39");
const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
import { Wallet, Decimal, DecimalNetworks } from 'dsc-js-sdk'
// connect decimal sdk to gateway or node
const decimal = await Decimal.connect(DecimalNetworks.devnet);
// get decimal wallet from mnemonic and set it to decimal instance
const decimalWallet = new Wallet(mnemonic);
// prepare message
const msgSendCoin = {
to: 'd01epqerywtrgalfl7qytgplptatt776qd65p64w6',
coin: 'del',
amount: '300'
// set transaction options
const options = {
feeCoin: "", // network native coin by default (del/tdel)
message: "memo",
txBroadcastMode: "sync",
// create transaction sender
const sender = await decimal.transactionSender();
// send transaction
const res = await sender.sendCoin(msgSendCoin, options);
// using our gateway to send transactions - the simpliest way
const decimal = await Decimal.connect(DecimalNetworks.devnet);
// pass the second parameter to specify mode (by default === false)
// in this case you will be using our node
const isNodeDirectMode = true;
const decimal = await Decimal.connect(DecimalNetworks.devnet, isNodeDirectMode);
// advanced users can use their own node rest and rpc endpoints
const nodeEnpoints = {
rest: '',
rpc: ''
const isNodeDirectMode = true;
const decimal = await Decimal.connect(DecimalNetworks.devnet, isNodeDirectMode, nodeEnpoints);
const msg = {
validatorAddress: "d01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd", // validator address
coin: "del", // coin denom
stake: "200", // amount to delegate
const res = await sender.delegate(msg, options);
const msg = {
validatorAddress: "d01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd", // validator address
coin: "del", // coin denomination
stake: "200", // amount to unbond
const res = await sender.unbond(msg, options);
const msg = {
validatorFrom: "d01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd", // source validator address
validatorTo: "d0valoper14elhyzmq95f98wrkvujtsr5cyudffp6qwyerml", // destination validator address
coin: "del", // coin denomination
stake: "200", // amount to redelegate
const res = await sender.redelegate(msg, options);
const msg = {
validatorAddress: "d01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd", // validator address
nftId: "1bae7edab0ed10101a5c68e04625a082deb9c2674da7f15b5acc6bcaa426be8b", // id of nft token
subTokenIds: [1, 2, 3], // array of subtokens to delegate
const res = await sender.delegateNft(msg, options);
const msg = {
validatorAddress: "d01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd", // validator address
nftId: "1bae7edab0ed10101a5c68e04625a082deb9c2674da7f15b5acc6bcaa426be8b", // id of nft token
subTokenIds: [4, 5], // array of subtokens to unbond
const res = await sender.unbondNft(msg, options);
const msg = {
validatorFrom: "d01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd", // source validator address
validatorTo: "d0valoper14elhyzmq95f98wrkvujtsr5cyudffp6qwyerml", // destination validator address
nftId: "1bae7edab0ed10101a5c68e04625a082deb9c2674da7f15b5acc6bcaa426be8b", // id of nft token
subTokenIds: [7], // array of subtokens to redelegate
const res = await sender.redelegateNft(msg, options);
const msg = {
rewardAddress: 'd01fatzsagt96pfglxlq245th252mv3neckg3cu3c', // address to receive rewards
coin: 'del', // coin denomination
stake: '10', // amount of initial stake
pubKey: 'JRlv38BXuD1TvWQJ9ic1KHr8PzuOITZH3rD8Zm0Vj3Y=', // public key (base64 encoded string)
commission: '10', // percent of validator commission
description: {
moniker: 'my-node-123', // name of validator
identity: '', // gravatar hash to show avatar
website: '', // website of validator
securityContact: '', // email of validator
details: 'details node', // some details about validator
const res = await sender.createValidator(msg, options);
const msg = {
rewardAddress: 'd01fatzsagt96pfglxlq245th252mv3neckg3cu3c', // address to receive rewards
description: {
moniker: 'my-node-123', // name of validator
identity: '', // gravatar hash to show avatar
website: '', // website of validator
securityContact: '', // email of validator
details: 'details node', // some details about validator
const res = await sender.editValidator(msg, options);
const msg = {
validator: 'd01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd', // validator address
const res = await sender.setOnline(msg, options);
const msg = {
validator: 'd01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd', // validator address
const res = await sender.setOffline(msg, options);
// message of transaction to create
const msgSendCoin = {
to: 'd01epqerywtrgalfl7qytgplptatt776qd65p64w6',
coin: 'del',
amount: '300'
// message of main transaction (creation)
const msg = {
from: 'd01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd', // multisig address
type: txTypesNew.COIN_SEND, // looks like "/decimal.coin.v1.MsgSendCoin"
value: msgSendCoin,
const res = await sender.multisigCreateTx(msg, options);
const msg: clientMultisigSignTx = {
txId: 'dxmstx1d2hnukkq70vj50lykepzzm28xgl3qecung5uvr', // created transcation id
const res = await sender.multisigSignTx(msg, options);
const res = await decimal.requestLegacy(); // try to get your legacy
/* the output of res, if you have no legacy
{ message: 'Account have no legacy record' }
// Work only with verification contract
const evm = await decimal.getContract('0x7d398c1076d8666679e2e5ef794f91519bf15133'); // try to contract data
the return instance of Contract with ABI-Json and method
for execute direct action for contract user evm.contract
user direct action, args) - this is for get contract data and customize data
user direct action evm.send(action, args) - this is for send transactions and customize data
await"balanceOf", "0x7d398c1076d8666679e2e5ef794f91519bf15133")
const action = await evm.send('mint', '0x444532f6bdd4fd087e36bfa0c9c359e92b1e0e74', 'test', '')
// enums allowed only in TypeScript
enum DelegationStatus {
delegated = "delegated",
undelegating = "undelegating",
redelegating = "redelegating",
const address = decimalWallet.address;
or custom address: const address = 'd01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd';
const res = await decimal.getStakesByAddress(address, DelegationStatus.delegated); // or simply "delegated"
/* the output example for delegated/undelegating:
"validatorId": 1,
"validator": {
"moniker": "Validator Alpha",
"address": "d0valoper1yvgq6uh35a395hexhxcde2zfpwwafzpa7dtezu",
"identity": "" // should be some base64 srtring or gravatar
"stakes": [
"amount": "100000000000000000000",
"baseAmount": "100000000000000000000",
"unbondAmount": null,
"unbondBaseAmount": null,
"coinDenom": "del"
/* the output example for redelegating:
"validatorId": 1,
"validator": {
"moniker": "Validator Alpha",
"address": "d0valoper1yvgq6uh35a395hexhxcde2zfpwwafzpa7dtezu",
"identity": "" // should be some base64 srtring or gravatar
"stakes": [
"amount": "30000000000000000000",
"baseAmount": "30000000000000000000",
"unbondAmount": "0",
"unbondBaseAmount": "0",
"redelegatedAmount": "10000000000000000000",
"redelegatedBaseAmount": "10000000000000000000",
"coinDenom": "del",
"toValidator": {
"moniker": "Validator Beta",
"address": "d0valoper1wyhcct0rqvwwwg37a95ujdfhyu6swlq4va6hjv",
"identity": "" // should be some base64 srtring or gravatar
// enums allowed only in TypeScript
enum DelegationStatus {
delegated = "delegated",
undelegating = "undelegating",
redelegating = "redelegating",
const address = decimalWallet.address;
or custom address: const address = 'd01ykrttqa27eruxt3ve5ym27qq66r4qssgqthpcd';
const res = await decimal.getNftStakesByAddress(address, DelegationStatus.delegated); // or simply "delegated"
/* the output example for delegated/undelegating:
"validatorId": 2,
"validator": {
"moniker": "Validator Beta",
"address": "d0valoper1wyhcct0rqvwwwg37a95ujdfhyu6swlq4va6hjv",
"identity": "" // should be some base64 srtring or gravatar
"stakes": [
"nftId": "9087bc42f5b9e56ec917426ae97aa5efe8d63e5c",
"nftCollection": "Some collection",
"tokenUri": "",
"quantity": "221000000000000000000",
"unbondQuantity": null,
"coinDenom": "del",
"nftReserve": [
"subTokenId": 1,
"reserve": "12000000000000000000",
"status": "undelegating"
"id": 100,
"slug": "lbZ4fgfS2XD66sMJkohy1LIxMnFXmjyL",
"headline": "TeperTeper",
"description": "TeperTeperTeper",
"misc": {
"coverHash": "14a65e779be03cc75c6f02bd3c7594c4b6dd8b8b",
"coverPath": "lbZ4fgfS2XD66sMJkohy1LIxMnFXmjyL_cover_2fcab.webp",
"assetExtension": "png",
"coverExtension": "webp"
"cover": "covers/lbZ4fgfS2XD66sMJkohy1LIxMnFXmjyL_cover_2fcab.webp",
"status": "active",
"isPrivate": false,
"createdAt": "2022-11-01T11:32:57.066Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-11-01T11:32:57.066Z"
/* the output example for redelegating:
"validatorId": 1,
"validator": {
"moniker": "Validator Alpha",
"address": "d0valoper1yvgq6uh35a395hexhxcde2zfpwwafzpa7dtezu",
"identity": "" // should be some base64 srtring or gravatar
"stakes": [
"nftId": "d5b498df14e6477718c4e57ebdfc9651a0fe867b",
"nftCollection": "Some collection",
"coinDenom": "del",
"tokenUri": "",
"redelegatingQuantity": "2000000000000000000",
"toValidator": {
"moniker": "Validator Gamma",
"address": "d0valoper1awcpcet7d6yd0lzsqnamrfhchgvkpujg3s4c33",
"identity": "" // should be some base64 srtring or gravatar
"nftReserve": [
"subTokenId": 2,
"reserve": "2000000000000000000",
"status": "redelegating"
"id": 101,
"slug": "WqjYbqBFLFwV4EaIN7dNuYPJuOoI58jF",
"headline": "Ftreeer2",
"description": "FtreeerFtreeer",
"misc": {
"coverHash": "0a516fef04258228bb5e5c0fb94cd2e95e5f3909",
"coverPath": "WqjYbqBFLFwV4EaIN7dNuYPJuOoI58jF_cover_37be6.webp",
"assetExtension": "jpg",
"coverExtension": "webp"
"cover": "covers/WqjYbqBFLFwV4EaIN7dNuYPJuOoI58jF_cover_37be6.webp",
"status": "active",
"isPrivate": false,
"createdAt": "2022-11-01T11:34:49.244Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-11-01T11:34:49.244Z"