You can provide your own Decimal node address to send transactions to the network, or you can use our gateways to do this and much more. Gateway URLs are provided below.
The following code can be used to generate mnemonic or use your mnemonic
const bip39 = require("bip39");
const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
const { Wallet, DecimalEVM, DecimalNetworks } = SDK;
const decimalWallet = new Wallet(mnemonic);
//DecimalNetworks.devnet - is devnet
//DecimalNetworks.testnet - is testnet
//DecimalNetworks.mainnet - is mainnet
const decimalEVM = new DecimalEVM(decimalWallet, DecimalNetworks.mainnet);
//To work with Decimal contracts, they need to be initialized
//You can initialize all contracts at once, or individually
//If you forgot to initialize the contact before using the function, it will be initialized automatically during the execution of the function
//To speed up the sdk, we recommend doing this in advance
await decimalEVM.connect(); // initializes all contacts
await decimalEVM.connect('contract-center') // initializes only contract-center contact
await decimalEVM.connect('token-center') // initializes only token-center contact
await decimalEVM.connect('nft-center') // initializes only nft-center contact
await decimalEVM.connect('delegation') // initializes only delegation contact (delegation token)
await decimalEVM.connect('delegation-nft') // initializes only delegation-nft contact (delegation nft)
await decimalEVM.connect('master-validator') // initializes only master-validator contact (master node)
await decimalEVM.connect('multi-call') // initializes only multi-call contact (multi send)
await decimalEVM.connect('multi-sig') // initializes only multi-sig contact
const address = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther('1') // 1 DEL
await decimalEVM.sendDEL(address, amount)
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther('1') // 1 DEL
await decimalEVM.burnDEL(amount)
const newToken = {
creator: decimalWallet.evmAddress, // owner of token (evm address)
symbol: 'TKNE', // symbol of token
name: 'TokenName', // name of token
crr: 50, // crr of token (value is from 10 to 100)
initialMint: decimalEVM.parseEther(1000), // initial mint of token
minTotalSupply: decimalEVM.parseEther(1), // minimum total supply after which the token sale will be impossible
maxTotalSupply: decimalEVM.parseEther(5000000), // maximum total supply after which the token buy will be impossible
identity: '7815696ecbf1c96e6894b779456d330e', // md5 hash icon of gravatar
//The amount of the commission depends on the length of the symbol token
//3 letters — 2500000 DEL
//4 letters — 250,000 DEL
//5 letters — 25,000 DEL
//6 letters — 2500 DEL
//7-10 letters — 250 DEL
//The commission must be added to the amount of the reserve!
const comission = 250000
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1000+comission) // minimum reserve 1000 DEL.
const {tokenAddress} = await decimalEVM.createToken(newToken, reserve)
//if mintable is false
const name = "TokenName"
const symbol = "TKNE"
const mintable = false
const burnable = true
const initialMint = decimalEVM.parseEther(1000)
const cap = undefined
const identity = '' //icon
const {tx, tokenAddress} = await decimalEVM.createTokenReserveless(name, symbol, mintable, burnable, initialMint, cap, identity)
//if mintable is true
const name = "TokenName"
const symbol = "TKNE"
const mintable = true
const burnable = true
const initialMint = decimalEVM.parseEther(1000)
const cap = decimalEVM.parseEther(10000) //max total supply
const identity = '' //icon
const {tx, tokenAddress} = await decimalEVM.createTokenReserveless(name, symbol, mintable, burnable, initialMint, cap, identity)
const spender = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"; // address of who will be allowed to spend amount
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(1);
const tx = await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, spender, amount)
const to = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"; // recipient's address
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const tx = await decimalEVM.transferToken(tokenAddress, to, amount)
// Use function approveToken() to approve token from owner to recipient address
// Then you can call transferFromToken() from wallet recipient
const from = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"; // address of owner tokens
const to = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"; // recipient's address
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const tx = await decimalEVM.transferFromToken(tokenAddress, from, to, amount)
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const tx = await decimalEVM.burnToken(tokenAddress, amount)
const recipient = decimalWallet.evmAddress
const amountDel = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 DEL
const amountOutMin = await decimalEVM.calculateBuyOutput(tokenAddress, amountDel) // the minimum number of tokens to receive for 10 DEL
// At the time of the transaction, the price may change, so you can take away, for example, 10% of the amountOutMin
// const amountOutMinNew = amountOutMin - (amountOutMin * 10n / 100n)
const tx = await decimalEVM.buyTokenForExactDEL(tokenAddress, amountDel, amountOutMin, recipient)
const recipient = decimalWallet.evmAddress
const amountOut = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const amountDel = await decimalEVM.calculateBuyInput(tokenAddress, amountOut) // the amount of DEL to buy 10 tokens
//If you have sent more DEL than you need, the difference will be refunded
const tx = await decimalEVM.buyExactTokenForDEL(tokenAddress, amountDel, amountOut, recipient)
const amountOut = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 DEL
const amountInMax = await decimalEVM.calculateSellInput(tokenAddress, amountOut) // the number of tokens sold to receive 10 DEL
// At the time of the transaction, the price may change, so you can add away, for example, 10% to the amountInMax
// const amountInMaxNew = amountInMax + (amountInMax * 10n / 100n)
const tx = await decimalEVM.sellTokensForExactDEL(tokenAddress, amountOut, amountInMax, recipient)
const amountIn = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const amountOutMin = await decimalEVM.calculateSellOutput(tokenAddress, amountIn) // the minimum amount of DEL to sell 10 tokens
// At the time of the transaction, the price may change, so you can take away, for example, 10% of the amountOutMin
// const amountOutMinNew = amountOutMin - (amountOutMin * 10n / 100n)
const tx = await decimalEVM.sellExactTokensForDEL(tokenAddress, amountIn, amountOutMin, recipient)
const amountIn = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const futureDEL = await decimalEVM.calculateSellOutput(tokenAddress1, amountIn)
const amountOutMin = await decimalEVM.calculateBuyOutput(tokenAddress2, futureDEL)
// At the time of the transaction, the price may change, so you can take away, for example, 10% of the amountOutMin
// const amountOutMinNew = amountOutMin - (amountOutMin * 10n / 100n)
await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress1, tokenCenterAddress, amountIn) // approve to transfer tokenCenterAddress for convertToken
await decimalEVM.convertToken(tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2, amountIn, amountOutMin, recipient)
const amountIn = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const futureDEL = await decimalEVM.calculateSellOutput(tokenAddress1, amountIn)
const amountOutMin = await decimalEVM.calculateBuyOutput(tokenAddress2, futureDEL)
// At the time of the transaction, the price may change, so you can take away, for example, 10% of the amountOutMin
// const amountOutMinNew = amountOutMin - (amountOutMin * 10n / 100n)
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress1, tokenCenterAddress, amountIn) // get signature to approve transfer token for tokenCenterAddress
await decimalEVM.convertToken(tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2, amountIn, amountOutMin, recipient, sign)
const owner = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"; // address of owner tokens
const spender = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"; // address of who will be allowed to spend amount
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(1);
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, spender, amount)
//spend tokens from a spender wallet
const tx = await decimalEVM.permitToken(tokenAddress, owner, spender, amount, sign)
const newIdentity = 'qwertyasd123';
const tx = await decimalEVM.updateTokenIdentity(tokenAddress, newIdentity)
const newMaxTotalSupply = decimalEVM.parseEther(5000000);
const tx = await decimalEVM.updateTokenMaxTotalSupply(tokenAddress, newMaxTotalSupply)
const newNFT: any = {
creator: decimalWallet.evmAddress, // owner of nft collection (evm address)
symbol: 'PIRS', // symbol of nft collection
name: 'Pirates', // name of nft collection
contractURI: 'ipfs://ipfs/QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk', // uri of nft collection
refundable: false, // is the reserve returned when burning NFT (true or false)
allowMint: true //is mint allowed for the nft collection
const {nftCollectionAddress} = await decimalEVM.createCollectionDRC721Reserveless(newNFT) // create collection DRC721 without reserve
//const {nftCollectionAddress} = await decimalEVM.createCollectionDRC1155Reserveless(newNFT) // create collection DRC1155 without reserve
//const {nftCollectionAddress} = await decimalEVM.createCollectionDRC721(newNFT) // create collection DRC721 with reserve
//const {nftCollectionAddress} = await decimalEVM.createCollectionDRC1155(newNFT) // create collection DRC1155 with reserve
const to = decimalWallet.evmAddress
const tokenURI = "/ipfs/QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk"
const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFT(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC721 without reserve
//const tokenId = 0
//const amount = 20
//const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFT(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI, tokenId, amount) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC1155 without reserve
const to = decimalWallet.evmAddress
const tokenURI = "/ipfs/QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk"
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1); // 1 del
const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFTWithDELReserve(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI, reserve) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC721 with DEL reserve
//const tokenId = 0
//const amount = 20
//const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1*amount); // =20 del
//const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFTWithDELReserve(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI, reserve, tokenId, amount) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC1155 with DEL reserve
const to = decimalWallet.evmAddress
const tokenURI = "/ipfs/QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk"
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1); // 1 del
await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, nftCollectionAddress, reserve)
const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFTWithTokenReserve(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI, reserve, tokenAddress) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC721 with Token reserve
//const tokenId = 0
//const amount = 20
//const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1*amount); // =20 del
//await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, nftCollectionAddress, reserve)
//const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFTWithTokenReserve(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI, reserve, tokenAddress, undefined, tokenId, amount) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC1155 with Token reserve
const to = decimalWallet.evmAddress
const tokenURI = "/ipfs/QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk"
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1); // 1 del
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, nftCollectionAddress, reserve)
const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFTWithTokenReserve(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI, reserve, tokenAddress, sign) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC721 with Token reserve
//const tokenId = 0
//const amount = 20
//const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1*amount); // =20 del
//const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, nftCollectionAddress, reserve)
//const {tokenId} = await decimalEVM.mintNFTWithTokenReserve(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenURI, reserve, tokenAddress, sign, tokenId, amount) // mint NFT for NFT Collection DRC1155 with Token reserve
// The function add a reserve to NFT with reserve. It is not possible to add a reserve to NFT without a reserve.
const tokenId = 0
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1); // 1 del
await decimalEVM.addDELReserveNFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, reserve)
// Only the owner can add a reserve to DRC721
// Anyone can add a reserve to DRC1155
// The function add a reserve to NFT with reserve. It is not possible to add a reserve to NFT without a reserve.
const tokenId = 0
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1); // 1 del
await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, nftCollectionAddress, reserve)
await decimalEVM.addTokenReserveNFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, reserve)
// Only the owner can add a reserve to DRC721
// Anyone can add a reserve to DRC1155
// The function add a reserve to NFT with reserve. It is not possible to add a reserve to NFT without a reserve.
const tokenId = 0
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1); // 1 del
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, nftCollectionAddress, reserve)
await decimalEVM.addTokenReserveNFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, reserve, sign)
// Only the owner can add a reserve to DRC721
// Anyone can add a reserve to DRC1155
const tokenId = 0
await decimalEVM.transferNFT(nftCollectionAddress, from, to, tokenId) // for DRC721
//const amount = 20
//await decimalEVM.transferNFT(nftCollectionAddress, from, to, tokenId, amount) // for DRC1155
const tokenIds = [0, 1] // array tokenIds
const amounts = [10, 20] // array amounts of tokenIds
await decimalEVM.transferBatchNFT1155(nftCollectionAddress, from, to, tokenIds, amounts)
// The mint can be disabled, to do this, check what status it is in.
//const resultBoolean = await decimalEVM.getAllowMintNFT(nftCollectionAddress)
await decimalEVM.disableMintNFT(nftCollectionAddress)
const tokenId = 0
await decimalEVM.burnNFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId) // for DRC721
//const amount = 20
//await decimalEVM.burnNFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, amount) // for DRC1155
const tokenId = 0
const tokenURI = 'image.png'
await decimalEVM.setTokenURINFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, tokenURI)
const tokenId = 0
await decimalEVM.approveNFT721(nftCollectionAddress, to, tokenId) // DRC721
// enable approval for all nfts inside the NFT Collection
await decimalEVM.approveForAllNFT(nftCollectionAddress, to, true)
// disable approval for all nfts inside the NFT Collection
//await decimalEVM.approveForAllNFT(nftCollectionAddress, to, false)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(1) // 1 del
await decimalEVM.delegateDEL(validator, amount)
//or if use hold
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const holdTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.delegateDELHold(validator, amount, holdTimestamp)
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(1) //1 token
const delegationAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('delegation')
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, delegationAddress, amount)
await decimalEVM.delegateToken(validator, tokenAddress, amount)
//or if use hold
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const holdTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.delegateTokenHold(validator, tokenAddress, amount, holdTimestamp)
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(1) //1 token
const delegationAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('delegation')
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, delegationAddress, amount)
await decimalEVM.delegateToken(validator, tokenAddress, amount, sign)
//or if use hold
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const holdTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.delegateTokenHold(validator, tokenAddress, amount, holdTimestamp, sign)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner) // Get your stakes from subgraph
//const stakes = await decimalEVM.getTokenStakesByMember(owner) // Or get your stakes from smart contract
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const newValidator = "0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924"
await decimalEVM.transferStakeToken(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.amount, newValidator)
//or if use hold
await decimalEVM.transferStakeTokenHold(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.amount, stake.holdTimestamp, newValidator)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
//const stakes = await decimalEVM.getTokenStakesByMember(owner) // Or get your stakes from smart contract
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
await decimalEVM.withdrawStakeToken(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.amount)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
//const stakes = await decimalEVM.getTokenStakesByMember(owner) // Or get your stakes from smart contract
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const oldHoldTimestamp = 0 // if current stake is not a hold
//const oldHoldTimestamp = stake.holdTimestamp //or increase current hold time
//const days = 150
//const sec = days * 86400
//const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
//const newHoldTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.stakeTokenToHold(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.amount, oldHoldTimestamp, newHoldTimestamp)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
await decimalEVM.stakeTokenResetHold(stake.validator, stake.delegator, stake.token, stake.holdTimestamp)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
await decimalEVM.stakeTokenResetHoldDEL(stake.validator, stake.delegator, stake.holdTimestamp)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
const stake1 = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const stake2 = stakes[1] // second stake (for example)
// Example of iterating through an array of stakes to find expired and where validator, amount, token match
const result = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
const holdsExpierd = => Number(stake.holdTimestamp) <= Number(result.meta.block.number))
const stakesMap: {[a:string]: number[]} = {} => {
const tokenAddress = stake.token ? stake.token.address : "del"
if (!stakesMap[`${stake.validator.address}-${tokenAddress}-${stake.amount}`]) stakesMap[`${stake.validator.address}-${tokenAddress}-${stake.amount}`] = [];
const keys = Object.keys(stakesMap).filter((stake) => stakesMap[stake].length > 1)
const key = keys[0] //for example
const stakeData = key.split('-')
const stake = {
validator: stakeData[0],
token: stakeData[1],
amount: stakeData[2],
holdTimestamps: stakesMap[key]
const holdTimestampsToReset = [stake1.holdTimestamp, stake2.holdTimestamp] //array expired holdTimestamps. Where validator, amount, token match
await decimalEVM.withdrawTokenWithReset(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.amount, holdTimestampsToReset)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
const stake1 = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const stake2 = stakes[1] // second stake (for example)
const holdTimestampsToReset = [stake1.holdTimestamp, stake2.holdTimestamp] //array expired holdTimestamps. Where validator, amount, token match
const oldValidator = stake.validator
const newValidator = '0x...' //new validator
await decimalEVM.transferTokenWithReset(oldValidator, stake.token, stake.amount, newValidator, holdTimestampsToReset)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // Get your stakes from subgraph
const stake1 = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const stake2 = stakes[1] // second stake (for example)
const holdTimestampsToReset = [stake1.holdTimestamp, stake2.holdTimestamp] //array expired holdTimestamps. Where validator, amount, token match
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const newHoldTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.holdTokenWithReset(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.amount, newHoldTimestamp, holdTimestampsToReset)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner) // Get your stakes from subgraph
//const stakes = await decimalEVM.getTokenStakesByMember(owner) // Or get your stakes from smart contract
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const result = await decimalEVM.applyPenaltyToStakeToken(stake.validator, stake.delegator, stake.token)
if (result.error == null) {
//successfully transaction: result.tx
} else {
console.log(result.error == 'NothingToBurn' ? 'Nothing to burn, there is no need for applyPenaltyToStakeToken' : result.error)
const stakes = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(owner) // Get your stakes from subgraph
//const stakes = await decimalEVM.getTokenStakesByMember(owner) // Or get your stakes from smart contract
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const result = await decimalEVM.applyPenaltiesToStakeToken(stake.validator, stake.delegator, stake.token)
if (result.error == null) {
//successfully transaction: result.tx
} else {
console.log(result.error == 'NoPenaltyToApply' ? 'Nothing to burn, there is no need for applyPenaltiesToStakeToken' : result.error)
const stakesFrozen = await subgraph.getTransferStakesByAddress(owner) // get transfer stakes
//const stakesFrozen = await subgraph.getWithdrawStakesByAddress(owner) // or get withdraw stakes
const block = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock();
const stakesFrozenFiltered = stakesFrozen.filter(({unfreezeTimestamp}) => unfreezeTimestamp <= block.timestamp)
if (stakesFrozenFiltered.length > 0) {
const stakeFrozen = stakesFrozenFiltered[0] // first stake frozen (for example)
const result = await decimalEVM.completeStakeToken([stakeFrozen.stakeIndex])
if (result.error == null) {
//successfully transaction: result.tx
} else {
const tokenId = 0 // tokenId of NFT
const delegationNftAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('delegation-nft')
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
//delegate DRC721
await decimalEVM.approveNFT721(nftCollectionAddress, delegationNftAddress, tokenId)
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC721(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
// or delegate hold DRC721
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const holdTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC721Hold(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, holdTimestamp)
//delegate DRC1155
const amount = 1 //1 token
await decimalEVM.approveForAllNFT(nftCollectionAddress, delegationNftAddress, true)
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC1155(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, amount)
// or delegate hold DRC1155
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const holdTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC1155Hold(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, amount, holdTimestamp)
const tokenId = 0 // tokenId of NFT
const delegationNftAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('delegation-nft')
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
//delegate DRC721
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitDRC721(nftCollectionAddress, delegationNftAddress, tokenId)
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC721(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, sign)
// or delegate hold DRC721
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const holdTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC721Hold(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, holdTimestamp, sign)
//delegate DRC1155
const amount = 1 //1 token
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitDRC1155(nftCollectionAddress, delegationNftAddress)
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC1155(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, amount, sign)
// or delegate hold DRC1155
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const holdTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.delegateDRC1155Hold(validator, nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, amount, holdTimestamp, sign)
const newValidator = "0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924"
const stakes = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(owner, 1000, 0) // get nft stakes
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
// transfer stake DRC721 || DRC1155
await decimalEVM.transferStakeNFT(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount, newValidator)
// or transfer stake hold
await decimalEVM.transferStakeNFTHold(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount, stake.holdTimestamp, newValidator)
const stakes = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(owner, 1000, 0) // get nft stakes
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
await decimalEVM.withdrawStakeNFT(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount)
// or withdraw stake hold
await decimalEVM.withdrawStakeNFTHold(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount, stake.holdTimestamp)
const stakes = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(owner, 1000, 0) // get nft stakes
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const oldHoldTimestamp = 0 // if current stake is not a hold
//const oldHoldTimestamp = stake.holdTimestamp //or increase current hold time
//const days = 150
//const sec = days * 86400
//const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
//const newHoldTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.stakeNFTToHold(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount, oldHoldTimestamp, newHoldTimestamp)
const stakes = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(owner, 1000, 0) // get nft stakes
const stake = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
await decimalEVM.stakeNFTResetHold(stake.validator, stake.delegator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.holdTimestamp)
const stakes = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // get nft stakes
const stake1 = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const stake2 = stakes[1] // second stake (for example)
const holdTimestampsToReset = [stake1.holdTimestamp, stake2.holdTimestamp] //array expired holdTimestamps. Where validator, amount, token and tokenId match
await decimalEVM.withdrawNFTWithReset(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount, holdTimestampsToReset)
const stakes = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // get nft stakes
const stake1 = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const stake2 = stakes[1] // second stake (for example)
const holdTimestampsToReset = [stake1.holdTimestamp, stake2.holdTimestamp] //array expired holdTimestamps. Where validator, amount, token and tokenId match
const oldValidator = stake.validator
const newValidator = '0x...' //new validator
await decimalEVM.transferNFTWithReset(oldValidator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount, newValidator, holdTimestampsToReset)
const stakes = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(owner, first, skip) // get nft stakes
const stake1 = stakes[0] // first stake (for example)
const stake2 = stakes[1] // second stake (for example)
const holdTimestampsToReset = [stake1.holdTimestamp, stake2.holdTimestamp] //array expired holdTimestamps. Where validator, amount, token and tokenId match
const days = 150
const sec = days * 86400
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const newHoldTimestamp = latestBlock!.timestamp + sec;
await decimalEVM.holdNFTWithReset(stake.validator, stake.token, stake.tokenId, stake.amount, newHoldTimestamp, holdTimestampsToReset)
// get transfer stakes NFT TODO
// or get withdraw stakes NFT TODO
const block = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock();
const stakesFrozenFiltered = stakesFrozen.filter(({unfreezeTimestamp}) => unfreezeTimestamp <= block.timestamp)
if (stakesFrozenFiltered.length > 0) {
const stakeFrozen = stakesFrozenFiltered[0] // first stake frozen (for example)
const result = await decimalEVM.completeStakeNFT([stakeFrozen.stakeIndex])
if (result.error == null) {
//successfully transaction: result.tx
} else {
const newValidator: any = {
operator_address: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
reward_address: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
consensus_pubkey: Buffer.from(decimalWallet.getPublicKey().key.buffer).toString('base64'),
description: {
moniker: 'test-node-sgp1-01',
identity: '',
website: '',
security_contact: '',
details: 'Declaring validator on test-node-sgp1-01'
commission: '0.100000000000000000',
await decimalEVM.addValidatorWithETH(newValidator, decimalEVM.parseEther(2))
const newValidator: any = {
operator_address: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
reward_address: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
consensus_pubkey: Buffer.from(decimalWallet.getPublicKey().key.buffer).toString('base64'),
description: {
moniker: 'test-node-sgp1-01',
identity: '',
website: '',
security_contact: '',
details: 'Declaring validator on test-node-sgp1-01'
commission: '0.100000000000000000',
const tokenAddress = await decimalEVM.getAddressTokenBySymbol('COStest')
const stakeValidator: any = {
token: tokenAddress,
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(10)
const masterValidatorAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('master-validator')
//for permit
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, masterValidatorAddress, stakeValidator.amount)
await decimalEVM.addValidatorWithToken(newValidator, stakeValidator, sign)
// or for appove
await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, masterValidatorAddress, stakeValidator.amount)
await decimalEVM.addValidatorWithToken(newValidator, stakeValidator, undefined)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const pauseValidator = await decimalEVM.pauseValidator(validator)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const unpauseValidator = await decimalEVM.unpauseValidator(validator)
const validatorMeta: any = {
operator_address: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
reward_address: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
consensus_pubkey: Buffer.from(decimalWallet.getPublicKey().key.buffer).toString('base64'),
description: {
moniker: 'test-node-sgp1-01',
identity: '',
website: '',
security_contact: '',
details: 'Declaring validator on test-node-sgp1-01'
commission: '0.100000000000000000',
await decimalEVM.updateValidatorMeta(validatorMeta)
//To create a token, you use this function
const {tokenAddress} = await decimalEVM.createToken(newToken, reserve)
//Before send the transaction, you can calculate estimate gas price for this function
const getEstimateGas = true
const estimateGas = await decimalEVM.createToken(newToken, reserve, getEstimateGas)
//To calculate the fee, request the current gasPrice and multiply by the received estimateGas
const feeData = await decimalEVM.getFeeData()
const resultFee = BigInt(estimateGas.toString())*BigInt(feeData.gasPrice!.toString())
//You can get the current estimateGas from any write function by specifying `true` in the last parameter
//Another example
const estimateGas = await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, spender, amount, getEstimateGas)
const feeData = await decimalEVM.getFeeData()
const resultFeeForApproveToken = BigInt(estimateGas.toString())*BigInt(feeData.gasPrice!.toString())
//Form an array of multi send token
//token - the address of the token contract; or "del" for send del
//to - recipient address
//amount - amount of transfer
const tokenAddress1 = "0xe1E885a848DC0c0867E119E7e80289f98e27256C"
const tokenAddress2 = "0x1f68CaD1e55049793F6c9229EAD50f1c651fEb10"
let data: any = []
token: tokenAddress1,
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: tokenAddress1,
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: tokenAddress2,
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: "del",
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: "del",
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000005",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
//get estimate gas
const gas = await decimalEVM.multiSendToken(data, undefined, true)
//send transaction
const tx = await decimalEVM.multiSendToken(data)
//Form an array of calls
//target - the address of the target contract for the call
//iface - interface of the function you need
//params - input data for calling the function
const callDatas = [{
target: "0xBEc675cA5ACdB12eAE9F31909C96C6c8961F8C69",
iface: "function transfer(address to, uint amount)",
params: ["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001", decimalEVM.parseEther("1.0")]
target: "0xBEc675cA5ACdB12eAE9F31909C96C6c8961F8C69",
iface: "function transfer(address to, uint amount)",
params: ["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002", decimalEVM.parseEther("1.0")]
const tx = await decimalEVM.multiCall(callDatas)
//If you want your transactions to have a message specified (memo), you can use multiSendToken with memo
//Form an array of multi send token
//token - the address of the token contract; or "del" for send del
//to - recipient address
//amount - amount of transfer
const tokenAddress1 = "0xe1E885a848DC0c0867E119E7e80289f98e27256C"
const tokenAddress2 = "0x1f68CaD1e55049793F6c9229EAD50f1c651fEb10"
let data: any = []
token: tokenAddress1,
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: tokenAddress1,
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: tokenAddress2,
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: "del",
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
token: "del",
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000005",
amount: decimalEVM.parseEther(1)
const memo = "This is a memo"
//get estimate gas
const gas = await decimalEVM.multiSendToken(data, memo, true)
//send transaction
const tx = await decimalEVM.multiSendToken(data, memo)
// And you can read the memo message by the transactionHash
const parsedMemo = await decimalEVM.parseMemo(tx.transactionHash) //will be returned memo or undefined
console.log('parsedMemo', parsedMemo)
const ownerData = [{
owner: addressOwner1,
weight: 100
owner: addressOwner2,
weight: 100
owner: addressOwner3,
weight: 100
const weightThreshold = 200 //The weight threshold for making a transaction
const { multisigAddress } = await decimalEVM.multisig.create(ownerData, weightThreshold)
const to = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099";
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther('10')
const safeTx = await decimalEVM.multisig.buildTxSendDEL(multisigAddress, to, amount)
const to = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099";
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther('10')
const safeTx = await decimalEVM1.multisig.buildTxSendToken(multisigAddress, tokenAddress, to, amount)
const to = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099";
const tokenAddress = "0x65Dad3283BCE73E5EfBbaB8B0183dF5FdF4506e5"
const tokenId = 0;
const safeTx = await decimalEVM1.multisig.buildTxSendNFT(multisigAddress, tokenAddress, to, tokenId, ) // send drc721
//const safeTx = await decimalEVM1.multisig.buildTxSendNFT(multisigAddress, tokenAddress, to, tokenId, amount) // send drc1155
//After build the transaction, you need to sign it
// sign tx
const signTx1 = await decimalEVM.multisig.signTx(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 1
//const signTx2 = await decimalEVM2.multisig.signTx(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 2
//const signTx3 = await decimalEVM3.multisig.signTx(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 3
// or sign tx and approve hash
const const {safeTransaction: signTx1, tx: tx1 } = await decimalEVM.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 1
//const const {safeTransaction: signTx2, tx: tx2 } = await decimalEVM2.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 2
//const const {safeTransaction: signTx3, tx: tx3 } = await decimalEVM3.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 3
//Executing a transaction
const result = await decimalEVM.multisig.executeTx(multisigAddress, safeTx, [signTx1, signTx2, signTx3]) //sign and specify user signatures
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther('10')
const safeTx = await decimalEVM.multisig.buildTxSendDEL(multisigAddress, "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099", amount)
// get esimage gas for approveHash
// const result = await decimalEVM.multisig.approveHashEstimateGas(multisigAddress, safeTx)
const const {safeTransaction: signTx1, tx: tx1 } = await decimalEVM1.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 1
//const const {safeTransaction: signTx2, tx: tx2 } = await decimalEVM1.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 2
//const const {safeTransaction: signTx3, tx: tx3 } = await decimalEVM1.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 3
const result = await decimalEVM.multisig.executeTx(multisigAddress, safeTx, [signTx1, signTx2, signTx3]) //sign and specify user signatures
//If one of the participants has made an approve transaction, you can get this transaction details and make an approve too or execute
const {transactions: safeTxs, approvers} = await decimalEVM1.multisig.getCurrentApproveTransactions(multisigAddress);
const safeTx = safeTxs[0]; // for example, take the first transaction
const approver = approvers[0] // get approver participant address for first transaction
const decodeSafeTx = decimalEVM.multisig.decodeTransaction(safeTx) // decode transaction
/* examples result decode safeTx
// if transfer DEL
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'Native',
token: 'DEL',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
amount: 10000000000000000000
// if transfer DRC20 token
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'DRC20',
token: '0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
amount: 10000000000000000000
// if transfer nft DRC721
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'DRC721',
token: '0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
tokenId: 1,
// if transfer nft DRC1155
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'DRC1155',
token: '0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
tokenId: 1,
amount: 20
const signTx1 = await decimalEVM.multisig.getSignatureForParticipant(approver) //get sign for a participant who has previously made an approve transaction
const signTx2 = await decimalEVM.multisig.signTx(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign transaction
//const const {safeTransaction: signTx2, tx: tx2 } = await decimalEVM2.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx_) // or approve transaction
const result = await decimalEVM1.multisig.executeTx(multisigAddress, safeTx, [signTx1, signTx2]) //execute transaction
const {transactions: safeTxs, approvers} = await decimalEVM1.multisig.getExpiredApproveTransactions(multisigAddress);
const safeTxExpired = safeTxs[0]; // for example, take the first transaction
const decodeSafeTx = decimalEVM.multisig.decodeTransaction(safeTx) // decode transaction
/* examples result decode safeTxExpired
// if transfer DEL
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'Native',
token: 'DEL',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
amount: 10000000000000000000
// if transfer DRC20 token
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'DRC20',
token: '0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
amount: 10000000000000000000
// if transfer nft DRC721
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'DRC721',
token: '0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
tokenId: 1,
// if transfer nft DRC1155
action: 'transfer',
tokenType: 'DRC1155',
token: '0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924',
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000099",
tokenId: 1,
amount: 20
// build new transaction with current none from your decode result safeTxExpired
const safeTx = await decimalEVM.multisig.buildTxSendDEL(multisigAddress, to, amount) //send DEL
//const safeTx = await decimalEVM1.multisig.buildTxSendToken(multisigAddress, tokenAddress, to, amount) //send tokens
//const safeTx = await decimalEVM1.multisig.buildTxSendNFT(multisigAddress, tokenAddress, to, tokenId, ) // send drc721
//const safeTx = await decimalEVM1.multisig.buildTxSendNFT(multisigAddress, tokenAddress, to, tokenId, amount) // send drc1155
// get esimage gas for approveHash
// const result = await decimalEVM.multisig.approveHashEstimateGas(multisigAddress, safeTx)
const const {safeTransaction: signTx1, tx: tx1 } = await decimalEVM1.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 1
//const const {safeTransaction: signTx2, tx: tx2 } = await decimalEVM1.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 2
//const const {safeTransaction: signTx3, tx: tx3 } = await decimalEVM1.multisig.approveHash(multisigAddress, safeTx) // sign owner 3
const result = await decimalEVM.multisig.executeTx(multisigAddress, safeTx, [signTx1, signTx2, signTx3]) //sign and specify user signatures
const to = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 DEL
const fromChainId = 75 // chain id (1 is ETH, 56 is BSC, 75 is DSC)
const toChainId = 1 // chain id (1 is ETH, 56 is BSC, 75 is DSC)
const serviceFee = await decimalEVM.getBridgeServiceFees(toChainId)
const result = await decimalEVM.bridgeTransferNative(to, amount, serviceFee, fromChainId, toChainId);
const encodedVM = '0x.....' // encodedVM received after bridgeTransferTokens
const unwrapWETH = false; // if you send WDEL from Ethreum to Decimal, you can set unwrapWETH = true, for receive DEL instead WDEL. Automatic unwrapping is available for DEL, ETH, BNB
const resultComplete = await decimalEVM.bridgeCompleteTransfer(toChainId, encodedVM, unwrapWETH)
const tokenAddress = "0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924"
const to = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 DEL
const fromChainId = 75 // chain id (1 is ETH, 56 is BSC, 75 is DSC)
const toChainId = 1 // chain id (1 is ETH, 56 is BSC, 75 is DSC)
const serviceFee = await decimalEVM.getBridgeServiceFees(toChainId) // Get bridge service fees
const bridgeAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('bridge')
await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, bridgeAddress, amount)
const result = await decimalEVM.bridgeTransferTokens(tokenAddress, to, amount, serviceFee, fromChainId, toChainId)
const encodedVM = '0x.....' // encodedVM received after bridgeTransferTokens
const unwrapWETH = false; // if you send WDEL from Ethreum to Decimal, you can set unwrapWETH = true, for receive DEL instead WDEL. Automatic unwrapping is available for DEL, ETH, BNB
const resultComplete = await decimalEVM.bridgeCompleteTransfer(toChainId, encodedVM, unwrapWETH)
const result = await decimalEVM.getBalance(address)
const result = await decimalEVM.getBalanceETH(address)
const result = await decimalEVM.getBalanceBNB(address)
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const dueBlock = latestBlock!.number + 200; // given the redeem to cash the check in the next 200 blocks
const countChecks = 5; // count of checks
const passwords = decimalEVM.getRandomPassword(countChecks, 15) // generating passwords with a length of 15
const amount = 2 // the amount for each check
const amountWei = decimalEVM.parseEther(amount) // the amount in wei for each check
const totalAmount = decimalEVM.parseEther(passwords.length * amount) //Calculating full amount of the charge to display full amount to user
const gas = await decimalEVM.createChecksDEL(passwords, amountWei, dueBlock, true)
const {tx, checks} = await decimalEVM.createChecksDEL(passwords, amountWei, dueBlock);
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const dueBlock = latestBlock!.number + 200; // given the redeem to cash the check in the next 200 blocks
const countChecks = 5; // count of checks
const passwords = decimalEVM.getRandomPassword(countChecks, 15) // generating passwords with a length of 15
const amount = 2 // the amount for each check
const amountWei = decimalEVM.parseEther(amount) // the amount in wei for each check
const totalAmount = decimalEVM.parseEther(passwords.length * amount) //Calculating full amount of the charge to approve and display full amount to user
const tokenAddress = "0xe1E885a848DC0c0867E119E7e80289f98e27256C"
const checksAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('checks') // get address checks contract
await decimalEVM.approveToken(tokenAddress, checksAddress, totalAmount) // approve total amount
const {tx, checks} = await decimalEVM.createChecksToken(passwords, amountWei, dueBlock, tokenAddress);
const latestBlock = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const dueBlock = latestBlock!.number + 200; // given the redeem to cash the check in the next 200 blocks
const countChecks = 5; // count of checks
const passwords = decimalEVM.getRandomPassword(countChecks, 15) // generating passwords with a length of 15
const amount = 2 // the amount for each check
const amountWei = decimalEVM.parseEther(amount) // the amount in wei for each check
const totalAmount = decimalEVM.parseEther(passwords.length * amount) //Calculating full amount of the charge to approve and display full amount to user
const tokenAddress = "0xe1E885a848DC0c0867E119E7e80289f98e27256C"
const checksAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('checks') // get address checks contract
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, checksAddress, totalAmount) //get sign for permit
//const gas = await decimalEVM.createChecksToken(passwords, amountWei, dueBlock, tokenAddress, sign, true) //get gas
const {tx, checks} = await decimalEVM.createChecksToken(passwords, amountWei, dueBlock, tokenAddress, sign);
const passwords = [
'password1234567890', //password for check 1
'passwordQWERTYUIOP' //password for check 2
const checks = [
'0x6f0951dcc2e7c2a14e109d33f88fc3cc50cd5b4644a89f9b51b6b4ebce1b6c9f', //check 1
'0x82f6cbb019188ed8f6be9f271a46f4edbb61d85d9c8ace6fa67e04ab42f33024' //check 2
const tx = await decimalEVM.redeemChecks(passwords, checks)
const address = "0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924"
const amountWei = await decimalEVM.getBalance(address) // The result is provided in Wei format
const amountETH = decimalEVM.formatEther(amountWei); // ETH format
const tokenAddress = "0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924"
const result = await decimalEVM.checkTokenExists(tokenAddress)
const symbol = "TKN"
const result = await decimalEVM.getAddressTokenBySymbol(symbol)
const symbol = "TKN"
const result = await decimalEVM.getCommissionSymbol(symbol)
// If you specify the number of DEL, you will calculate the number of tokens to buy tokens
const amountDel = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 DEL
const amountTokens = await decimalEVM.calculateBuyOutput(tokenAddress, amountDel)
// If you specify the number of tokens, you will calculate the number of DEL to buy tokens
const amountTokens = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const amountDel = await decimalEVM.calculateBuyInput(tokenAddress, amountTokens)
// If you specify the number of DEL, you will calculate the number of tokens to sell tokens
const amountDEL = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 DEL
const amountTokens = await decimalEVM.calculateSellInput(tokenAddress, amountDEL)
// If you specify the number of tokens, you will calculate the number of DEL to sell tokens
const amountTokens = decimalEVM.parseEther(10); // 10 tokens
const amountDEL = await decimalEVM.calculateSellOutput(tokenAddress, amountTokens)
const spender = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"; // address of who will be allowed to spend amount
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(1);
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitToken(tokenAddress, spender, amount)
const result = await decimalEVM.allowanceToken(tokenAddress, owner, spender)
// the output example: true
const result = await decimalEVM.balanceOfToken(tokenAddress, account)
const interfaceId = "0x01ffc9a7"
const result = await decimalEVM.supportsInterfaceToken(tokenAddress, interfaceId)
const result = await decimalEVM.getNftType(nftCollectionAddress)
const result = await decimalEVM.getNftTypeFromContract(nftCollectionAddress)
const result = await decimalEVM.getApprovedNFT721(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
// the output example: 0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8
const result = await decimalEVM.isApprovedForAllNFT(nftCollectionAddress, owner, spender)
// the output example: true
const result = await decimalEVM.ownerOfNFT721(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
const result = await decimalEVM.getTokenURINFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
const result = await decimalEVM.getAllowMintNFT(nftCollectionAddress)
const account = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
// For DRC721
const result = await decimalEVM.balanceOfNFT(nftCollectionAddress, account)
// For DRC1155
const result = await decimalEVM.balanceOfNFT(nftCollectionAddress, account, tokenId)
const interfaceId = "0x01ffc9a7"
const result = await decimalEVM.supportsInterfaceNFT(nftCollectionAddress, interfaceId)
const tokenId = 0
const result = await decimalEVM.getRateNFT1155(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
const tokenId = 0
const quantity = 10 // 10 quantity for mint
const result = await decimalEVM.calcReserveNFT1155(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId, quantity)
const spender = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"; // address of who will be allowed to spend amount
const amount = decimalEVM.parseEther(1);
// for DRC721
const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitDRC721(nftCollectionAddress, spender, tokenId)
// for DRC1155
//const sign = await decimalEVM.getSignPermitDRC1155(nftCollectionAddress, spender)
const tokenId = 0
const result = await decimalEVM.getReserveNFT(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
/* the output example:
token: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
amount: '1000000000000000000',
reserveType: 'DRC1155'
if token is 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, then is DEL reserve
const result = await decimalEVM.getRefundableNFT(nftCollectionAddress)
const tokenId = 0
const result = await decimalEVM.getSupplyNFT1155(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
const account = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
const result = await decimalEVM.getTokenStakesByMember(account) //TODO delete, not work
const account = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
const size = 1000
const offset = 0 // offset of viewed steaks
const result = await decimalEVM.getTokenStakesPageByMember(account, size, offset)
const result = await decimalEVM.getFrozenStakesQueueToken()
const result = await decimalEVM.getFreezeTimeToken()
/* the output example:
"Withdraw": 2592000n,
"Transfer": 604800n
const result = await decimalEVM.getStakeToken(validator, delegator, tokenAddress)
const result = await decimalEVM.getStakeIdToken(validator, delegator, tokenAddress)
const account = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
const result = await decimalEVM.getNFTStakesByMember(account)
const account = "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8"
const size = 1000
const offset = 0 // offset of viewed steaks
const result = await decimalEVM.getNFTStakesPageByMember(account, size, offset)
const result = await decimalEVM.getFrozenStakesQueueNFT()
const result = await decimalEVM.getFreezeTimeNFT()
/* the output example:
"Withdraw": 2592000n,
"Transfer": 604800n
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const getValidatorStatus = await decimalEVM.getValidatorStatus(validator)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const validatorIsActive = await decimalEVM.validatorIsActive(validator)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const validatorIsMember = await decimalEVM.validatorIsMember(validator)
const serviceFee = await decimalEVM.getBridgeServiceFees(toChainId)
const { Subgraph, DecimalNetworks } = SDK;
const subgraph = new Subgraph(DecimalNetworks.testnet)
// In queries where `first` and `skip` is mentioned, you need to specify their value. `first` and `skip` parameter can be used to paginate
// The `first` argument must be between 0 and 1000
// The `skip` argument must be between 0 and 999999999
const result = await subgraph.getDecimalContracts()
const result = await subgraph.getValidators()
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const result = await subgraph.getValidator(validator)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const result = await subgraph.getValidatorPenalties(validator, first, skip)
// You can see what penalties were at the time of the blockNumber
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const blockBumber = 7346728
const result = await subgraph.getValidatorPenaltiesFromBlock(validator, blockBumber, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getSumAmountToPenalty()
const result = await subgraph.getTokens(first, skip)
const owner = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getTokensByOwner(owner, first, skip)
const symbol = 'SBT_TOKEN'
const result = await subgraph.getTokenBySymbol(symbol)
const tokenAddress = "0x24804c5a0da7a3e1a779b710647428795291b82a"
const result = await subgraph.getTokenByAddress(tokenAddress)
const account = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getAddressBalances(account, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getStakes(first, skip)
const delegator = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getStakesByAddress(delegator, first, skip)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const result = await subgraph.getStakesByValidotor(validator, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getTransferStakes(first, skip)
const delegator = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getTransferStakesByAddress(delegator, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getWithdrawStakes(first, skip)
const delegator = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getWithdrawStakesByAddress(delegator, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getNftCollections(first, skip)
const owner = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getNftCollectionsByCreator(owner, first, skip)
const nftCollectionAddress = "0x15ea2325268864227d7eaf6a4b76cafbeec3050d"
const result = await subgraph.getNftCollectionByAddress(nftCollectionAddress)
const nftCollectionAddress = "0x15ea2325268864227d7eaf6a4b76cafbeec3050d"
const result = await subgraph.getNftCollectionType(nftCollectionAddress)
const result = await subgraph.getNfts(first, skip)
const nftCollectionAddress = "0x15ea2325268864227d7eaf6a4b76cafbeec3050d"
const result = await subgraph.getNftsByCollection(nftCollectionAddress, first, skip)
const account = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getAddressBalancesNfts(account, first, skip)
const account = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const nftCollectionAddress = "0x15ea2325268864227d7eaf6a4b76cafbeec3050d"
const result = await subgraph.getAddressBalancesNftsByCollection(account, nftCollectionAddress, first, skip)
const nftCollectionAddress = "0x15ea2325268864227d7eaf6a4b76cafbeec3050d"
const tokenId = 0
const result = await subgraph.getNftByCollectionAndTokenId(nftCollectionAddress, tokenId)
const result = await subgraph.getNFTStakes(first, skip)
const account = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByAddress(account, first, skip)
const validator = "0x75BF4906ae6d68A013FD1a6F9D04297cd463222d"
const result = await subgraph.getNFTStakesByValidotor(validator, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getTransferNFTStakes(first, skip)
const account = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getTransferNFTStakesByAddress(account, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getWithdrawNFTStakes(first, skip)
const account = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45"
const result = await subgraph.getWithdrawNFTStakesByAddress(account, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getBridgeTokens(first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getBridgeTokenByAddress(address)
const result = await subgraph.getBridgeTokenBySymbol(symbol)
const result = await subgraph.getBridgeTransfers(first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getBridgeTransfersByFrom(address, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getBridgeTransfersByTo(address, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getBridgeTransfersByToken(address, first, skip)
const result = await subgraph.getMultisigWallets(1000, 0)
const participant = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45" // participant account address
const result = = await subgraph.getMultisigWalletsByParticipant(participant, first, skip)
const participant = "0x35119df12afdf848b7ef2536af2411ab0a611c45" // participant account address
const result = = await subgraph.getMultisigWalletsByParticipant(participant, first, skip)
const addressMultisig = "0x5502b6e571d3a8a175b7c0f49b0ed1704538b410"
const nonce = 0
const {transactions, approvers} = await subgraph.getMultisigApproveTransactionsByMultisigAddressAndNonce(addressMultisig, nonce, first, skip)
const addressMultisig = "0x5502b6e571d3a8a175b7c0f49b0ed1704538b410"
const nonce = 2 //specify the current nonce, to return approvers txs with expired nonce
const {transactions, approvers} = await subgraph.getMultisigApproveTransactionsByMultisigAddressAndNonceNot(addressMultisig, nonce, first, skip)
const filePath = 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/unnamed.png'
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
const filename = filePath
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadTokenBufferToIPFS(buffer, filename)
/* example response
image: 'QmRnq6DxnG2w8VPpLvovwYTZDVQVqDj6Zcnpbo8oJMGx41'
const uri = ``
const buffer = await fetch(uri).then((res) => res.buffer());
const filename = uri
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadTokenBufferToIPFS(buffer, filename)
/* example response
image: 'QmRnq6DxnG2w8VPpLvovwYTZDVQVqDj6Zcnpbo8oJMGx41'
var input = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]')
var data = new FormData()
data.append('uploading_files', input.files[0])
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadTokenFormToIPFS(data)
/* example response
image: 'QmRnq6DxnG2w8VPpLvovwYTZDVQVqDj6Zcnpbo8oJMGx41'
const imageBlob = await fetch(uri).then((res) => res.blob());
var data = new FormData()
data.append('uploading_files', imageBlob)
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadTokenFormToIPFS(data)
/* example response
image: 'QmRnq6DxnG2w8VPpLvovwYTZDVQVqDj6Zcnpbo8oJMGx41'
const filePath = 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/unnamed.png'
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
const filename = filePath
const name = 'NameNFT23'
const description = 'Description NFT2'
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadNFTBufferToIPFS(buffer, filename, name, description)
/* example response
file_cid_media: 'Qmaw2FvZamk5AsEBfbe3bz3c9yc7mfReRpmVfiMJMxs93A',
file_cid_meta: 'QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk' // this cid is needed for contractURI or tokenURI
const uri = ``
const imageBlob = await fetch(uri).then((res) => res.blob());
const buffer = Buffer.from(await imageBlob.arrayBuffer());
const filename = uri
const name = 'NameNFT23'
const description = 'Description NFT2'
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadNFTBufferToIPFS(buffer, filename, name, description)
/* example response
file_cid_media: 'Qmaw2FvZamk5AsEBfbe3bz3c9yc7mfReRpmVfiMJMxs93A',
file_cid_meta: 'QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk' // this cid is needed for contractURI or tokenURI
const name = 'NameNFT23'
const description = 'Description NFT2'
const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify({
"name": name,
"description": description,
"image": ""
const blobMetadata = new Blob([bytes], {
type: "application/json"
var input = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]')
var data = new FormData()
data.append('uploading_files', blobMetadata)
data.append('uploading_files', metadataBlob, "metadata.json")
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadNFTFormToIPFS(data)
/* example response
file_cid_media: 'Qmaw2FvZamk5AsEBfbe3bz3c9yc7mfReRpmVfiMJMxs93A',
file_cid_meta: 'QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk' // this cid is needed for contractURI or tokenURI
const name = 'NameNFT23'
const description = 'Description NFT2'
const metadataBlob = await decimalEVM.getBlobMetadata(name, description)
const imageBlob = await fetch(uri).then((res) => res.blob());
var data = new FormData()
data.append('uploading_files', imageBlob)
data.append('uploading_files', metadataBlob)
const result = await decimalEVM.uploadNFTFormToIPFS(data)
/* example response
file_cid_media: 'Qmaw2FvZamk5AsEBfbe3bz3c9yc7mfReRpmVfiMJMxs93A',
file_cid_meta: 'QmShfT7LRyjN4ZFNyGAK5YftGU7sa9xqTTukzPiYPsrLFk' // this cid is needed for contractURI or tokenURI
const cid = "Qmaw2FvZamk5AsEBfbe3bz3c9yc7mfReRpmVfiMJMxs93A"
const result = decimalEVM.getUrlFromCid(cid)
/* example result
const amountETH = 1 // amount ETH (string | number | bigint)
const amountWei = decimalEVM.parseEther(amountETH); // 1000000000000000000 wei
const amountWei = BigInt(10000000000000000000000) // amount Wei (string | number | bigint)
const amountETH = decimalEVM.formatEther(amountWei); // 10000 ETH
//const amountWei = '20000000000000' // amount Wei (string | number | bigint)
//const amountETH = decimalEVM.formatEther(amountWei); // 0.00002 ETH
const address = decimalEVM.getAddress("0xd115bffabbdd893a6f7cea402e7338643ced44a6") // 0xD115BFFAbbdd893A6f7ceA402e7338643Ced44a6
const block = await decimalEVM.getLatestBlock()
const feeData = await decimalEVM.getFeeData()
// You can call to the contract you need using a instance of the contract
// Example
const tokenCenter = decimalEVM.getDecimalContract('token-center')
const tokenAddress = "0x5c089e1b93fef3d7f7672e8d515eba846f42b924"
const result = await tokenCenter.isTokenExists(tokenAddress)
/* Available contracts
const contractCode = `...`
const contractAddress = '0x21786df4741ab50cdfec064ad9aeef84898a86a4'
const compiler = 'solc-linux-amd64-v0.8.20+commit.a1b79de6'
const optimizer = "true"
const runs = "100"
const evm_version = "paris"
const contract = await decimalEVM.verifyСontract(contractAddress, contractCode, compiler, optimizer, runs, evm_version)
const contractAddress = '0x3c546e3eb206c0be7d3c9b85c81cd98700fd3db6'
const contract = await decimalEVM.connectToContract(contractAddress)
const owner = await"owner()")
const contractAddress = '0x3c546e3eb206c0be7d3c9b85c81cd98700fd3db6'
const contract = await decimalEVM.connectToContract(contractAddress)
const newToken: any = {
creator: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
symbol: 'COStest'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000),
name: 'CosmosName',
crr: 50,
initialMint: decimalEVM.parseEther(1000),
minTotalSupply: decimalEVM.parseEther(1),
maxTotalSupply: decimalEVM.parseEther(5000000),
identity: 'asd',
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1250);
const options = {
...await contract.getDefaultOptions(),
value: reserve,
const tx = await"createToken", newToken, options)
const newToken: any = {
creator: decimalWallet.evmAddress,
symbol: 'COStest'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000),
name: 'CosmosName',
crr: 50,
initialMint: decimalEVM.parseEther(1000),
minTotalSupply: decimalEVM.parseEther(1),
maxTotalSupply: decimalEVM.parseEther(5000000),
identity: 'asd',
const reserve = decimalEVM.parseEther(1250);
const contractAddress = await decimalEVM.getDecimalContractAddress('token-center')
const contract = await decimalEVM.connectToContract(contractAddress, tokenCenterAbi)
const options = {
...await contract.getDefaultOptions(),
value: reserve,
const populateTransaction = await contract.populateTransaction("createToken", newToken, options)
populateTransaction.chainId = 20202020 //for ethres 5.5.1
const signTransaction = await contract.signTransaction(populateTransaction)
//send signed populateTransaction
const sendTransaction = await contract.sendSignedTransaction(signTransaction)
// or send just populateTransaction
//const sendTransaction = await contract.sendTransaction(populateTransaction)