Curtó is the first GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) augmented dataset of faces. A key step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Armstrong — 'That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind'.
Churchill — 'We shall never surrender'.
Links to Download:
Curtó & Zarza (4 GB). Preview.
Alternate Links to Download:
Curtó & Zarza (4 GB). Curtó & Zarza (4 GB).
128x128 DeCurtó+ (2 GB). Preview.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
School of Computer Science. Carnegie Mellon.
For more information about the dataset, visit the website:
If you use the dataset in a publication, please cite the paper below:
Curtó, J. D., Zarza, I. C., Torre, F., King, I., Lyu, M. R. High-resolution Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. 2017.
Please note that we do not own the copyrights to these images. Their use is RESTRICTED to non-commercial research and educational purposes.
Version 1.0, released on 17/11/2017.
Version 1.1, released on 21/11/2017, add labels with attribute information.
Version 1.2, released on 19/01/2018, add supplementary samples and labels.
Version 1.3, released on 27/01/2018, add HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (trained on CelebA).
Version 2.0, released on 09/02/2018, add HDCGAN HQ Synthetic Samples (trained on CelebA).
Version 3.0, released on 17/04/2020, add DeCurtó+, a collection of 40,000+ HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (trained on CelebA-hq).
- Samples (c/samples).
- 14,248 cropped faces. Balanced in terms of ethnicity: African American, East-asian, South-asian and White. Mirror images included to enhance pose variation.
- Labels (c/labels).
- JSON files with attribute information: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Hair Color, Hair Style, Eyes Color, Facial Hair, Glasses, Visible Forehead, Hair Covered and Smile.
- HDCGAN Synthetic Images (c/hdcgan).
- 4,239 faces generated by HDCGAN trained on CelebA.
- Samples (c/hdcgan/samples). Original 512x512 image size.
- Resized Samples (c/hdcgan/samples_128). 128x128 image size.
- 4,239 faces generated by HDCGAN trained on CelebA.
- Additional Images (c/extra).
- Samples (c/extra/samples) and Labels (c/extra/labels). 3,384 cropped faces with labels, Ethnicity: White.
- HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (DeCurto+/DeCurto01-04, DeCurto+/DeZarza01).
- 44,896 faces generated by HDCGAN trained on CelebA-hq. Unfiltered images from epoch 161 to 221.
- HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (DeCurto+/DeCurto+01-04, DeCurto+/DeZarza+01).
- Subset of 16,222 samples from the corresponding folders above that are correctly classified as faces given the default parameters of opencv.