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Docker Cheat Sheet

Images and Container

  • docker build .  #Build a Dockerfile and create your own Image based on the file
    • -t NAME:TAG #Assign a NAME and a TAG to an image
  • docker run IMAGE_NAME  #Create and start a new container based on image IMAGENAME 
    #(or use the image id)
    • --name NAME #Assign a NAME to the container. The name can be used for stopping and removing etc.
    • -d #Run the container in detached mode
    • -it #Run the container in "interactive" mode
    • --rm #Automatically remove the container when it's stopped
  • docker ps  # List all running containers
    • -a #List all containers - including stopped ones
  • docker images  #List all locally stored images
  • docker rm CONTAINER  # Remove a container with name CONTAINER 
    #(you can also use the container id)
  • docker rmi IMAGE  #Remove an image by name / id
  • docker container prune #Remove all stopped containers
  • docker image prune #Remove all dangling images (untagged images)
    • -a #Remove all locally stored images
  • docker push IMAGE #Push an image to DockerHub (or another registry) - 
    # the image name/tag must include the repository name/ url
  • docker pull IMAGE #Pull (download) an image from DockerHub(or another registry) - this
    #is done automatically if you just docker run IMAGE and the image wasn't pulled before

Data and Volumes

  • docker run -v /path/in/container IMAGE #Create an Anonymous Volume inside a Container
  • docker run -v some-name:/path/in/container IMAGE #Create a Named Volume (named some-name ) inside a Container
  • docker run -v /path/on/your/host/machine:path/in/container IMAGE  #Create a Bind
    #Mount and connect a local path on your host machine to some path in the Container
  • docker volume ls #List all currently active / stored Volumes (by all Containers)
  • docker volume create VOL_NAME #Create a new (Named) Volume named VOL_NAME . 
  • docker volume rm VOL_NAME  #Remove a Volume by it's name (or ID)
  • docker volume prune #Remove all unused Volumes