substrate-archive for deeper-chain
cargo build
run postgres
docker-compose up -d
migrate database and tables, change to substrate-archive/substrate-archive/src
DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:123@localhost:6432/deeper_local sqlx database create
DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:123@localhost:6432/deeper_local sqlx migrate run
run local 2 node test net
./deeper-chain --chain local --base-path /tmp/alice --alice --validator --rpc-cors all
./deeper-chain --chain local --base-path /tmp/bob --bob --validator --bootnodes /ip4/ --pruning archive
start index chain
cargo build
./target/debug/deeper-archive -c archive.toml --chain local
create decoded tables
DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:123@localhost:6432/deeper_local sqlx migrate add balance_decoded
how to get metadata for test
subxt metadata -f bytes > metadata.scale
read from rocksdb and write block info, extrinsic info into postgres
for custom storage, because we don't know the key, so first step we need to know all storage keys in the block. after that we can decode the correspond storage value.
for events, the storage key is fixed, so the only thing is to decode the value.
query events by pallet name and event name
select * from block_event where info->'event'->>'name'='Credit' and info->'event'->'values'->0->>'name' = 'CreditDataUpdated' limit 10;
query events by account id
select * from block_event where info->'event'->>'name'='Credit' and info->'event'->'values'->0->'values'->0 = '[[168, 139, 89, 175, 231, 63, 14, 118, 158, 79, 157, 133, 205, 64, 253, 19, 240, 135, 68, 70, 242, 45, 42, 182, 120, 15, 156, 184, 144, 89, 48, 126]]' limit 1;
the account id is a 32 bytes big number, but its scale expression is a Vector of Value, so a little tricky to query by account id.currently I didn't find any simple ways to convert [u8; 32]
into hex string or ss58 format.