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The plugins folder contains internally developed JS Plugin modules. Each plugin should be the following:

  • Based off the JS Module Plugin template
  • Package name @deephaven/js-plugin-<folderName>
  • Independent versioning, npm install, npm run build
  • Exported as a CJS bundle
  • Externalize react, react-dom, redux, and react-redux if used


First run npm install to install dependencies.

You can build the plugin(s) in watch mode from the root directory of this repo by using the following commands:

npm start # starts all plugins in watch mode
# OR
cd plugins/plugin
npm start # starts just the current directory plugin in watch mode

This will rebuild the plugin(s) any time the source changes. Changes can be reflected by refreshing the Deephaven web IDE page after the build finishes.

To build for publishing, run

npm run build

Next, create a manifest.json file in the plugins directory of this project or modify the existing one.

In it, there should be JSON containing a plugins object containing metadata about all plugins to use, e.g.:

  "plugins": [
      /** Name of the plugin, and relative path from this manifest to the plugin's root folder. */
      "name": "...", 

      /** Version of the plugin. */
      "version": "...", 

      /** Location of the primary entry point for the plugin. */
      "main": "..." 

For example, if using matplotlib and plotly plugins with version 0.1.0, the file looks like this:

    "plugins": [
      { "name": "matplotlib", "version": "0.1.0", "main": "dist/index.js" },
      { "name": "plotly", "version": "0.1.0", "main": "dist/index.js" }

Then, build deephaven-core. The directions below are relative to the root directory of your deephaven-core repo, but you can create the venv elsewhere if you'd like.

Within the deephaven-core repo, create a venv.

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Then, build and install the python server wheels. The version number will depend on which release deephaven-core is currently on.

./gradlew :py-server:assemble :py-embedded-server:assemble

pip install py/server/build/wheel/deephaven_core-0.20.0-py3-none-any.whl py/embedded-server/build/wheel/deephaven_server-0.20.0-py3-none-any.whl

Finally, install the plugin wheels for the plugins, plotly and matplotlib in this example. See directions in the repos for the python plugins you're working with to learn how to build the wheels. Substitute in your local wheel locations.

pip install <plotly-plugin-path>/deephaven-plugin-plotly/dist/deephaven_plugin_plotly-0.0.1.dev2-py3-none-any.whl <matplotlib-plugin-path>/deephaven-plugin-matplotlib/dist/deephaven_plugin_matplotlib-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl

If you're reinstalling the python wheels without a version bump (generally for the purpose of development), you'll want to add the --force-reinstall tag. The --no-deps tag is also recommended as --force-reinstall will update all the dependencies as well, which is generally unnecessary. For example, on reinstalls the above command becomes

pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps <plotly-plugin-path>/deephaven-plugin-plotly/dist/deephaven_plugin_plotly-0.0.1.dev2-py3-none-any.whl <matplotlib-plugin-path>/deephaven-plugin-matplotlib/dist/deephaven_plugin_matplotlib-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl

Using the path to your local deephaven-js-plugins repo where the manifest.json is contained (which will be in the plugins directory if you followed the steps above), start the server with the following command:

START_OPTS="-Ddeephaven.jsPlugins.resourceBase=<js-plugins-path>/deephaven-js-plugins/plugins" ./gradlew server-jetty-app:run

The deephaven IDE can then be opened at http://localhost:10000/ide/, with your plugins ready to use.