Studio API
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.6.2
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install the latest stable release directly from Github via
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.AnalysesApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
analysis_id = 56 # int | ID of the analysis to delete
# Delete an analyses.
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AnalysesApi->analyses_analysis_id_delete: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnalysesApi | analyses_analysis_id_delete | DELETE /analyses/{analysis_id} | Delete an analyses. |
AnalysesApi | analyses_analysis_id_documents_download_get | GET /analyses/{analysis_id}/documents/download | Download analysis's documents. |
AnalysesApi | analyses_analysis_id_documents_get | GET /analyses/{analysis_id}/documents | Fetches all documents of a given analysis |
AnalysesApi | analyses_analysis_id_get | GET /analyses/{analysis_id} | Get an Analysis |
AnalysesApi | analyses_analysis_id_put | PUT /analyses/{analysis_id} | Change analysis's name |
AnalysesApi | analyses_get | GET /analyses | Return a list of analyses. |
AnalysesApi | analyses_post | POST /analyses | Create a new analysis. |
AnalysesApi | analyses_upload_post | POST /analyses/upload | Upload a file for a new batch analysis. |
AnalysesApi | analyze_post | POST /analyze | Ad-hoc analysis of a list of documents. |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_classes_class_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/classes/{class_id} | Delete a class |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_classes_class_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/classes/{class_id} | Get a class |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_classes_class_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/classes/{class_id} | Change class's data |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_classes_download_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/classes/download | Download all project's classes |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_classes_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/classes | Get all project's classes |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_classes_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/classes | Add a new class to a project |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_classes_upload_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/classes/upload | Upload a file containing classes definition. |
ClassesApi | projects_project_id_upload_classes_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/upload-classes | Add multiple classes to a project |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id} | Delete a correction session. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_statuses_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/statuses | Mark a segment as corrected. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags | Add a tag to a segment. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_tag_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags/{tag_id} | Delete a tag. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_tag_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags/{tag_id} | Change a tag. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_tag_id_statuses_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags/{tag_id}/statuses | Confirm a tag. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_documents_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id}/documents | Get correction session's documents. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_correction_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/corrections/{correction_id} | Return a correction session. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/corrections | Return a list of correction sessions that belongs to a project. |
CorrectionApi | projects_project_id_corrections_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/corrections | Create a new correction session. |
DocumentsApi | projects_project_id_documents_document_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/documents/{document_id} | Delete a document of a project. |
DocumentsApi | projects_project_id_documents_document_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/documents/{document_id} | Get a particular document of a project. |
DocumentsApi | projects_project_id_documents_document_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/documents/{document_id} | Change a document. |
DocumentsApi | projects_project_id_documents_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/documents | Fetches all documents of a given project |
DocumentsApi | projects_project_id_documents_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/documents | Create a new document. |
DocumentsApi | projects_project_id_upload_documents_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/upload-documents | Upload new documents. |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/groups | List all document groups that belongs to a project |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_group_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id} | Delete a group of documents. |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_group_id_documents_document_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/documents/{document_id} | Get a particular document of a group. |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_group_id_documents_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/documents | Get documents of a group |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_group_id_download_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/download | Download all the documents of a group |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_group_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id} | Get a Document Group |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_group_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id} | Change a document group. |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/groups | Create a new document group. |
GroupsApi | projects_project_id_groups_upload_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/groups/upload | Upload a file to a project. A file contains one or more documents that can |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id} | Delete a labeling session. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id} | Get a particular document of a labeling session. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_statuses_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/statuses | Mark a segment as annotated. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags | Return a list of tags of a segment. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags | Add a tag to a segment. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_tag_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags/{tag_id} | Delete a tag. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_tag_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags/{tag_id} | Get a tag. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_segments_segment_id_tags_tag_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id}/segments/{segment_id}/tags/{tag_id} | Change a tag. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_document_id_statuses_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents/{document_id}/statuses | Mark a document as annotated. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_documents_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/documents | Get all documents of a labeling session |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_download_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}/download | Download a labeling session |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id} | Return a labeling session. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_annotation_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/annotations/{annotation_id} | Change a labeling session. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_download_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations/download | Download all labeling sessions of a project. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/annotations | Return a list of labeling sessions that belongs to a project. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/annotations | Create a new labeling session. |
LabelingApi | projects_project_id_annotations_upload_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/annotations/upload | Upload a file for a new labeling session. |
LabelsApi | projects_project_id_labels_download_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/labels/download | Download all project's labels |
LabelsApi | projects_project_id_labels_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/labels | Get all project's labels |
LabelsApi | projects_project_id_labels_label_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/labels/{label_id} | Delete a label. Labels from ABSA projects cannot be deleted. |
LabelsApi | projects_project_id_labels_label_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/labels/{label_id} | Get a particular label |
LabelsApi | projects_project_id_labels_label_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/labels/{label_id} | Change label's data |
LabelsApi | projects_project_id_labels_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/labels | Add a new label to a project. |
LabelsApi | projects_project_id_labels_upload_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/labels/upload | Upload a file containing labels definition. |
ModelsApi | models_get | GET /models | Get models user is authorized to see. |
ModelsApi | models_model_download_get | GET /models/{model}/download | Download a model by name |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_analyses_get | GET /models/{model_id}/analyses | Fetches all analyses related to this model. |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_delete | DELETE /models/{model_id} | Delete a model. |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_download_get | GET /models/{model_id}/download | Download a model |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_get | GET /models/{model_id} | Get a model by its ID |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_permissions_get | GET /models/{model_id}/permissions | Get all model's permission. |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_put | PUT /models/{model_id} | Update a model. |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_star_post | POST /models/{model_id}/star | Favorite a model. |
ModelsApi | models_model_id_unstar_post | POST /models/{model_id}/unstar | Remove a model from favorites. |
ModelsApi | models_upload_post | POST /models/upload | Upload a model. |
ModelsApi | organizations_organization_models_get | GET /organizations/{organization}/models | Get models user is authorized to see. |
ModelsApi | organizations_organization_models_model_download_get | GET /organizations/{organization}/models/{model}/download | Download a model by organization name and model name |
ModelsApi | projects_project_id_models_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/models | Get models that belongs to a project |
ModelsApi | projects_project_id_models_model_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/models/{model_id} | Delete a model that belongs to a project.. |
ModelsApi | projects_project_id_models_model_id_download_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/models/{model_id}/download | Download a model that belongs to a project |
ModelsApi | projects_project_id_models_model_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/models/{model_id} | Get a specific model that belongs to a project |
ModelsApi | projects_project_id_models_model_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/models/{model_id} | Update a model that belongs to a project. |
ModelsApi | projects_project_id_models_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/models | Train a new model. |
MonitoringApi | health_get | GET /health | Health Check |
MonitoringApi | info_get | GET /info | General Information about the Studio API. |
NotificationsApi | users_user_id_notifications_get | GET /users/{user_id}/notifications | Get all user's notification |
NotificationsApi | users_user_id_notifications_notification_id_get | GET /users/{user_id}/notifications/{notification_id} | Get a notification |
NotificationsApi | users_user_id_notifications_notification_id_put | PUT /users/{user_id}/notifications/{notification_id} | Change a notification |
ProjectsApi | projects_get | GET /projects | List all projects that the authorized user has access to. |
ProjectsApi | projects_post | POST /projects | Create a new project. |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_analyses_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/analyses | Get all projects' analyses. |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_clone_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/clone | Clone a project. |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id} | Delete a project. |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_get | GET /projects/{project_id} | Get a project |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_permissions_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/permissions | Get all projects' permission. |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id} | Change project data. |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_tags_get | GET /projects/{project_id}/tags | Get all tags of a project |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_tags_tag_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/tags/{tag_id} | Delete a tag. |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_tags_tag_id_put | PUT /projects/{project_id}/tags/{tag_id} | Edit a tag |
ProjectsApi | projects_project_id_transfer_post | POST /projects/{project_id}/transfer | Transfer a project to a workspace. |
TypesApi | types_get | GET /types | List all available task types |
UsersApi | auth_login_post | POST /auth/login | Log in a user |
UsersApi | auth_logout_post | POST /auth/logout | Log out a user. |
UsersApi | auth_register_post | POST /auth/register | Create a new account. |
UsersApi | auth_status_get | GET /auth/status | User login status |
UsersApi | password_email_post | POST /password/email | Request a link to reset the password. |
UsersApi | password_reset_post | POST /password/reset | Reset a password. |
UsersApi | users_email_verify_post | POST /users/email/verify | Confirm an email |
UsersApi | users_email_verify_resend_post | POST /users/email/verify/resend | Resend verification email |
UsersApi | users_user_id_delete | DELETE /users/{user_id} | Delete user's account. |
UsersApi | users_user_id_get | GET /users/{user_id} | Get a user. |
UsersApi | users_user_id_keys_get | GET /users/{user_id}/keys | List all keys associated to a user |
UsersApi | users_user_id_keys_key_id_delete | DELETE /users/{user_id}/keys/{key_id} | Delete a key associated to a user |
UsersApi | users_user_id_keys_post | POST /users/{user_id}/keys | Add a product key to a user |
UsersApi | users_user_id_permissions_get | GET /users/{user_id}/permissions | Get user permissions. |
UsersApi | users_user_id_permissions_put | PUT /users/{user_id}/permissions | Change user permission. |
UsersApi | users_user_id_put | PUT /users/{user_id} | Change a user. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_default_post | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/default | Set a workspace as the default one. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_delete | DELETE /organizations/{organization_id} | Deactivates a workspace. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_get | GET /organizations/{organization_id} | Get a workspace. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_invitation_invitation_id_delete | DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/invitation/{invitation_id} | Cancel an invitation. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_invitation_invitation_id_resend_post | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitation/{invitation_id}/resend | Resend an invitation. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_permissions_get | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/permissions | Get all users' permissions from a workspace |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_permissions_permission_id_delete | DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/permissions/{permission_id} | Remove a user from a workspace. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_permissions_permission_id_put | PUT /organizations/{organization_id}/permissions/{permission_id} | Change user's role. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_permissions_post | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/permissions | Add a new user to a workspace. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_put | PUT /organizations/{organization_id} | Change a workspace. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_users_get | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/users | Get all users of a workspace |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_users_invite_post | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/users/invite | Invite users to a workspace. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_organization_id_users_invites_get | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/users/invites | List all pending invitations. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_post | POST /organizations | Create a new workspace. |
WorkspacesApi | organizations_users_invite_accept_post | POST /organizations/users/invite/accept | Accept an invitation. |
- AcceptInvitationInput
- AdHocAnalysis
- AdHocAnalysisCreate
- Analyses
- Analysis
- AnalysisCreate
- AnnotateCorrectionResponse
- Body
- Body1
- Body2
- Body3
- Body4
- Body5
- Body6
- Body7
- ChangeAnnotationTag
- ChangePermissionBody
- ClassLabelTag
- ClassLabelTags
- ClassTag
- Classes
- ConfirmCorrectionTag
- ConfirmUserEmail
- Correction
- CorrectionCreate
- CorrectionModel
- Corrections
- CreateCorrectionTagResponse
- CreateCorrectionTagResponseSegment
- CreateWorkspaceInput
- DetailedModel
- Document
- DocumentAnnotationStatus
- DocumentChangeInput
- DocumentCreate
- DocumentCreateSegments
- DocumentGroup
- DocumentGroupChange
- DocumentGroups
- DocumentsSegments
- DocumentsSegmentsResponse
- FilePreview
- GetAnalyses
- GetModels
- GroupCreate
- Invitation
- Invitations
- InviteUsersBody
- InviteUsersResponse
- InviteUsersResponseNotInvited
- Label
- LabelInput
- LabelTag
- LabelingSession
- LabelingSessionChange
- LabelingSessionCreate
- LabelingSessionWithDocs
- LabelingSessions
- LabelledDocument
- LabelledDocuments
- LabelledDocumentsResponse
- LabelsResponse
- LoginResponse
- Model
- ModelClass
- ModelCreate
- ModelPermission
- ModelPermissions
- Models
- Notification
- NotificationInput
- Notifications
- Permission
- PermissionInput
- Permissions
- ProductKey
- ProductKeys
- Project
- ProjectPermission
- ProjectPermissions
- ProjectTagsResponse
- Projects
- RegistrationResponse
- ResetPasswordInput
- ResetPasswordSendInput
- Segment
- SegmentAnnotationStatus
- SegmentWithTags
- SetDefaultBody
- Type
- Types
- UploadDocuments
- User
- UserLogin
- UserPermission
- Users
- Workspace
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header