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KustomExport: a KSP generator of JS facade

Status: Experimental

At Deezer, we develop KMP libraries, this tool help us provide nicer API for Typescript since November 2021.

The generated code will change to support more features and/or stop supporting features provided by KotlinJS directly, so you may expect breaking changes when upgrading.


Providing a nice Typescript API can sometimes be complex/verbose from a Kotlin Multiplatform Project.

A simple example:

// @JsExport // Cannot be annotated in Kotlin 1.6.10 and before
enum class StateEnum { IDLE, RUNNING }
data class SomeDataObject(
    val timestamp: Long,
    val state: StateEnum,
    val idList: List<String>

Results in Typescript:

export namespace sample.doc_examples {
    class SomeDataObject {
        constructor(timestamp: any/* kotlin.Long */, state: any/* sample.doc_examples.StateEnum */, idList: any/* kotlin.collections.List<string> */);
        get timestamp(): any/* kotlin.Long */;
        get state(): any/* sample.doc_examples.StateEnum */;
        get idList(): any/* kotlin.collections.List<string> */;
        component1(): any/* kotlin.Long */;
        component2(): any/* sample.doc_examples.StateEnum */;
        component3(): any/* kotlin.collections.List<string> */;
        copy(timestamp: any/* kotlin.Long */, state: any/* sample.doc_examples.StateEnum */, idList: any/* kotlin.collections.List<string> */): sample.doc_examples.SomeDataObject;
        toString(): string;
        hashCode(): number;
        equals(other: Nullable<any>): boolean;
  • Long will not produce a number but a kotlin.Long behing a any (doc), but web developers usually use number to store timestamp.
  • Enums are not handled yet (KT-37916) and so exported as any
  • List could be used in a majority of cases if it was exported in Arrays
  • Lots of Kotlin methods like componentX, copy, hashCode or equals coming from data class are not really relevant or unusable (copy() should define all fields in typescript anyway)
  • comments in the Typescript generated code is helpful but only comment and doesn't fail build when type changes

There are some good reasons why it's not supported by KotlinJs right now, but it's not practical to provide a clean Typescript API.

KustomExport wants to be the bridge to provide a nice Typescript API until KotlinJS produces an equivalent export.

Technical approach

A manual way to approach this problem is to write a facade in Kotlin and only @JsExport the facade.

// jsMain/StateEnumJs.kt
// Export the enum in a class, so it's providing a real class in JS instead of 'any'
class StateEnumJs internal constructor(internal val stateEnum: StateEnum) {
    val name: String =
fun StateEnumJs.import(): StateEnum = value
fun StateEnum.export(): StateEnumJs = Encoding(this)
// Object that exposes all possible values of the enum (note the 's')
object StateEnumsJs {
    val IDLE: StateEnumJs = StateEnumJs(StateEnum.IDLE)
    val RUNNING: StateEnumJs = StateEnumJs(StateEnum.RUNNING)
// And more methods like values(), valueOf()...
  • It doesn't scale easily: lots of boilerplate code to maintain.
  • New feature can be invisible when changes are non-breaking with the facade. A dangerous behaviour for library providers.
  • It requires calling import()/export() method in many places, leading to a "specific to web" code in your common code.

If you write similar facades yourself, this generator could help you avoid writing them manually. Please open issues with your needs!

Note that it's adding code to your existing codebase, so it will increase your JS bundle size.

Current status

The current project uses Typescript integration tests, feel free to check what's covered in Samples.

What is supported today:

  • Long to number (by using toLong/toDouble, so be careful with precision issues here!) (doc)
  • List<...> to Array<...> and it's ready to support more collections, please open a ticket with your needs. (doc)
  • enum classes (doc)
  • class / data class (equals/toString/componentX methods are removed) (doc)
  • functions and dynamic properties are wrapped (ex val rand: Long get() = Random.nextLong() will be wrapped and called again each time the exposed object is called in Typescript)
  • interfaces (doc)
  • sealed class
  • suspend methods with cooperative cancellation (via AbortController)
  • removing the namespace (optional) (doc)
  • mixing @JsExport with @KustomExport (experimental)

What is not supported yet:

  • generics (partially supported, you can generate a list of facades from a single generic class)

Feel free to open issues for more features!

You can have a look to the Samples to have a feel of how it can be used.


KustomExport use KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processor), and you need to install it in your build.gradle.kts

plugins {
    id("") version "1.6.21-1.0.5"

Then you need to define the dependency to the library

repositories {
    maven(url = "")

kotlin {
    // jvm(), js() and other platforms...
    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting {
            dependencies {

And finally enable the compiler with

kotlin { 
    // KMP configuration
dependencies {
    add("kspJs", "deezer.kustomexport:compiler:0.6.1")


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 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.