Web application to create, save and solve multiple choice tests. Compatible with Prober's Drill System quiz format (PDS).
- Easy to use Material Design UI.
- Easy quiz creation - just paste quiz in PDS format. It willbe recognized automatically.
- Optional answers random shuffle. So that you don't learn answers by their order.
- Track your results. Compare stats from 3 last attempts to all summary.
- Easily continue unfinished quiz attempt. Just select from attempt list.
Application is in first aplha version yet, so its functionality is very limited.
The main destination of project was to learn new web technologies, so the code is still not the highest quiality and I still improve it.
- Node.js & Express.js
- MongoDB database
- Authentication based on JWT.
- React.js
- Material UI library
It is required to set the following environment variables:
- PORT=<express-js-port>
- DB_STRING=<database-connection-string>
- CORS_ORIGIN=<http://your-site-here.com>
- SECRET=<secret-key-used-by-node>