Kafka console consumer in Go. Supports Avro and MessagePack decoding.
go get github.com/dejan/tailtopic/cmd/tailtopic
Or, if you don't want to install Go, you can also use it from Docker:
docker run desimic/tailtopic -h
To get help run:
tailtopic -h
You should see the syntax and available options:
Usage: tailtopic <options> topicname
-b string
One of the Kafka brokers host[:port] (default "localhost:9092")
-d string
Message decoder. Either "avro", "msgpack" or "none" (default "none")
-o string
Offset to start consuming from. Either "earliest" or "latest" (default "latest")
-s string
Avro Schema registry URI. If not provided, Kafka broker host will be used (default "http://{kafkabroker}:8081")
For example, to tail tracking topic with MessagePack serialized messages and if kfk001 is one of the Kafka brokers then run:
tailtopic -b kfk001 -d msgpack tracking
Or, if you want to tail requests topic with Avro serialized messages and if kfk001 is one of the Kafka brokers and the schema registry is reachable on the same host then just change the topic name and decoder (-d) flag to avro:
tailtopic -b kfk001 -d avro requests
go test
go run cmd/tailtopic/main.go
docker-compose build --no-cache tailtopic
docker-compose run --rm tailtopic -b kafka:9092 -s http://schema-registry:8081 -o earliest -d avro test