A curated list of amazingly awesome collection of lists, software, libraries, documentations, videos, tutorials and anything useful around Blackmagic Design products.
- JavaScript: Sofie ATEM Connection Library, Node Applest ATEM, ATEM
- C#: LibAtem
- Swift: Swift ATEM
- Arduino: Arduino Libs by Skaarhoj
- Python: PyATEMMax
- Go: ATEM Go, Go ATEM
- ATEM Connection Test Generator: C# library to generate ATEM commands for unit tests
- wireshark-atem-dissector: Wireshark dissector for Blackmagic Design ATEM video switcher protocol.
- ATEM Simulator: Swift application that simulates an ATEM switcher for testing.
- ATEM Image Auto Uploader: C# (Windows only) script to automate uploads to the media pool.
- multiviewTouchControl: Raspberry Pi multiview touch control for ATEM switchers.
- ATEM Compositor: Alternate UI for Super Sources.
- H2R Layouts: Online alternate UI for Super Sources via macros.
- OpenSwitcher: Linux alternate software controller for ATEM switchers.
- ($)MixEffect: PAID iOS app to controll ATEM switchers.