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A Ruby API and CLI for the Routemaster event bus.

Installation | Library usage | CLI usage


gem install routemaster-client

Library usage

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'routemaster-client'

Configure your client:

require 'routemaster/client'
Routemaster::Client.configure do |config|
  config.url = ''
  config.uuid = 'demo' # HTTP Basic token used to talk to the bus
  config.timeout = 2 # in seconds

If you are using Sidekiq in your project, you can specify the usage of a Sidekiq backend, where event sending will be processed asynchronously.

Routemaster::Client.configure do |config|
  # ...
  config.async_backend = Routemaster::Client::Backends::Sidekiq.configure do |sidekiq|
  	sidekiq.queue = :realtime
  	sidekiq.retry = false

Push an event about an entity in the topic widgets with a callback URL:

Routemaster::Client.created('widgets', '')
Routemaster::Client.updated('widgets', '')
Routemaster::Client.noop('widgets', '')

There are methods for the four canonical event types: created, updated, deleted, and noop.

noop is typically used when a subscriber is first connected (or reset), and the publisher floods with noops for all existing entities so subscribers can refresh their view of the domain.

A timestamp argument may be passed (it will be set by the bus automatically otherwise); it must be an integer number of milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch:

Routemaster::Client.created('widgets', '', t: 1473080555409)

You can also push events asynchronously if you have configured a backend that supports this (otherwise an error will be raised):

Routemaster::Client.updated('widgets', '', async: true)

A data payload can be sent alongside the event. It is strongly discouraged to do this except extrame circumstances (particularly as schema migrations become very painful):

Routemaster::Client.created('cats', '', data: { 'color' => 'teal' })

Subscribe to be notified about widgets and kitten at most 60 seconds after events, in batches of at most 500 events, to a given callback URL:

  topics:   ['widgets', 'kitten'],
  callback: '',
  uuid:     'demo',
  timeout:  60_000,
  max:      500)

Unsubscribe from a single topic:


Unsubscribe from all topics:


Delete a topic (only possible if you're the emitter for this topic):


Monitor the status of topics and subscriptions:

#=> [ #<Routemaster::Topic:XXXX @name="widgets", @publisher="demo", @events=12589>, ...]

#=> [ {
#     subscriber: 'bob',
#     callback:   '',
#     topics:     ['widgets', 'kitten'],
#     events:     { sent: 21_450, queued: 498, oldest: 59_603 }
#  } ... ]

CLI usage

This gem includes the rtm binary, which can be used to interact with a Routemaster bus.


rtm token add [options] SERVICE TOKEN

Adds TOKEN to the list of API tokens permitted to use the bus API. SERVICE is a human-readable name for this token.

rtm token del [options] TOKEN

Removes TOKEN from permitted tokens if it exists.

rtm token list [options]

Lists currently permitted API tokens.

rtm sub add [options] URL TOPICS... [--latency MS] [--batch-size COUNT]

Adds (or updates) a subscription. Note that the TOKEN passed in option must be that of the subscriber, not a root token.

  • URL must be HTTPS and include an authentication username (used by the bus when delivering events).
  • TOPICS is a list of topic names.
  • MS, if specified, is the target delivery latency for this subscriber (ie. how long to buffer events).
  • COUNT, if specified, is the maximum number of events in a delivered batch.
rtm sub del [options] [TOPICS]

Updates or removes a subscription. Note that the TOKEN passed in option must be that of the subscriber, not a root token. If no TOPICS are specified, the subscription is entirely removed.

rtm sub list [options]

List existing subscriptions.

rtm pub [options] EVENT TOPIC URL

Publishes an event to the bus. Note that the TOKEN passed in option must be that of the subscriber, not a root token. EVENT must be one of created, updated, deleted, or noop. TOPIC must be a valid topic name. URL must be a valid HTTPS URL.

Global options

-b|--bus DOMAIN|@NAME

The domain names of the bus to interact with, or a reference (NAME) to global configuration.

Note that DOMAIN is not a URL.

-t|--token TOKEN

An API token to use when querying the bus.

rtm will load a configuration file in Yaml format (.rtmrc or ~/.rtmrc). Example:

# .rtmrc
  token:  2bf959d1-04fb-4912-8450-ab646888d476

With this configuration, rtm token list -b @production will list API tokens for the bus at the domain specified in the config.


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