This is an example app to demonstrate the use of F# in WASI using the new
Here's the introductory video from CNCF Europe WASM Conference Bringing WebAssembly to the .NET Mainstream - Steve Sanderson, Microsoft
Shoutout to written by for tips on running it on macOS
Upd: The issue is fixed in Wasi.Sdk > 0.1.1, dotnet/aspnetcore#41123 (comment)
Ensure you have at least .NET 7.0 preview 3 - you can download it here
Also, please install wasmtime
Command to install it from their website is curl -sSf | bash
- be sure to check the script first (always check what you sh
from the internet)
cd TodoBackend
dotnet build
wasmtime bin/Debug/net7.0/FullstackWasmFSharpAppBackend.wasm --tcplisten localhost:8080 --env ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://localhost:8080
> info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime
> Now listening on: http://localhost:8080
Please note, that currently the backend has hard-coded address of "localhost:5000" for CORS to work.
Also, the frontend has hard-coded address of the backend to "http://localhost:8080" for simplicity.
That said, you should be able to run interactive (with .NET Interpreter in WASM) frontend using:
cd TodoFrontend
dotnet run
You can build the portable (i.e. AOT and optimized) version of the frontend which can be deployed as static website with:
cd TodoFrontend
dotnet publish -o $(pwd)/publish/ -r Portable
After that, you can serve it like any other SPA - for example, locally using Serve
serve publish/wwwroot/ -p 5000