A collection of docker images needed for
Linux image based on Debian Stretch and node v11. It contains support for running chromium
and xvfb
because running a headless electron
requires using a virtual frame buffer. Builds and tests the following projects:
Linux image for building deltachat-android-ii
based on Debian Stretch.
Build deltachat-android-ii
$ cd deltachat-android-ii
$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/android -w /android deltachat/debian-stretch-android ./ci-build.sh
+ git clean -fxd
+ git submodule update --recursive --init
+ rm build/ -rf
+ ndk-build
[armeabi] Compile++ thumb: native-utils <= org_thoughtcrime_securesms_util_FileUtils.cpp
[armeabi] Compile thumb : native-utils <= compress.c
[armeabi] Compile thumb : native-utils <= create.c
Note This is a work in progress and above command currently only works in the jenkins
branch of deltachat-android-ii
Currently, each image has its own Makefile
. To build e.g. debian-stretch-android
you do:
$ cd debian-stretch-android && make
To push it to hub.docker.com
$ cd debian-stretch-android && make push
In order to push images to hub.docker.com
you first need to be logged in:
$ docker login
This only needs to be done once per machine. Credentials are stored in ~/.docker/config.json