CAUTION: This project is built with Azle Beta and inherits its disclaimer. This project has not been audited or well tested.
Reference implementation of the ICRC-1 standard in TypeScript.
# Azle must be setup locally:
git clone
npm install
npm run dfx_install
npm test
Edit the initial arguments Candid record found in ICRC-1/init_args.txt
to configure your token on canister installation.
The initial arguments record looks like this in Candid:
type InitArgs = record {
"decimals": nat8;
"fee": nat;
"initial_account_balances": vec InitialAccountBalance;
"metadata": vec Metadatum;
"minting_account": opt Account;
"name": text;
"permitted_drift_nanos": opt nat64;
"supported_standards": vec SupportedStandard;
"symbol": text;
"transaction_window_nanos": opt nat64;
type InitialAccountBalance = record {
"account": Account;
"balance": nat;
type Metadatum = record { text; Value };
type Account = record {
"owner": principal;
"subaccount": opt blob;
type SupportedStandard = record {
"name": text;
"url": text;
The initial arguments record looks like this in TypeScript:
type InitArgs = {
decimals: nat8;
fee: nat;
initial_account_balances: InitialAccountBalance[];
metadata: Metadatum[];
minting_account: Opt<Account>;
name: string;
permitted_drift_nanos: Opt<nat64>;
supported_standards: SupportedStandard[];
symbol: string;
transaction_window_nanos: Opt<nat64>;
type InitialAccountBalance = {
account: Account;
balance: nat;
type Metadatum = [string, Value];
type Account = {
owner: Principal;
subaccount: Opt<Subaccount>;
type SupportedStandard = {
name: string;
url: string;
Here's the Candid file which shows you the interface of the ICRC-1 standard, with other types specific to this implementation.
type Transaction = record {
"args": opt TransferArgs;
"fee": nat;
"from": opt Account;
"kind": TransactionKind;
"timestamp": nat64;
type Account = record {
"owner": principal;
"subaccount": opt blob;
type Metadatum = record { text; Value };
type SupportedStandard = record {
"name": text;
"url": text;
type TransferArgs = record {
"amount": nat;
"created_at_time": opt nat64;
"fee": opt nat;
"from_subaccount": opt blob;
"memo": opt blob;
"to": Account;
type InitArgs = record {
"decimals": nat8;
"fee": nat;
"initial_account_balances": vec InitialAccountBalance;
"metadata": vec Metadatum;
"minting_account": opt Account;
"name": text;
"permitted_drift_nanos": opt nat64;
"supported_standards": vec SupportedStandard;
"symbol": text;
"transaction_window_nanos": opt nat64;
type InitialAccountBalance = record {
"account": Account;
"balance": nat;
type TransferResult = variant { "Ok": nat; "Err": TransferError };
type TransferError = variant { "BadBurn": record { "min_burn_amount": nat; }; "BadFee": record { "expected_fee": nat; }; "CreatedInFuture": record { "ledger_time": nat64; }; "Duplicate": record { "duplicate_of": nat; }; "GenericError": record { "error_code": nat; "message": text; }; "InsufficientFunds": record { "balance": nat; }; "TemporarilyUnavailable": null; "TooOld": null };
type TransactionKind = variant { "Burn": null; "Mint": null; "Transfer": null };
type Value = variant { "Blob": blob; "Int": int; "Nat": nat; "Text": text };
service: (InitArgs) -> {
"get_transactions": (opt nat64, opt nat64) -> (vec Transaction) query;
"icrc1_balance_of": (Account) -> (nat) query;
"icrc1_decimals": () -> (nat8) query;
"icrc1_fee": () -> (nat) query;
"icrc1_metadata": () -> (vec Metadatum) query;
"icrc1_minting_account": () -> (opt Account) query;
"icrc1_name": () -> (text) query;
"icrc1_supported_standards": () -> (vec SupportedStandard) query;
"icrc1_symbol": () -> (text) query;
"icrc1_total_supply": () -> (nat) query;
"icrc1_transfer": (TransferArgs) -> (TransferResult);