TypeScript SDK for the bundestag dip rest api: https://dip.bundestag.de/über-dip/hilfe/api
⚠️ Breacking changes in v0.1.2: This SDK is now using the official swagger file from bundestag.
pnpm add @democracy-deutschland/bt-dip-sdk
You can get an apiKey from https://dip.bundestag.de/über-dip/hilfe/api
import { VorgngeApi, Configuration } from "@democracy-deutschland/bt-dip-sdk";
const config = new Configuration({
apiKey: "ApiKey #YOUR_API_KEY#", // Replace #YOUR_API_KEY# with your api key
const api = new VorgngeApi(config);
fDatumStart: "2020-06-01",
fDatumEnd: "2020-06-20",
.then(({ data }) => console.log(data))
pnpm install
# Edit swagger.yml
pnpm gen