python --model_name stable_diffusion_xl_base --file_name <path to original json file> --save_filename <path to save the images>
2.1 use FID to evaluate the generated images by ground truth images, you should first download the coco2017 dataset and put it to /home/data/coco/:
python ./evaluation/ --path <path to generated file>
2.2 use inception_score to evaluate the generated images:
python ./evaluation/ --images_folder <path to generated images>
if your images is saved to /dataset/geretaed_images, then you should run the command like this: python ./evaluation/ --images_folder /dataset/
2.3 use yolov5 to detect the objects:
python ./yolov5_new/ --weights ./yolov5_new/runs/train/exp31/weights/ --source ./coco2017testdata/361_14relation_re12_test_imageid/generated_images --data vrd.yaml --device 0 --project ./coco2017testdata/361_14relation_re12_test_imageid
then the file detect.json, new_detect.json and new_detect_filter.json will be generated, and run the command to caculate the accuracy:
python ./yolov5_new/ --files_path ./coco2017testdata/361_14relation_re12_test_imageid will filter the jsonfile by delete the images which have only one entity or no entity. So the final jsonfile is new_detect.json, new_detect_filter.json is only provided for next step.
2.4 use the json file generated by step 2.3 to evaluate the relationship between each objects
cd rvlbert
python ./vrd/ --sum 574 --split test --gpus 0 --path ./coco2017testdata/361_14relation_re12_test_imageid
the sum is needed because we want to caculate the accuracy of the whole dataset including the images which have only one entity or no entity.
- tips:rvlbert project need to run ./script/ to construct the environment.
2.5 use the neural-Image-assessment to assess the Aesthetic score of the generated images:
python ./neural-Image-assessment/ --root_path ./coco2017testdata/361_14relation_re12_test_imageid --model_path ./ckpts/epoch-113.pth
then the Aesthetic.json will be generated which record the Aesthetic score of each image including mean and std.
python ./evaluation/
to generate the Aesthetic score of each dataset
2.6 caculate the diversity:
caculate the diversity: python ./evaluation/
caculate the novelty: python ./evaluation/
# cocodataset is no need to run this command# MMEvaluation