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Tophat Light Curve

Sarah Chastain edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 7 revisions


The tophat light curve is defined mathematically as follows:

F(t) = F0 # if t > t_start and t < t_end

F(t) = 0 # otherwise

Integrated Flux

F_int = F0*(min(t_end, T_end) - max(t_start, T_start))/(T_end - T_start)

Probability Contours

Sample probability contours for the tophat light curve


Each probability contour plot has three vertical lines or curves:

Shortest observation

The leftmost vertical line in the above image represents the shortest observation input

Longest Gap

The second line from the left is the shortest possible duration for a transient that will always be detected. This is the duration of longest gap in the observations.

Longest Timescale

The third line from the left is the longest duration for a transient before it is detected as constant. In the code this is the duration from the end of the first observation to end of the last observation starts. From the file:

durmax = (obs['start'][-1] + obs['duration'][-1] - obs['start'][0])