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Releases: derb12/mcetl

Release v0.4.2

02 Feb 23:45
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Version 0.4.2 (2021-02-02)

This is a minor patch with a critical bug fix.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when merging styled cells due to a change in openpyxl v3.0.6. Now
    cells are merged first, and then styled. The fix is fully compatible with all
    covered versions of openpyxl (any >= v2.4).

Release v0.4.1

26 Jan 20:51
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Version 0.4.1 (2021-01-26)

This is a minor patch with bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed grouping of column labels for the main GUI when there are more than
    9 entries for a sample.
  • Fixed processing of regex separators, such as \s+ when importing data.

Release v0.4.0

24 Jan 05:52
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Version 0.4.0 (2021-01-24)

This is a minor version with new features, bug fixes, deprecations,
and documentation improvements.

New Features

  • The data import window extended the support of importing from spreadsheet-like
    files beyond just xlsx and now supports importing from any spreadsheet-like
    file format supported by pandas.read_excel (eg. xls, xlsm, xlsb, ods, etc). For
    spreadsheet formats not supported by openpyxl, and thus not supported by the default
    mcetl installation, it will require installing the appropriate library. For
    example, to read xls files, the xlrd library would need to be installed.
  • Greatly improved load time of spreadsheets when using the data import window.
    Now, only one sheet is loaded into memory at a time (if supported by the engine
    used for reading the spreadsheet).
  • The data import window now supports importing from fixed-width files.
  • Column labels and Excel plot indices are now specified individually when using
    the main GUI. This allows processing uneven-sized data and working with already
    processed data.
  • Column labels are now added to the dataframes in launch_main_gui if any processing
    step is specified besides moving files.
  • Excel styles no longer have to be NamedStyles, allowing not adding styles to the
    output Excel workbook. Also, non-named styles are -50% faster for writing to Excel.
  • Added test_excel_styles method to DataSource, to allow testing whether the
    input styles will create valid Excel styles.
  • Added a more usable window for manual file selection, which is used for launch_main_gui
    launch_fitting_gui, and launch_plotting_gui.
  • The main GUI will now save the previous search for each DataSource separately,
    with a filename of previous_files_( (eg. prevous_files_XRD.json).
  • Allow using all models available from lmfit and mcetl to use as the background for
    fitting. The few models that need kwargs during initialization now allow selecting them in the GUI.
  • Added several functions to mcetl.fitting.fitting_utils to allow using the lmfit model names
    within code while displaying shortened versions in GUIs. Also, a full list of
    models available through lmfit and mcetl are generated at runtime, so that the
    available models match for different versions.
  • Created an ExcelWriterHandler class, which is used to correctly handle opening and
    saving existing Excel files and to apply styles to the Excel workbook.
  • Allow specifying changes to Matplotlib's rcParams for fitting when using launch_main_gui.
    If None are specified, will use the selected DataSource's figure_rcparams attribute.
  • Allow columns to be removed by PreprocessFunctions, which also correctly updates
    the unique variable references.
  • When importing data, columns of the imported data are now sorted following the user-input
    column numbers (eg. if the user-specified columns were 1, 0, 2, then the data would first
    be imported with columns ordered as 0, 1, 2 and then the columns are rearranged to 1, 0, 2.
    Note that column names are still specified as ascending numbers, so even though the data
    corresponds to columns 1, 0, 2 in the data file, the column names in the pandas DataFrame
    are still 0, 1, 2). Note that this feature was already implemented when importing from
    spreadsheets, but is now extended to all other formats.
  • Allow using Matplotlib keybindings for most embedded figures, such as within the fitting GUI.
    This allows doing things like switching axis scales from linear to log.
  • Added more fit descriptors to the saved Excel file from fitting, such as whether the
    fit converged and the number of independant variables.
  • Added numerical calculations for area, extremum, mode, and full-width-at-half-maximum
    when doing data fitting. These calculations are performed on the peak models after
    fitting, and are included to at least give an estimate of their values for models
    that do not have analytical solutions, like Breit-Wigner-Fano, Moffat, and skewed Gaussian/Voigt.
  • Made the file import options more flexible by allowing user to select whether or not
    to use same import options for all files (option is ignored for spreadsheet-like files).
    Also allow inputting previous inputs for the file import function, so that any changes
    to the defaults can be maintained, especially helpful when manually opening files for
    fitting or plotting.
  • Added a modified Breit-Wigner-Fano peak model for fitting.
  • The fitting GUI now allows confirmation of the fit results before proceeding. A plot of
    the fit results and a printed out fit report are given, and the user can select to go
    back and redo the fit.
  • Allow inputting Excel styles in launch_fitting_gui so that custom styles can be used
    when writing fit results to Excel when using launch_fitting_gui directly.
  • Created a EmbeddedFigure class in plot_utils for easily creating windows with
    embedded Matplotlib figures that optionally have events. Is easily subclassed to
    create custom windows with embedded figures and event loops.

Bug Fixes

  • DPI awareness is no longer set immediately upon importing mcetl on Windows
    operating systems. That way, users can decide whether or not to set dpi
    awareness. To set dpi awareness, users must call mcetl.set_dpi_awareness()
    before opening any GUIs.
  • Correctly handle PermissionError for the main GUI when deciding which folder
    to save file searches to and when writing file searches to file. PermissionError
    is still raised if read access is not granted, so that user is made aware that
    they need to set the folder to something that grants access.
  • Added a function in utils for converting pandas series to numpy with a specific
    dtype to reduce the chance of error occuring during conversion.
  • Fixed an issue when plotting in Excel with a log scale if one of the specified bounds was <= 0.
  • The data import window will only attempt to assign indices for a DataSource's
    unique variables if processing.
  • The entry and sample separation columns that are added when using the main GUI if
    processing and writing to Excel are now removed when splitting the merged dataframes
    back into individual entries, so that the returned DataFrames contain only the
    actual data.
  • Ensured that Excel sheet names are valid.
  • Simplified writing to csv for plotting GUI. Removed the column indices when reading/writing
    csv data within the plotting GUI. Now, columns are just directly taken from the data.
  • Switched to using df.iloc[:, col_number] rather than df[col_number] to get columns
    by their indices so that dataframes with repeated column names will not produce errors.
  • Made it so that '.' is removed from the user-input file extension when doing file searching
    only if the '.' is the first character in the string. This way, file types with multiple
    extensions, like tar.gz, are now possible to use.
  • The raw data generated for Raman was accidently being saved as a csv
    rather than as a tab-separated txt file.
  • Fixed issue when using lmfit.models.ConstantModel for fitting, which
    gives a single value rather than an array. Now, replace the single value
    with an array with the same size as the data being fit so that it does not
    cause errors when plotting.
  • Fixed IndexError that occurred when using the fitting GUI and trying
    to fit residuals.
  • Fixed issue where Voigt models with manual peak selection and vary gamma parameter
    set to True would not set an initial value for gamma.

Other Changes

  • Reduced import time of mcetl. On my machine, the import time for version 0.4.0
    is -80% less than version 0.3.0.
  • Replaced sympy with asteval for parsing user expressions when creating secondary
    axes for the plotting GUI. This requires the user to input forward and backward
    expressions, but otherwise requires no changes. Also, it technically drops a requirement
    for mcetl, since asteval is already required for lmfit.
  • Reordered package layout. Moved all fitting related files to a mcetl.fitting,
    and moved all plotting related files to mcetl.plotting. This will allow expansion
    of the fitting and plotting sections without burdening the main folder.
  • Renamed peak_fitting_gui to fitting_gui since I intend to extend the fitting
    beyond just peak fitting.
  • Made all of the methods that are only internally used private for DataSource and
    the Function objects, so that users do not use them.
  • Updated required versions for several dependencies.
  • Added Python 3.9 to the supported Python versions.
  • Created mcetl.fitting.models, which can be filled later with any additional models.
    Put the modified Breit-Wigner-Fano function in fitting.models.
  • Created mcetl.plot_utils that contains all helper functions and classes for plotting.
  • The plotting GUI switched back to using "utf-8" encoding when saving data to a csv file
    (was made to use "raw_unicode_escape" in v0.3.0).

Deprecations/Breaking Changes

  • Renamed SeparationFunction to PreprocessFunction to make its usage more clear.
  • Changed the file extension for the theme files for the plotting GUI from ".figtheme"
    to ".figjson" to make it more clear that it is just a json file. Converting existing
    files should be easy, just change the extension.
  • mcetl.launch_peak_fitting_gui() and mcetl.launch_plotting_gui() are no longer valid.
    Instead, use 'from mcetl import fitting, plotting; fitting.launch_fitting_gui();
  • The keyword arguments 'excel_writer_formats' and 'figure_rcParams' for DataSource
    were changed to 'excel_writer_styles' and 'figure_rcparams', respectively.
  • DataSource only accepts keyword arguments besides the first argmument, which
    is the DataSource's name.
  • The keyword argument 'peaks...
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Release v0.3.0

08 Nov 17:35
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0.3.0 (2020-11-08)

This is a minor version with new features, bug fixes, and documentation improvements.

Note: The output of the launch_main_gui function was changed to a single, dictionary output.

New Features

  • Validation of user-input in the GUIs now converts the string inputs into the desired
    data type during validation, rather than requiring further processing after validation.
    Updated all modules for this new change.
  • Added the ability to use constraints in the data validation function for user-inputs,
    allowing user-inputs to be bounded between two values.
  • Added functions to to create data for pore size analysis (emulating
    the output of the ImageJ software when analyzing images), uniaxial tensile tests,
    and rheometry.
  • The plotting GUI now uses "raw_unicode_escape" encoding when saving data to a csv file.
    This has no impact on the data after reloading, but it makes any Unicode more readable
    in the csv file. The module still uses "utf-8" encoding as the default when loading csv
    files, but will fall back to "raw_unicode_escape" in the event "utf-8" encoding errors.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where an additional set of data entry column labels was erroneously created
    when using a SummaryCalculation object for summarizing data for a sample.
  • Fixed issue using sorted() with strings rather than integers when sorting the indices
    of datasets to be deleted when using the plotting GUI.
  • Fixed the naming of the standard error for parameters from peak fitting in the output
    Excel file from "standard deviation" to "standard error".

Other Changes

  • The output of the launch_main_gui function is now a single dictionary. This will allow potential
    changes to the output in later versions to not cause breaking changes.
  • The output of launch_main_gui now includes the ExcelWriter object used when saving to Excel.
    This allows access to the Excel file in python after running the launch_main_gui function, in
    case further processing is desired.
  • The peak_fitting_gui module now includes full coverage for the data validation of user-inputs
    for all events.


  • Added DataSource objects to the example program for the three new raw data types.
    These analyses are more in-depth than the existing DataSource objects, and involve both
    CalculationFunction and SummaryFunction objects.
  • Changed the Changelog to group changes into categories rather than labelling each change with
    FEATURE, BUG, etc.

Release v0.2.0

05 Oct 21:23
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0.2.0 (2020-10-05)

This is a minor version with bug fixes, new features, and documentation improvements.

Note: Figure theme (.figtheme) files saved with the plotting gui in versions < 0.2.0
will not be compatible with versions >= 0.2.0.

  • FEATURE: Allow marking and labelling peaks in the plotting gui.

  • FEATURE: File searching is more flexible, allowing for different numbers
    of samples and files for each dataset.

  • FEATURE: The window location for the plotting gui is maintained when
    reopening the window.

  • FEATURE: The json files (previous_search.json and the figure theme files saved
    by the plotting gui) now have indentation, making them more easily read and edited.

  • FEATURE: Figure theme files for the plotting gui now contain a single
    dictionary with all relevant sections as keys. This allows expanding the data
    saved to the file in later versions without making breaking changes.

  • FEATURE: Allow selecting which characterization techniques are used when
    generating raw data.

  • FIX: Changed the Excel start row sent to user-defined functions by adding 2 (to allow
    for the header and subheader rows). Now formulas can directly use the start row variable,
    rather than having to manually add 2 each time. Changed the example program
    to reflect this change.

  • FIX: Changed save location for previous_search.json to an OS-dependant location, so that
    the file is not overwritten when updating the package.

  • FIX: Allow doing peak fitting without saving to Excel.

  • EXAMPLES: Switched from using plt.pause and a while loop to using
    to keep the peak_fitting and generate_raw_data example programs running while the plots
    are open.

  • DOC: Made all the documentation figures have the same file extension, and made
    them wider so they look better in the README where their dimensions cannot be modified.

Release v0.1.2

15 Sep 04:54
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0.1.2 (2020-09-15)

This is a minor patch with a critical bug fix.

  • FIX: Fixed issue using sorted() with a dictionary causing the plotting gui to fail with python 3.7. Used sorted(list(dictionary.keys())) instead.

Release v0.1.1

15 Sep 03:46
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0.1.1 (2020-09-14)

This is a minor release with bug fixes, new features, and documentation improvements.

  • FIX: Fixed how the plotting gui handles twin axes. Now, the main axis is plotted after the twin axes
    so that the bounds, tick params, and grid lines work correctly for all axes.

  • FIX: Fixed an error that occurred when a DataSource object would define Excel plot indices that
    were larger than the number of imported and calculation columns.

  • FIX: New DataSource objects that do not provide a unique_variables input will simply have no
    unique variables, rather than default 'x' and 'y' variables.

  • FIX: Fixed an error where column labels were assigned before performing separation functions, which
    potentially creates labels for less data entries than there actually are.

  • FEATURE: Extended the unicode conversion to cover any input with '\'. This mainly helps with text
    in the plotting gui, allowing multiline text using '\n' while still giving the correct behavior when
    using mathtext with matplotlib.

  • EXAMPLES: Added DataSource objects with correct calculations to the example program for
    each of the characterization techniques covered by mcetl's raw_data.generate_raw_data function.

  • DOC: Added a more in-depth summary for the package, more explanation on the usage of the package, and
    screenshots of some of the guis and program outputs.

Release v0.1.0

14 Sep 02:23
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Release v0.1.0
First official release of mcetl to