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Build multi-arch DIANA and DIANA-Learn Python Docker images for embedded systems

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DIANA xArch Docker Image

Derek Merck
Rhode Island Hospital and Brown University
Providence, RI

Build multi-arch DIANA and DIANA-Learn Python Docker images for embedded systems.


Use It

These images are manifested per modern guidelines so that an appropriately architected image can be will automatically selected for a given tag depending on the pulling architecture.

$ docker run derekmerck/diana           # (latest-amd64, latest-arm32v7, latest-arm64v8)
$ docker run derekmerck/diana-learn     # (latest-amd64, latest-arm32v7, latest-arm64v8)
$ docker run derekmerck/diana-movidius  # (latest-arm32v7)

Images for specific architectures images can be directly pulled from the same namespace using the format derekmerck/orthanc:${TAG}-${ARCH}, where $ARCH is one of amd64, arm32v7, or arm64v8. Explicit architecture specification is sometimes helpful when an indirect build service shadows the production architecture.

Build It

These images are based on the cross-platform resin/${ARCH}-debian:stretch image. base images include the QEMU cross-compiler to facilitate building Docker images for low-power single-board computers while using more powerful Intel-architecture compute servers.

This supports builds for amd64, armhf/arm32v7, and aarch64/arm64v8 architectures. Most low-power single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi and Beagleboard are armhf/arm32v7 devices. The Pine64 and NVIDIA Jetson are aarch64/arm64v8 devices. Desktop computers/vms, UP boards, and the Intel NUC are amd64 devices.

docker-compose.yml contains build recipes for each architecture for both a simple diana image and an diana-learn image. diana-learn is based on diana, but since we cannot define build dependencies in a compose file (strangely, depends_on only works with run or up), the vanilla diana image must be explicitly built before the diana-learn image.

To build all images:

  1. Register the Docker QEMU cross-compilers
  2. Call docker-compose to build the vanilla diana images
  3. Call docker-compose to build the diana-learn images
  4. Get docker-manifest from Github
  5. Put Docker into "experimental mode" for manifest creation
  6. Call with an appropriate domain to manifest and push the images
$ docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset
$ docker-compose build diana-amd64 diana-arm32v7 diana-arm64v8
$ docker-compose bulid diana-learn-amd64 diana-learn-arm32v7 diana-learn-arm64v8
$ pip install git+
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.docker && echo '{"experimental":"enabled"}' > "$HOME/.docker/config.json"
$ python3 --d $DOCKER_USERNAME diana
$ python3 --d $DOCKER_USERNAME diana-learn

A Travis automation pipeline for git-push-triggered image regeneration and tagging is demonstrated in the .travis.yml script. However, these cross-compiling jobs exceed Travis' 50-minute timeout window, so builds are currently done by hand using cloud infrastructure.

docker run -it diana-amd64 python3 -c "import diana; print(diana.__version__)"

docker run -it diana-learn-amd64 python3 -c "import tensorflow; print(tensorflow.__version__)"


curl -O

The official arm32 tensorflow wheels are available from pypi or as nightly build artifacts. The wheel name for the python 3.4 build has to be manipuated to remove the platform restriction tags in order to install on 3.5 or 3.6.

NVIDIA provides a recent tensorflow wheel for their Jetson TXs.


The Intel Movidius NPU drivers from the NCSDK v2.0 are available in the diana-movidius tag. Only the toolkit itself is installed, tensorflow is from pypi and caffe must be installed separately if needed.


If you need access to an ARM device for development, rents bare-metal 96-core 128GB aarch64 Cavium ThunderX servers for $0.50/hour. Packet's affiliated Works On Arm program provided compute time for developing and testing these cross-platform images.

An arm64v8 image can be built natively and pushed from Packet, using a brief tenancy on a bare-metal Cavium ThunderX ARMv8 server.

$ apt update && apt upgrade
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sh 
$ docker run hello-world
$ apt install git python-pip
$ pip install docker-compose
$ git clone
$ cd diana-xarch
$ docker-compose build diana-arm64v8
$ docker-compose build diana-learn-arm64v8
$ python3 diana-xarch.manifest.yml

Although Resin uses Packet ARM servers to compile arm32 images, the available ThunderX does not implement the arm32 instruction set, so it cannot compile natively for the Raspberry Pi.

Now pull the image tag. You can confirm that the appropriate image has been pulled by starting a container with the command arch.

$ docker pull derekmerck/orthanc
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from derekmerck/orthanc
Digest: sha256:1975e3a92cf9099284fc3bb2d05d3cf081d49babfd765f96f745cf8a23668ff6
Status: Downloaded newer image for derekmerck/orthanc:latest
$ docker run derekmerck/orthanc arch

You can also confirm the image architecture without running a container by inspecting the value of .Config.Labels.architecture. (This is a creator-defined label that is different than the normal .Architecture key -- which appears to always report as amd64.)

$ docker inspect derekmerck/orthanc --format "{{ .Config.Labels.architecture }}"




Build multi-arch DIANA and DIANA-Learn Python Docker images for embedded systems







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