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yauheni-deriv committed Sep 3, 2024
1 parent bf148ad commit 7f00132
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 7 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions translation/uz.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"Decreasing Bar": "Pasayadigan Bar",
"Detrended": "Trendsiz",
"Detrended Price Oscillator": "Trendsiz Narx Oscillator",
"Developed by Larry Williams, Williams %R is a momentum indicator that is the inverse of the Fast Stochastic Oscillator. Also referred to as %R, Williams %R reflects the level of the close relative to the highest high for the look-back period.": "Larri Uilyams tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan Uilyams %R tez stokastik oscillator teskari bo'lgan momentum ko'rsatkichidir. %R deb ham ataladi, Uilyams %R orqaga qarash davri uchun eng yuqori darajaga nisbatan yaqinlik darajasini aks ettiradi.",
"Developed by Larry Williams, Williams %R is a momentum indicator that is the inverse of the Fast Stochastic Oscillator. Also referred to as %R, Williams %R reflects the level of the close relative to the highest high for the look-back period.": "Larri Uilyams tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan Uilyams %R Fast Stochastic Oscillator teskari bo'lgan momentum ko'rsatkichidir. %R deb ham ataladi, Uilyams %R orqaga qarash davri uchun eng yuqori darajaga nisbatan yaqinlik darajasini aks ettiradi.",
"Developed by Tushar Chande in 1995, Aroon is an indicator system that determines whether a stock is trending or not and how strong the trend is. There are two separate indicators: Aroon-Up and Aroon-Down. A 25-day Aroon-Up measures the number of days since a 25-day high. A 25-day Aroon-Down measures the number of days since a 25-day low.": "1995-yilda Tushar Chande tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan Aroon indikator tizimi bo‘lib, u aktsiyaning trendga ega yoki yo‘qligini va trend qanchalik kuchli ekanligini aniqlaydi. Ikkita alohida ko'rsatkich mavjud: Aroon-Up va Aroon-Down. 25 kunlik Aroon-Up 25 kunlik eng yuqori ko'rsatkichdan keyingi kunlar sonini o'lchaydi. 25 kunlik Aroon-Down 25 kunlik eng past ko'rsatkichdan keyingi kunlar sonini o'lchaydi.",
"Display data for a specific date and time": "Muayyan sana va vaqt uchun ma'lumotlarni ko'rsatish",
"Display remaining time for each interval": "Har bir interval uchun qolgan vaqtni ko'rsatish",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
"PNG": "PNG",
"Point": "Nuqta",
"Positive Bar": "Ijobiy Bar",
"Price Rate of Change": "Narxning O'zgarish Darajasi",
"Price Rate of Change": "Price Rate of Change",
"Price ROC": "ROC narxi",
"Rainbow MA": "Rainbow MA",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,14 +212,14 @@
"Standard Deviations": "Standart Og'ishlar",
"Stch Mtm": "Stch Mtm",
"Stochastic": "Stokastik",
"Stochastic Momentum Index": "Stokastik Momentum Indeksi",
"Stochastic Oscillator": "Stokastik Osilator",
"Stochastic Momentum Index": "Stochastic Momentum Index",
"Stochastic Oscillator": "Stochastic Oscillator",
"Streaming for [symbol] is not available due to license restrictions": "Litsenziya cheklovlari tufayli [symbol] uchun oqim mavjud emas",
"Teeth": "Tishlar",
"Teeth Offset": "Tishlar Ofseti",
"Teeth Period": "Tishlar Davri",
"Templates": "Shablonlar",
"The Average Directional Movement Index index (ADX) was developed in 1978 by J. Welles Wilder as an indicator of trend strength in a series of prices of a financial instrument ADX will range between 0 and 100. Generally, ADX readings below 20 indicate trend weakness, and readings above 40 indicate trend strength.": "O'rtacha Yo'nalishli Harakat Indeksi (ADX) 1978 yilda J. Welles Wilder tomonidan ADX moliyaviy vositalarining narxlari qatorida trend kuchining koʻrsatkichi sifatida ishlab chiqilgan boʻlib, 0 dan 100 gacha boʻladi. Odatda, 20 dan past boʻlgan ADX koʻrsatkichlari tendentsiya zaifligini koʻrsatadi., va 40 dan yuqori ko'rsatkichlar trend kuchini ko'rsatadi.",
"The Average Directional Movement Index index (ADX) was developed in 1978 by J. Welles Wilder as an indicator of trend strength in a series of prices of a financial instrument ADX will range between 0 and 100. Generally, ADX readings below 20 indicate trend weakness, and readings above 40 indicate trend strength.": "Average Directional Movement Index Indeksi (ADX) 1978 yilda J. Welles Wilder tomonidan ADX moliyaviy vositalarining narxlari qatorida trend kuchining koʻrsatkichi sifatida ishlab chiqilgan boʻlib, 0 dan 100 gacha boʻladi. Odatda, 20 dan past boʻlgan ADX koʻrsatkichlari tendentsiya zaifligini koʻrsatadi., va 40 dan yuqori ko'rsatkichlar trend kuchini ko'rsatadi.",
"The Awesome Oscillator is an indicator used to measure market momentum. AO calculates the difference of a 34 Period and 5 Period Simple Moving Averages. The Simple Moving Averages that are used are not calculated using closing price but rather each bar's midpoints. AO is generally used to affirm trends or to anticipate possible reversals.": "Awesome Oscillator bozor momentum o'lchash uchun ishlatiladigan ko'rsatkichdir. AO 34 davr va 5 davr Oddiy Harakatlanuvchi Oʻrtachalar farqini hisoblab chiqadi. Amaldagi oddiy harakatlanuvchi o'rtachalar yopilish narxidan foydalanib hisoblanmaydi, balki har bir barning o'rta nuqtalari bo'yicha hisoblanadi. AO odatda trendlarni tasdiqlash yoki mumkin bo'lgan o'zgarishlarni kutish uchun ishlatiladi.",
"The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is a versatile indicator that can be used to identify a new trend or warn of extreme conditions.": "Tovar Kanallari Indeksi (CCI) yangi trend aniqlash yoki ekstremal sharoitlardan ogohlantirish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan ko'p qirrali ko'rsatkichdir.",
"The Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO) helps to identify price cycles without the influence of short- and long-term trends. The DPO compares a simple moving average to a historical pricenear the middle of a specified period. It also shows the peaks and drops over that particular period, making it easier to predict buy points.": "Trendsiz Narx Oscillator (DPO) qisqa va uzoq muddatli trendlarning ta'sirisiz narx tsikllarini aniqlashga yordam beradi. DPO oddiy harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha ko'rsatkichni belgilangan davr o'rtalaridagi tarixiy narx bilan taqqoslaydi. Shuningdek, u o'sha davrdagi cho'qqilar va pasayishlarni ko'rsatadi, bu esa xarid nuqtalarini bashorat qilishni osonlashtiradi.",
Expand All @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
"The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indikatori joriy narx va x-vaqt oldingi narx o'rtasidagi farqni ko'rsatadi. Farq nuqtalarda yoki foizda ko'rsatilishi mumkin.",
"The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Rainbow Harakatlanuvchi Oʻrtacha (RMA) bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha chiziqlarni ko'rsatadi. Chiziqlar kesishganda, bu narxning teskari ko'rsatkichidir va chiziqlarning burchagi trend kuchini bashorat qilishda yordam beradi. Egri chiziq qanchalik tik bo'lsa, trend shunchalik kuchli bo'ladi. Narx pastdan harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha chiziqlarni kesib o'tganda, u ko'tarilish trend bildiradi. Narx yuqoridan harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha chiziqlarni kesib o'tganda, u pasayish trend bildiradi. Bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha ko'rsatkichlarni ishlatish bilan solishtirganda RMA dan foydalanish osonroq.",
"The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The flutter_chart_id of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent pieces within the selected lookback window length.": "Nisbiy Kuch Indeksi (RSI) J. Welles Wilder tomonidan nashr etilgan. Joriy narx 0 dan 100 gacha foiz sifatida normallashtiriladi. Ushbu oscillator flutter_chart_identifikatori noto'g'ri, chunki u asbobni boshqa asbob yoki asboblar to'plamiga nisbatan solishtirmaydi, balki tanlangan mahsulot ichidagi boshqa so'nggi qismlarga nisbatan joriy narxni ifodalaydi. Qayta ko'rish oynasining uzunligi.",
"The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Stokastik Momentum Indeksi (SMI) bozorda haddan tashqari sotib olingan yoki haddan tashqari sotilgan sharoitlarni aniqlashga va pasayish yoki yuksalish trendlarini bashorat qilishga yordam beradi. U joriy yopilish narxi va yuqori/past diapazonning medianasi orasidagi masofani hisoblab chiqadi va diagrammada 2 qatorni ko‘rsatadi: birinchisi (%K nomi bilan tanilgan) narx harakatini, ikkinchisi (%D nomi bilan tanilgan) narx harakatini ifodalaydi. birinchi qatorning harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha qiymati. Agar yopilish narxi yuqori/past diapazonning medianasidan yuqori bo'lsa, SMI ijobiy qiymatni qaytaradi. Agar yopilish narxi o'rtacha narxdan past bo'lsa, salbiy qiymat qaytariladi. 40 dan yuqori qiymatlar ko'tarilish trend, -40 dan past qiymatlar pasayish trend ko'rsatadi.",
"The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) bozorda haddan tashqari sotib olingan yoki haddan tashqari sotilgan sharoitlarni aniqlashga va pasayish yoki yuksalish trendlarini bashorat qilishga yordam beradi. U joriy yopilish narxi va yuqori/past diapazonning medianasi orasidagi masofani hisoblab chiqadi va diagrammada 2 qatorni ko‘rsatadi: birinchisi (%K nomi bilan tanilgan) narx harakatini, ikkinchisi (%D nomi bilan tanilgan) narx harakatini ifodalaydi. birinchi qatorning harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha qiymati. Agar yopilish narxi yuqori/past diapazonning medianasidan yuqori bo'lsa, SMI ijobiy qiymatni qaytaradi. Agar yopilish narxi o'rtacha narxdan past bo'lsa, salbiy qiymat qaytariladi. 40 dan yuqori qiymatlar ko'tarilish trend, -40 dan past qiymatlar pasayish trend ko'rsatadi.",
"Themes": "Mavzular",
"There are no favorites yet.": "Hali sevimlilar yo'q.",
"This indicator does not support 1-tick intervals. To use this indicator, change your chart time interval to 1 minute or more.": "Ushbu indikator 1-tikli intervallarni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi. Ushbu indikatordan foydalanish uchun grafik vaqt oralig'ini 1 daqiqa yoki undan ko'proqqa o'zgartiring.",
Expand All @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"Up to 5 active indicators allowed.": "5 tagacha faol indicators ruxsat beriladi.",
"Variable": "O'zgaruvchan",
"Vertical [num]": "Vertikal [num]",
"Volatility": "O'zgaruvchanlik",
"Volatility": "Volatility",
"Weighted": "Og'irlangan",
"Welles Wilder": "Uells Uaylder",
"William's %R": "Uilyamning %R",
Expand Down

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