Tensorflow port of Yoon Kim's Torch7 code. See also similar project here that failed to reproduce Kim's results and was apparently abandoned by the author. Many pieces of code are borrowed from it.
You need tensorflow version 0.12 and python (obviously).
python train.py -h
python evaluate.py -h
python train.py
will train large model from Yoon Kim's paper.
python evaluate.py --load_model cv/epoch024_4.4962.model
evaluates this model on the test dataset
python generate.py --load_model cv/epoch024_4.4962.model
generates random text from the loaded model
graph is used for inference (computing validation loss and perplexity during training)
graph is used for training.
Learning rate | Train/Valid/Test loss | Train/Valid/Test perplexity |
1.0 | 3.815 / 4.407 / 4.370 | 35.40 / 82.02 / 79.00 |
Note that model DOES reproduce the published result.
Timings were recorded on AWS EC2 instancies:
- 32 CPUs, no GPUsg2.2xlarge
- 8 CPU, 1 GPU (K520)p2.xlarge
- 4 CPU, 1 GPU (K80)
Timing | c4.8xlarge |
g2.2xlarge |
p2.xlarge |
Secs per batch | 0.98 | 2.85 | 0.32 |
Secs per epoch | 1404 | 3779 | 428 |
Takes 3 hours to complete training (25 epochs) on p2.xlarge
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