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Export Figma, Sketch, AdobeXD, HTML/CSS to React js code and integrate with your code base, using Desech Studio - nocode visual HTML/CSS editor


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React plugin for Desech Studio


  • In Desech Studio
    • Go to Settings > Plugins > React and install it
    • Go to File > Project Settings > Export Code Plugin > set to "React"

Test the react app

  • In Desech Studio add an element and Save.
  • Every time you save, the react app files will be copied over to the _export folder of your desech project.
  • Know that while Desech Studio creates new react component files and only updates the named sections, it will not cleanup components that you have removed/moved/renamed. This also applies to storybook files. You will have to manually remove the unneeded react files.
  • There you can run the following, to test the react app:
npm install --force
npm start
  • Now you can access your react app at http://localhost:3000/
  • Every time you save inside Desech Studio, it will push updates to the react app

Storybook integration

  • Check the docs for further reading
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider # linux / mac os only
set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider # windows only
npm run storybook
  • Check the _export/src/stories folder for the actual stories

Desech Studio integration


  • Anchor links need to follow this format /contact.html with a backslash at the beginning and an .html extension at the end
    • <a> elements are not converted to <Link> because of how overrides work. You will have to add your own page history code to the application.
  • Anywhere inside text you can write code like {user.userId} and it will be exported as react JSX code.
    • Element attributes and properties are also converted to code if they are wrapped between curly brackets, ie {foo}
    • If you add it as a component override, then it will no longer be parsed as code.
  • reactIf, reactFor, etc can't be used as component overrides. If you do override them, then the overrides will simply be ignored.
  • If you're getting a babel error for NODE_ENV, then do what it says. Open the _export/node_modules/babel-preset-react-app/index.js file and set const env = 'development'
  • Make sure you set an alt value for images, otherwise react will complain about it
  • Instead of <option> elements with the selected attribute, you should add the attributedefaultValue on the <select> element.
  • SVG code inside html is poorly supported by JSX, so make sure the svg is clean without styles and meta tags
  • For textarea elements, you need to use the defaultValue property, instead of setting the textarea value field.
  • Note that React handles white space differently. In Desech Studio, you will need to add {' '} in between the text inline elements that require it.
  • If you use dots inside attribute/property names, React won't be able to parse the JSX code.
  • If you want to use curly brackets { and } as text, not as JSX code, then use {'{'} and {'}'} like so: Some object {'{'}id: 1{'}'}. This will make react to render it as Some object {id: 1}
    • If the information is coming from the database, then you will have to parse your text and replace all curly brackets with the corresponding variable
  • When we replace attribute value strings with JSX code we will remove the extra quotes. If you have some random text inside an html element like attribute="{curly}", after the replace, it will become attribute={curly}, without the quotes.
    • If you want the quotes, then use this text inside Desech Studio attribute={'"'}{curly}{'"'}
  • className properties are ignored
  • You can not unrender the root element of a component because the inserted if condition will trigger a JSX parsing error

React attributes/properties

  • Inside Desech Studio you can add react directives in the Programming properties for both elements and components
  • You can set any react specific attributes like tabIndex, onClick, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, etc.
    • If you want to set dangerouslySetInnerHTML, then you must use a block, not a text element and then set the value for the property to {{ __html: '<b>bold</b' }}
    • If you try to override dangerouslySetInnerHTML it will result in a JSX parsing error
  • To use if conditions or for loops you need to use reactIf or reactFor, similar to how angular and vue works:
    • reactIf with users.length > 0 will export this react code:
      • {users.length > 0 && <div>...</div>}
    • reactFor with user in users will export this react code:
      • { => <li>...</li>)}
      • Please remember to add a key property too, for example key = {}
      • If you don't want a custom key then you can just use reactFor = (user, index) in users and key = {index}
    • reactIfFor with users.length > 0 :: user in users will export this react code:
      • {users.length > 0 && => <li>...</li>)}
    • reactForIf with user in users :: > 0 will export this react code:
      • { => > 0 && <li>...</li>}
    • You can only have one of these properties at one time. You can't have both reactIf and reactFor for example. Instead use reactIfFor or reactForIf

Plugin Development

  • That's it. Ignore the rest if you don't plan on doing development on this plugin.
  • It's also probably best to have Desech Studio closed during this step.
  • If you plan on helping out with code or extend this plugin, do the following:
cd "/home/<username>/.config/Desech Studio/plugin"
  - this is the plugins folder of `Desech Studio` on Linux
  - on Mac it's `/home/<username>/Library/Application Support/Desech Studio/plugin`
  - on Windows it's `C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/Desech Studio/plugin`
rm -rf desech-studio-react
  - if you have the react plugin already install, delete it
git clone desech-studio-react
  - you might need to use your own fork of this repo on github
cd desech-studio-react
npm install --force
cd dist
rm -rf *
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm run eject
  - you might need to git commit and push all changes before ejecting if you are in a git repo
  - alternatively you can just remove the `.git` folder
npm install react-router-dom
npm install prop-types
npx sb init
- open `.storybook/main.js` and add `"staticDirs": [ "../public" ],`
rm -rf node_modules public .git package-lock.json yarn.lock
cd src
rm -rf App* index.css logo.svg stories
- open the `src/index.js` file and delete the `import './index.css';` line
  • Now Desech Studio will use this git repository for the react plugin instead of the standard one.
  • Warning: Make sure you don't touch the version in the package.json file, because Desech Studio will try to upgrade and it will delete everything and re-download the new version of this plugin.
    • Only update the version when you git push everything and you are done with development

Included npm packages

All Desech Studio plugins have access to the following npm libraries, because they come with the application:

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Export Figma, Sketch, AdobeXD, HTML/CSS to React js code and integrate with your code base, using Desech Studio - nocode visual HTML/CSS editor








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