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deseven edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 4 revisions

Any template should have at least one file in template's root directory, called template.html. You can create any number of other files and directories to maintain a structure you like.

Template (and pages, too!) can contain the following variables:

  • {VODKA:HEAD} for head tags
  • {VODKA:CANONICAL} for canonical URL
  • {VODKA:DESCRIPTION} for meta description
  • {VODKA:KEYWORDS} for meta keywords
  • {VODKA:MENU} for generated menu
  • {VODKA:CONTENT} for page content
  • {VODKA:TITLE} for page title
  • {VODKA:BASEURL} for base site url
  • {VODKA:TEMPLATE} for template path (if needed)

All variables can be used once or many times, you can also add your own variables and replace them dynamically using replaceVar() method or custom page parameter.

To get an idea how your template.html should look like, check out demo template.

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